It can be a little daunting to traverse social media these days. With the number of acronyms constantly popping up, it can be tough to keep track! Luckily there are guides to better understand what these acronyms and emojis stand for, to help you better understand what your friend is trying to say to you. In this article, we will cover what ‘S’ means on Snapchat and how you can reply to it.
What is ‘S’ on Snapchat?
If you are confused because you received a blank snap with an ‘S’ on it, don’t worry you’re not alone. It turns out the ‘S’ on the snap stands for ‘Streaks‘. Snapstreaks are Snapchat’s way of making sure you don’t forget your friends. Snapstreaks occur when two people send each other snaps for three days consecutively.
The ‘S’ is used to tag a snap as a ‘Streak’ snap to distinguish it from a regular snap. Streaks on Snapchat are quite the rage. While they do not give you any superpowers, Streaks do give you bragging rights as well as a little flame ? emoji next to your name on your friend’s account.
Related: How to make a list on Snapchat for streaks
How is ‘S’ used on Snapchat?
There is no one way to send an ‘S’ on Snapchat. Streak snaps are basically just snaps that users send to maintain their streaks. To maintain a streak both users must send each other a snap within 24 hours. While this is easy to do if you are a regular Snapchatter, some users may struggle with the idea of sending a snap every single day.
The ‘S’ is used on a snap to mark it as a Streak snap. This is meant to alleviate any confusion that the receiver might have when they receive a blank snap. So if you receive a snap with an ‘S’ on it, you should know that the user is sending it to you to maintain your Snapstreak on the app.
How to use ‘S’ on Snapchat?
As mentioned above, the ‘S’ is used to denote ‘Streaks’. So if you are trying to maintain your Snapstreaks with a friend, you could send them a snap with ‘S’ on it. You could also send the same snap to all the users that you currently have a streak going on with. That way you do not have to send individual snaps to maintain your streak.
Using the pen
The easiest way to send a Streak snap is to use the draw feature on your snap. Simply click a snap using the Snapchat camera, then tap the ‘Draw’ button in the right-side panel.
Use your finger to draw a nice elaborate S and send it out to your friends.
GIFs make everything more fun and Snapchat has a pretty neat collection of them. You can add a GIF to your snap to mark it as a Streak snap. Simply click a snap using the Snapchat camera, then tap the ‘Sticker’ button in the right-side panel.
In the search bar at the top search for ‘streak’. Scroll through all the GIFs to find your favorite. You can add as many as you like to the snap.
If you want to make your snap a little more personal, you can spring for a Bitmoji sticker. These stickers use your Bitmoji avatar to help you express yourself better on the app. Simply click a snap using the Snapchat camera, then tap the ‘Sticker’ button in the right-side panel.
In the search bar at the top search for ‘streak’. Bitmoji stickers are located below the GIFs. Tap your favorite Bitmoji sticker to add it to the snap. You can add as many as you like.
Snapchat is known for its huge arsenal of stickers. You can add a simple sticker to your snap to mark it as a Streak snap. Simply click a snap using the Snapchat camera, then tap the ‘Sticker’ button in the right-side panel.
In the search bar at the top search for ‘streak’. Stickers are located below Bitmoji. Tap your favorite sticker to add it to the snap. You can add as many as you like.
We hope this article helped. If you have any queries, feel free to reach out to us in the comments below.