Amazon planning its Android Tablet launch by October

Amazon’s love for Android — or the rivalry with iPad, whatever! — will see it develop an Android based tablet too besides the already-famous-and-forgotten Amazon app store. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that sources familiar with the matter tell of a 9 inch approx — maybe that’s 8.9 inch like LG’s tablet — android tablet in the works which may be launched by October this year. What’s more interesting though is the spec sheet, rumored to boast of NVidia’s quad-core processor Tegra 3 processor called Kal-EI.

Will Amazon’s tablet be the first android tablet with quad-core processor, or Asus has already got its sight on that title?

Since the Amazon’s tablet is from Amazon, it seems destined — I think pretty unhappily — for bloatware in the form of apps repressing the online store’s own set of services: Amazon App Store (though, here’s a hoping that Android market app will find its rightful place, too), Cloud Storage, MP3 Downloads, Video rentals and more, if they could fit in.

The presence of Kal-EI quad-core units is what bragging our interest un-shamefully! Though, we have a feeling that all the boss-sort-of bloatware that Amazon’s gonna stick on this tablet might end up causing issues with speeds, updates and god only know what else. But hey, it’s Android and thanks to always present awesome developer community, bloatware-removing hacks are almost a guarantee, right?

Via Phandroid

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: