Android 4.2-based CM 10.1 ROM boots up on Samsung Galaxy S3, no downloads yet though

The Galaxy S3 has sold over 30 million units since it was released back in May, and being the flagship device of Samsung along with having amazing specs has ensured that it sees active development when it comes to custom ROMs. CyanogenMod 10 (CM10), based on Android 4.1, didn’t take long to come out for it and has been working quite well on it, other than a few battery drainage issues.

Well, soon you’ll be able to try out Android 4.2 on your Galaxy S3 with CyanogenMod 10.1 (CM10.1), as developer codeworkx has managed to get CM10.1 to boot up on the S3. However, codeworkx has been having problems with the hwcomposer on the S3, which is what is responsible for the graphic rendering done, and is currently causing the screen to not turn on once you lock the screen, so at this point the ROM is pretty unusable, unless you’re okay with keeping the screen on at all times.

But then again, codeworkx is perhaps one of the most talented developer in the CyanogenMod team, so it shouldn’t be too long before a workaround is found for the problem, after which we’ll hopefully get to download and try out CM10.1 on the Galaxy S3.


Via: CodeworkX

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