Android 4.1 Jelly Bean rolling out to ASUS PadFone 2 in Taiwan

When ASUS new smartphone-cum-tablet PadFone 2 was unveiled, it’s top of the line spec sheet had Android 4.0 sticking out like a sore thumb, but ASUS had promised that the Jelly Bean Android 4.1 update would be released in November. Well, November has now passed us by, but ASUS has finally started rolling out the update over the air, at least in Taiwan.

The OTA update has the build number JRO03L with Android version 4.1.1, so it’s not exactly the latest version of Android 4.1 either, though that’s not half bad since Android 4.1.2 doesn’t exactly bring any major improvements over 4.1.1.

Jelly Bean brings new features such as a smoother and more responsive interface, the intelligent virtual assistant Google Now, expandable and actionable notifications, smarter and more intelligent keyboard, faster browser, improved accessibility, resizable widgets, voice dictated typing with the need for an internet connection, and other under the hood changes for faster performance and more consistent operation.

There’s no word on when other countries, such as Singapore and the few other countries where the PadFone 2 has been released, will be seeing the update, but knowing ASUS and their extremely quick updates policy, it shouldn’t be a long wait. Also, when the PadFone 2 does make it to more markets, including the US and Europe, we can expect it to either come with Android 4.1 out of the box or at least have the update immediately available.

Have any of you ASUS PadFone 2 owners received the update yet?

Source: Fone Arena


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