Download Google Play APK 5.6.8

Update: New version available. Find the latest Google Play Store APK v6.7.12 here.

A new update has hit the Google Play app, upgrading its version to v5.6.8 from 5.6.6. A minor upgrade no doubt, but if like us you always want to use the latest version, here’s the download link of the latest APK and reference to how you can install the app using the APK file.

It’s completely safe to install the latest Google Play Store app using the APK file, and very easy too.

Check out the download link right below. About how to install Google Play Store 5.6.8, see this page on how to install APK files.

  Download Play Store APK 5.6.8

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: