Android Market Test Version Spotted!

Folks over at Tech From 10 found a test version of Android Market installed on their Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant. Visually the test version is not different from the current version of Market. But, there were these few new things in the market:

  • Inclusion of “Content Rating” in description of the apps. Following are the ratings:
    • Everyone,
    • Low Maturity,
    • Medium Maturity,
    • and High Maturity.
  • Google Talk client stated as GTalk 9.5.3 that includes the following new permissions that current GTalk app doesn’t have:
    • Record audio
    • Change audio settings
    • Take pictures
  • New Music app stated as version 3.0 (similar to the Music app of Android 3.0 Honeycomb)
  • And the following three test apps:
    • Google Gallery 3D New 10.2
    • Google – Camera v12
    • Google Desk Clock 10

You can download the New Music App from here. And the other three test apps “Gallery 3d New 10.2, Camera v12 and Desk Clock 10” from here.

Source: techfrom10

Posted by
Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email:


  1. The links you provided to the New Music app, 3D Gallery, New Camera and Desk clock do not work.

    Can you please update these links as I’d love to get my hands on them.

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