Will Quad-Core based Tegra 3 Processor Power the Upcoming Nexus 3 Phone?

The dual-core processor equipped phones are yet to hit the stores in some countries, including here in India, but the rumor mill has already started boiling with the idea of Nexus 3 device — which looks sure than ever to launch at year’s end — and that too powered by a new brand of quad-core processors by NVidia, called Tegra 3.

If you’re wondering what suddenly filled this into our crazy minds, blame the NVidia’s CEO Jen-Hsun Huang, who said this and that during the company’s earnings call:

… we’re working very closely with Google on Ice Cream Sandwich, and it’s a very important new generation of operating system based on starting from the Honeycomb base and I’m expecting it to be really terrific. And so we’re working very closely with the Google team, and Tegra will be surely be wonderful for Ice Cream when it comes.Jen-Hsun HuangCEO of NVIDIA

We’re really excited about the work that they’re doing on Ice Cream. And I can’t comment too much more other than that, but we’re working very closely with their teams on the Ice Cream Sandwich. And as all of these products — they will come to the market when they’re great, and I’m certainly expecting them to be great on this year.Jen-Hsun HuangCEO of NVIDIA

Let’s first see what quad-core CPUs will bring with them to get the reason behind all the excitement of next generation quad-core processors:

  • World’s first mobile quad-core CPU
  • New 12-Core NVIDIA GPU with support for 3D stereo
  • Support for Extreme HD at a 2560 x 1600 resolution
  • 5x faster than the Tegra 2

What makes us believe too in this theory of Tegra-3-powered-Nexus-3 is the timing of both the next Nexus phone and new NVidia processors, which really coincide. When Google released nexus S back in December 2010, it just fell short of the dual-core Tegra 2 processor’s launch, which was ultimately launched in next month, January 2011. Obviously, the companies — however big they are — can learn a lesson and leverage the launch of two upcoming great products to bring the combination of Nexus 3 and Tegra 3, which will be similar to what was done at the times of Nexus One — bringing the world’s first 1 GHz processor with it and giving Android the lift it badly needed.

Although Android doesn’t need any such lift in these times, but going ahead of every other mobile and crashing them down hardly isn’t a bad idea, either. So, to me, it fits the equation very well, but let’s just hope for now, we actually get this combo on Christmas for real.

Oh, by the way, there are rumors of next iPhone being postponed to Dec 11 /Jan 12, and the iPhone is yet to feature a dual-core processor. So, if Apple doesn’t make a jump to quad-core processor skipping past dual-core tech totally, they are going to lag for a full generation behind Android in terms of processor, if, and only if,  the Nexus 3 does get Tegra 3 quad-core processor.

So, this year’s end could mean Google’s taking wraps off the next and greatest version of Android OS, Ice Cream Sandwich; NVidia unveiling/launching quad-core based Tegra 3 processors and with God’s grace, another phone by the brand of Android which we all are crazy about, the nexus 3. Phew! And here I am, so willing to spend all my savings on Galaxy S II — the current beast. Too much anticipation brings only too much confusion, I just learned!!

Via AndroidAndMe

Posted by
Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: kapil@theandroidsoul.com

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