Why Can’t I Join a Twitter Circle?

Twitter has been looking for new and interesting ways to help its users personalize and curate their experience on the platform. The company recently launched Twitter Spaces and has now followed it up with Twitter Circlea new way to get in touch with your users.

Twitter Circle allows you to stay in touch with selected users on the platform without privatizing your tweets or direct messaging someone. While a great feature, there might be times when you’re unable to join a Twitter Circle.

We have already shared our definite guides on how to make, leave, add or remove someone to a Twitter Circle, but if you have trouble joining one, then this is the page for you. Let’s learn more about the same and why you can’t join a Twitter Circle on the platform.

Why can’t I join a Twitter Circle?

There are a couple of reasons that can prevent you from joining a Twitter Circle and the same have been listed below.

If you fail to meet either criterion mentioned below then it could be why you’re unable to join a circle on the platform.

1. Circle audience limit reached

Twitter Circles have a limit of 150 users. If none of the above-mentioned reasons apply to you, then the circle user limit could be the reason why you’re unable to join the concerned circle. We recommend you get in touch with the creator to check and verify the member count. If the user limit of 150 users has been reached for a circle then there’s currently no way for you to join the same unless someone leaves the Twitter Circle. 

2. Invite expired

The most likely case is that the invite issued to you by the Twitter Circle user has expired. You can get in touch with the concerned user to ask for a new invite which should help you join the concerned circle as intended. 

3. Not invited

If you’re trying to join a Twitter Circle that you haven’t been invited to, then it could be the reason why you’re unable to join the same. Twitter Circle is a private feature where the creator can choose the audience they wish to include in their circle. Thus you can not join Twitter Circles unless you’re invited. We recommend you get in touch with the creator to get an exclusive invite for your Twitter account which should help you join the circle. 

4. Blocked user

You can not join Twitter Circles created by users that have been blocked by you. You also can not join Twitter Circles created by users that have blocked your Twitter account. Additionally, if you were part of a Twitter Circle created by a user that you recently blocked and unblocked, then you will need a new invite from the user to join the concerned Twitter Circle again. Unless the block is lifted from the concerned account, you won’t be able to join the Twitter Circle in question. You will also need a new invite once the block has been lifted to join the concerned Twitter Circle. 

5. Unfollowed user

Unfollowing a user can also remove you from a Twitter Circle. If you recently unfollowed the creator of the concerned Twitter Circle then it could be the reason why you’re unable to join the same. You will need a new, updated invite to join the concerned Twitter Circle again.

We hope this post helped you determine the reason preventing you from joining a Twitter Circle. If you have any more questions, feel free to drop them in the comments below.

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