More Xoom 2 Pics Leaked. 9.3mm Thickness Rumored!

We know and completely agree that tablet’s thickness is one of the most important factor to a buyer. This is where Galaxy Tab 10.1 excels at — being just 8.6 mm thick — while other companies try to break that benchmark. We’ve seen Motorola’s several tablets leaked in last few weeks and their cool new designs aside, much emphasis was on the fact that these will be very slim.

Now, we even have a leak (in the form of images you see above and at bottom) to boost that claim. Yes, a leak, for that only purpose. But we’re cool with that, aren’t we?

The two tablets pictured above are rumored as Xoom 2 tablets — we think the smaller one is the Xoom 2 Media Edition while bigger one is simply, Xoom 2. Its said that both these tablets support LTE, has “Fleming” codename associated with them, and are 9.3 mm thick — all of which is great!

The Xoom 2 Media Edition is again rumored as 8.2 inches in size while the Xoom 2 still honored with regular 10.1 inches of screen space.

Other details about the Xoom 2 tablets include presence of 5 megapixel HD camera in back and are said to run Android 3.2, for now, which is said to be “buggy as all hell, with frequent reboots and crashes”. We think Motorola will launch these tablets with Android 4.0 to make these world’s first tablets with Ice Cream Sandwich version of Android OS. But even if it didn’t, the final builds of Android 3.x will be pretty smooth.

Btw, isn’t this so nice to see Moto coming up with refreshed design for its tablets? I’m pretty much falling in love with these new different-from-usual tablets, what about you?

More Xoom 2 Pics below:

Xoom 2 Media Edition Xoom 2

Xoom 2 Back Xoom 2 Tablets

Via Engadget

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: