It looks like you’ve finally met Reda and discovered the treats that the Opal can offer in AC Valhalla. As Eivor, there is undoubtedly a lot to explore in Ubisoft’s expansive, brilliant game and the Opal element plays an important role in terms of both exploration and currency throughout the game.
From the function of Opal to the best ways to acquire it, here’s a detailed guide on everything there is to know about Opal in AC Valhalla.
What is Opal?
Opal is one of the currencies that can be used to buy exotic goods on Assassins Creed Valhalla. Among all the resources available on the game, Opal is considered to be the most precious because it allows you to trade with Reda, an important NPC in the game. This currency cannot be bought or sold and there are very few ways available in the game that will allow you to acquire them.
Reda’s shop
Once you reach Rank 3, the Thousand Eyes shop, headed by Reda, will appear in your character’s settlement. Reda is a young boy who is a very crucial member of the Thousand Eyes network, members of which you will interact across different locations in the game. The Thousand Eyes shops are spread out across the AC Valhalla World so that you can spend your opals. Members of the network can be identified by a woven cross insignia that graces the boards of their shops.
What you can buy with Opals?
Opals are useful to buy different objects like tattoos, decorations, and cosmetics. PC invasion has listed out the following items that can be purchased from the Thousand Eyes Shop.
- Runestone Tattoo (left arm): 50 opals
- Draugr Sacrifice Decoration: 50 opals
- Huldufolk Tattoo (front): 50 opals
- Mournful Cry (mythical weapon, hammer): 120 opals
Some items, like the Runestone tattoo, are available every day while others come with a weekly deadline. The ideal thing to do is to collect Opals and save it for a good product.
How to get Opals in AC Valhalla
There are two major activities that will earn you Opals in AC Valhalla, one is an exploration of the game world to find the Opals and another is to take contract missions from Reda.
Explore the game world
Opals are scattered across AC Valhalla and you can identify their location on the map by the woven cross symbol marker on a white stone that represents Opals.
To trace the location of these Opals, send out your Raven when you’re out and about exploring the world. Before you completely invest yourself in this method, keep in mind that the pay-off comes in single Opals which may not be very worth it when you consider the cost of items in the store. It’s better to take contract missions instead if you’re looking to earn in bulk.
Here’s a look at every map from AC Valhalla to identify the location of the Opals. Look for the Opal Icon shown right below in each of the maps given below.



Grantebridgescire (1/2)

Grantebridgescire (2/2)

Ledecestrescire (1/2)

Ledecestrescire (2/2)

East Anglia (1/2)

East Anglia (2/2)

Lunden (1/2)

Lunden (2/2)

Oxenefordscire (1/2)

Oxenefordscire (2/2)

Sciropescire (1/1)

Sciropescire (1/2)


Suthsexe (1/1)

Suthsexe (1/2)


Lincolnscire (1/1)

Lincolnscire (2/2)


Eurvicscire (1/4)

Eurvicscire (2/4)

Eurvicscire (3/4)

Eurvicscire (4/4)


Snotinghamscire (1/2)

Snotinghamscire (2/2)


Hamtunscire (1/3)

Hamtunscire (2/3)

Hamtunscire (3/3)

Take contract missions
Reda as well as other young members of the Thousand Eyes offer contract missions that Eivor can perform in exchange for experience and Opals. You can earn 5 Opals off of Daily Contracts and 20 Opals from Weekly contracts. These contracts will assign you quests that must be completed within a specific time limit. The missions that you need to perform will be one of the three kinds: rescue missions, assassinations, and animal kills. They will also have no connection to the main plot of the game.
This covers everything there is to know about Opals in AC Valhalla. We hope you found this article helpful!
Image Credits: PC Invasion