You can now Install Android M on Sony Xperia Z3, Z2, Z1, Z and a number of other Xperia devices

Android M Developer Preview: view platform changes on Xperia™ devices in Sony’s Open Device program

Sony just made Android M developer preview available to Sony’s Open Device Program. If you know ROM development stuff then you can cook up an Android M build for any Xperia device under the Open Device Program right now and have Android M rocking on your Xperia device.

Android M brings a variety of changes to APIs for which app developers might need to test their apps for or take advantage of the new features to make their apps more efficient. So, for developers using Xperia devices, Sony just made it pretty simple to install the Android M on its devices to help app developers.

Android M developer preview builds can be cooked for all Xperia devices listed under the company’s Open Device program. Sony has full resources available to guide you to build an AOSP based Android M build for your Xperia device. Check the links below:

Guide for building image  |  Software binaries for AOSP M Developer Preview

List of supported Xperia devices:

  • Xperia Z3,
  • Xperia Z3 Compact,
  • Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact,
  • Xperia Z2,
  • Xperia Z2 Tablet,
  • Xperia Z1,
  • Xperia Z1 Compact,
  • Xperia Z Ultra,
  • Xperia E3,
  • Xperia M2,
  • Xperia T2 Ultra,
  • Xperia T3
Posted by
Shivam Malani

Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: