Unabsorbed demand in Android market…. Interesting.

Motorola Droid selling hot

We already have Motorola Droid’s successor in Droid Xtreme and Droid 2 on their way thanks to recently leaked pics. But it seems, the market still has unabsorbed demand left in the ‘most sold’ android phone, the Droid, at least that is what Motorola’s Co-Chief Executive Sanjay Jha told reporters.We can understand that since we know how much a good puppet Droid is, now that all that Froyo thing is also bestowed on it, popularity can only increase. And Droid Xtreme and Droid 2 are making the brand hotter than ever before.

Jha believes that the industry wide shortage of screens is affecting the sales of the product that revived the Company’s financial prospects. HTC is suffering badly with shortages of its phones like Droid Incredible and EVO. These companies are dependent on their Samsung, who also has its most powerful device running on Android, the Galaxy 3 up for launch this quarter.

HTC Quietly Brilliant

Moreover, Jha also revealed that the Company is planning to release 3-4 phones with front facing camera to keep its product line up to date with industry trends.

However, any unabsorbed demand in the market (caused by shortage of material at Samsung) will surely help the sales of Galaxy 3, which is a very promising device from Samsung and features a super-amoled screen, 8GB internal storage, Android 2.1, etc powered by the Qualcomm’s 1Ghz Snapdragon Processor. We would not indulge ourselves in going after Samsung’s strategies but think Samsung is doing hard to earn the profit it makes from selling these screens to other manufacturers like HTC and Motorola.

And do you think that the sale of 100,000 android devices each day is the real cause of shortage of components? Or the lower than expected sales of nexus one made analysts underestimate the demand potential of Android. Either way, Android is just too hot to be handled by even the largest force of manufacturers combined as this is the first time shortages of so many models have come simultaneously. I don’t remeber it ever happened to a PC/Laptop and this also shows the boom smart phone industry is into. Watchu think?

Via Reuters

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: kapil@theandroidsoul.com