The ASUS ZenPad Z10 tablet was launched towards to end of last year. At the time of the launch, the tablet was running on Android 6.0 Marshmallow. However, after all this time, the company is finally updating the Verizon variant of the tablet to 7.0Â Nougat.
Considering the fact that Google just released the new Android 8.0 Oreo update, this is quite disappointing on ASUS’s part. However, at the same time, it is worth noting that we are talking about a carrier-locked device here.
But apart from just updating the tablet to Android 7.0 Nougat, this new software update also brings the new August 2017 security patch, which is probably the silver lining here. And talking about the new features, the new Nougat update now allows this tablet to perform a handful of new tricks: like the ability to open two apps in multi-window mode, get better battery life on the device thanks to improved Doze mode, switch quickly between apps by double tapping on Recents button, UI tuner, and Power notifications. The UI is also slightly refreshed.
There’s also notification settings for each app, which can be accessed easily by doing a tap-and-hold on any notification, while you can also edit the tiles in quick settings tiles in the notification to keep those you want more than others. The Settings app, is also new, but of course, far from the changes it sees in Oreo update.
You can head over to the source link below to learn more about what’s changed.
This new update should already be rolling out and hence we suggest all the ASUS ZenPad Z10 users to head over to Settings and check for the update manually if you haven’t received it already.
Source:Â Verizon