Fix for WiFi Sleep Policy Issue on the Kindle Fire

If I have learnt anything at all from the world of gadgetry, especially stuff that’s being launched over the past couple of years, it is that products rarely launch nowadays without some bug or glitch rearing its ugly head to put a dampener on things ─ sometimes even on things that you thought your device was perfect for. The Kindle Fire has been one of these really awesome devices to launch in recent days. And sometimes I curse myself for my impatience in getting the Xoom, sadly though, the Kindle Fire has also been unable to escape what I would like to hereby call the “post-launch bug inevitability”.

Well, tell you what, XDA member death2all110 has come up with a fix, which resolves the WiFi sleep policy on your Fire. Before we get into it, it is necessary to understand that this is a slightly complex solution, which will involve a reasonable amount of command line usage, but let me also tell you that it is well worth the effort. And death2all110 has been gracious enough to provide an extremely detailed and step-by-step method to fix this particularly irritating bug, we are so thankful to him for his efforts.

Please remember that you need to be rooted, and have ADB ( Android Debug Bridge) installed and set up on your PC/laptop.

You can find the Step-by-step guide to fix the wifi sleep issue on the Kindle fire in this thread.

So give it a shot ( I’m positive it will work ) and express your joy in the comments below.

BTW, you may want to visit our page on Kindle Fire Hacks to get learn some more hacks. Enjoy.


  1. It seems like the Kindle Fire is a good device for the most part but it still seems to have lots of bugs.

  2. Thanks for letting me know about this. I was wondering why when I download things sometimes they are just not there. Though I think you should have mentioned what the wifi sleep problem is in the article.

    Wifi should not shut down while you are downloading a file just because the screen is turned off, however the hack only allows you to choose to turn off wifi when 1) screen turns off 2) never or 3) when not plugged in.  I wonder if one of the Android apps for controlling configs might work on the Fire.


    1. No it happens with many devices ─ WiFi just turns off to save battery when in sleep mode. I’ve had this issue with both of my phones ─ SE Xperia Arc and Galaxy S, but you’re right about some Apps available in the Market (I don’t remember the Apps’ name) but it did help with the Galaxy S. So they may also work on KF.

    2. No it happens with many devices ─ WiFi just turns off to save battery when in sleep mode. I’ve had this issue with both of my phones ─ SE Xperia Arc and Galaxy S, but you’re right about some Apps available in the Market (I don’t remember the Apps’ name) but it did help with the Galaxy S. So they may also work on KF.

  3. Thanks for letting me know about this. I was wondering why when I download things sometimes they are just not there. Though I think you should have mentioned what the wifi sleep problem is in the article.

    Wifi should not shut down while you are downloading a file just because the screen is turned off, however the hack only allows you to choose to turn off wifi when 1) screen turns off 2) never or 3) when not plugged in.  I wonder if one of the Android apps for controlling configs might work on the Fire.


    1. No it happens with many devices ─ WiFi just turns off to save battery when in sleep mode. I’ve had this issue with both of my phones ─ SE Xperia Arc and Galaxy S, but you’re right about some Apps available in the Market (I don’t remember the Apps’ name) but it did help with the Galaxy S. So they may also work on KF.

  4. Thanks for letting me know about this. I was wondering why when I download things sometimes they are just not there. Though I think you should have mentioned what the wifi sleep problem is in the article.

    Wifi should not shut down while you are downloading a file just because the screen is turned off, however the hack only allows you to choose to turn off wifi when 1) screen turns off 2) never or 3) when not plugged in.  I wonder if one of the Android apps for controlling configs might work on the Fire.


    1. No it happens with many devices ─ WiFi just turns off to save battery when in sleep mode. I’ve had this issue with both of my phones ─ SE Xperia Arc and Galaxy S, but you’re right about some Apps available in the Market (I don’t remember the Apps’ name) but it did help with the Galaxy S. So they may also work on KF.

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