Android Gains Huge Marketshare even without counting HTC EVO and Droid incredible

Smart Phone Marketshare

We recently learned that android phones are selling red hot with around daily sales of 100,000 devices and now we got some evidence of the impact it has made, at least in US. The figures released by Quantcast reveal that Android is growing at rapid pace against other platforms and in fact is the main reason, if not the only (hello iPhone!) behind their fall in share.

It’s true iPhone dominates with around 60% market share but that’s after including iPods and iPads. But Android is catching fast, really. It gained nearly 12.2% this year alone while iPhone saw a dip of 8.1%. The fun-fact – contribution by HTC EVO and Droid Incredible (Funny! these are two famous ‘outsold’ android devices public is lining after) is not included above, which makes it pretty clear, the kind of hell android is unleashing on iPhone and others.

Enjoy the pics below and if you are a stock market nut, give us a tip or two about the trends and all that, you know.

Android market Share 20 percent

mobile os market share chart

Via ReadWriteWeb

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: