Android 7.1 Root: Would it be easy?

  Update (20th October 2016): Google just released Android 7.1.1 developer preview release (NPF10C) and it’s easily rootable with the existing rooting tools like SuperSU and Magisk. Check out the link below for more details:

[icon name=”hand-o-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] How to Root Android 7.1.1 on Nexuus 5X, 6P and Pixel C  

  Update (23rd September 2016): Word just came in that the new Pixel phones (which will be shipping with Android 7.1 on-board) won’t be easy to root. This is due to hardened security on the Android 7.1 release. But fret! We’ve good faith that folks like Chainfire will come around the troubles with rooting Android 7.1 in a matter of few days once Pixel phones are out. 
  Update (19th September 2016): New Android 7.1 build number leaked in benchmark tests – NDE63H.

Although it has only been a couple of weeks since the release of Android 7.0 Nougat update for supported Nexus devices. But rumor mill has it that Google will be releasing Android 7.1 update very soon with build number NDE63B.

There have been several reports of Android 7.0 Nougat issues ranging from serious battery drain to bluetooth connectivity and more. So it’s not all surprising that El Goog is ready with another update for Nougat.

However, if you’re someone like us, you’d be worried of root access on Android 7.1. Although chances are pretty slim of Google introducing major changes to Nougat with a minor release. But should the 7.1 update come with security improvements, then current rooting methods of Nougat may fail to work on Android 7.1.

Still, as long as we’ve people like Chainfire working on rooting Android, we’ve good hope that rooting Android 7.1 would be possible as well.

We’ll be sure to update this post with more info on Android 7.1 root when more details about the update surfaces. Stay tuned..

Happy Androiding!

Posted by
Shivam Malani

Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: