Android 4.0 ICS for Asus Eee Pad Transformer and Eee Pad Slider Confirmed

Now that Google has unveiled the Android 4.0, every more-than-usual known android manufacturer is now busy assuring their customers that they are working to bring the Ice Cream Sandwich to their flagship device. The latest to comment for the Android 4.0 update is Asus, who said on their Facebook page that will update their Transformer and Eee Pad Slider tablets to Android 4.0 for sure. But, the guys didn’t care to give us a time frame of when it’s gonna happening — which is what every other android device maker has done, in fact, not done.

Anyway, if you’re following the Asus news, you might even more interested in knowing that Asus plans to release world’s first quad-core tablet, based on Android 3.2/4.0, on November 7. We do think tat quad-core is dropping sooner than expected, but hey, that’s a very good thing. You ready?

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: