Install HTJ85B Latest Android OS Version 3.2 on Wi-Fi only Motorola Xoom

Android has its new version out — Android 3.2, and it’s tablet-only. The first tablet to receive the Android 3.2 update — coined as HTJ85B — is the Android 3.x Honeycomb’s mother device, the Motorola Xoom. But not all Moto Xooms are lucky to get the update, for now, it seems only Wi-Fi only Xooms are getting the HTJ85B update over-the-air, which is around 15 MB in size.

Android 3.2 HTJ85B brings the much-touted recently feature of compatibility zooming in apps which would optimize the apps made for phones (smaller resolution devices) to run better on tablets (higher resolution devices). And this is the only reason you’d want the Android 3.2 HTJ85B update as soon as you can.

Good news is that it’s also available on download and manual installation thanks to awesome developer community, but it’s not as easy and smooth as you would expect and therefore it’s more suited to tech-savvy android extremists only who are pretty experienced with the Xoom hacks.

If you can’t wait for the OTA and would prefer the manual installation — bearing the greater risks that come with it — check out this page which will take you through the requirements and download links and installation procedures.

But keep this in mind that it’s NOT for 3G/4G Xooms and non-US Xooms (whether they are Wi-Fi only or 3G/4G versions). Your Xoom needs to be US Wi-Fi only version to be eligible for this hack otherwise you may end up with a paper-weight-only Xoom. Also, you’ll need to un-install custom ROM (if you’ve one) and the stock Android 3.1 Wi-Fi MZ604 version is a must too, as also the root and clockworkmod recovery. But worry not the link above takes care of everything.

Via Droid-Life

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: