5 Cool Android Apps based On Adobe Air

Cool Adobe Air Android Applications

Developers are making full use of Adobe Air to make apps in a short span of time. We just thought lets gather up some of the recently released top android apps — which in fact includes 3 games — made on the adobe’s fine software.

As for the requirements, you need to have Adobe Air android app on your phone and for that you need android OS version 2.2, Froyo. So, you’re out of luck if your handset isn’t running Froyo!

Check these out!

1. Gravity lander

Android Gravity LanderHelp the 3 astronauts land safely on the red planet as there only hope is you. You are tasked with a delicate job of landing the rockets to the base on the Mars. Your steering skills are in line for some serious test in this game — equipped — with odd 40 missions, as you cry out for some lucky help.

Android Gravity Launcher Download

2. Meteor Storm

Android Meteor StormIt’s a plain touch-a-screen-to-shoot-enemies sort of game where you battle with falling meteors to save your base on Moon. With unlimited missile firing capabilities at the two ends, it makes an addicting game for kids. What we like about this game is that you don’t have to bother about lots of controls to pass your remaining lunch time.

android meteor storm download

3. RobHeadAlpha

Android RobHeadAlphaYet another game that needs adobe air runtime, RobHeadAlpha hands you a space vehicle to control and guide its way to the end, avoiding obstacles here and there. Not everybody loves a plain game like this, but it stills hold good for kids, who are a major customers in this gaming segment.

download red head alpha

4. Jello Bounce

Jello Bounce android appBill Cosby just made it your phone with the Jello Bounce android app. Resize his head with multitouch — which is why it has been incorporated in the app — and play sounds to get the little fun outta app. Donate version is also available that brings additional goodies — body and background toggle — as also support for higher resolution of 480 x 800.

Jello Bounce Download

5. Queue Manager

Android Queue ManagerControlling your Netflix account from your android phone is quite an easy task now, thanks to Queue Manger android app. Search for titles, check out recommendations and easily manage your netflix queue on the Go. The app’s a little slower but makes up for that with so-useful facilities.

Queue Manager Download

Do you think the launch adobe AIR is really improving the quality of apps? Let us know.

BTW, check out some best entertainment apps as also the latest android games for your droid. Enjoy!

Posted by
Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: kapil@theandroidsoul.com

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