Wileyfox Swift Nougat update under testing already?

The latest Geekbench listing for the Wileyfox Swift shows the software version of the device as Android 7.0, dubbed as Nougat. BTW, because the Swift runs on Cyanogen OS, the 7.0 build would also mean that a CM14 build based on Android 7.0 is near ready, even though it seems too soon practically.

Given that LG already has Nougat on some units of Korean G5 sets, and a Huawei P9 firmware based on 7.0 is already out in the wild, and also with official Nougat release date looking set for August 22, it’s not entirely impossible that a small company like Wileyfox couldn’t have Nougat update in alpha kind-of stage, enough to undergo testing on one of its most popular sets.

Mind you, it could be easily a fake one, as editing build.prop (or maybe some other necessary file in addition to that) with root explorer, whereby replacing the Android version 6.0.1 with 7.0, can make the Geekbench app think the device is running Android 7.0, and it would simply list that as that.

So, take this with grain of salt, but if we get stumble upon similar 7.0-toting listing for other Wileyfox devices, then we will be gladly believing it without doubt that Wileyfox has a Nougat update under testing. And god, how great that would be, a lesson to learn for the likes of Samsung, who can easily lay down without any shame that the Nougat update for Note 7 would take 2-3 months from now.

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: kapil@theandroidsoul.com


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