Top Android Apps [February 10, 2011]

Okay, here’s the stuff for Feb 10, 2011. You’re waiting for it, right?

Small ARTools

SMall ARTtoolsAlthough there hordes of paint applications in the android market, the Small ARTools clearly stands out from the lot. The paint concept for touch screen phone has been implemented so wonderfully that you have to give full credit to app for it, and that what makes it stand out from others of its ilk.

Small ARTools isn’t anything like other Photoshop sort-of apps on the market — in fact, it’s not meant to be and there is no genuine need to be — but it still got all necessary features with the interface, that looked sweet and smart to us. If you’re looking for an app that would let you draw easily, try Small ARatools now, it’s free, too. I like one of its features very much, that you hold an on-screen pencil or brush to draw rather than relying solely on your finger’s touch, nice.

Small ARTtools is a new and unique sketch and paint application specially designed for touch sensitive Android™ mobile devices.

It is precise, intuitive and easy to handle.

Download Small ARTtools

Textalert Free – SMS Reminder

Textalert Free - SMS ReminderTextalert allows one to schedule an SMS to be sent at the right time of its need. Yeah, it’s very similar to scheduling your SMS, but it’s a bit different and more reliable. So, if you often forget bringing the milk while coming back home, or any such other stuff, use this app to set alert based on your needs. This app is for US users only meaning, for US phone numbers only. For phone numbers other than US, there is a $1.99 costing version – Textalert International – SMS.

Download Textalert Free – SMS Reminder


First Aid Guide

First aid guideA phone is a an android phone, indeed. It’s a must have app for your Google phone, I would say. First Aid Guide, as the name suggests, gets you very useful info with nice illustrations so that you exactly know what to do in times of need.

Market Description Extracts:

Fist aid guide is designed to help you follow the right procedures in a stressful situation or support other people by giving them instructions. It is based on illustations, videos and short texts that show you how to take the necessary action step by step and in the right order.

Includes: Life saving procedures; Heart attacks and shock; Wounds and bleeding; Bone,joint and muscle; Head injuries and seizures; Effect of heat and cold; Breathing problems; Poisoning; Other medical emergencies; Scene of an emergency; etc.


SymbolsEver stuck figuring out what this mysterious figure of one of the many earthly languages means? Well, symbols are quite mind boggling, whether it’s about currencies, units, lines, or any other such creepiness of blending of lines. So, Symbols android app is a good friend for those times. It doesn’t eat too much of the memory space of your phone, at 145 KB. So, have it to quickly make out a meaning of whatever symbol you face, in library, newspaper or at school. Who knows, you might end up impressing someone, which may help you a lot on the upcoming Feb 14. Okay, that was a joke.

Download Symbols

Task Identifier Lite

Task Identifier LiteYou must’ve downloaded hell lot of stuff from the android market by now – after all, we’re doing all we can to persuade you to do this, as this article itself is evident of. So, definitely, your genius mind would have come up with this: hell, what these permissions are meant for, when your download an app from the market? Right, they tell you about app’s access powers on your phone but strangely, and rightly too, most of us just ignore them. But worry you don’t, task Identifier s there to take full care of your data and suspicious use by the apps by alerting you of any such use by any installed app on your phone. Interesting, right?

Download Task Identifier Lite

So, what are your favorite app from the above lot? Do let us know in comments below. Also, know that you can always suggest apps that you’re quite fond of – we promise to share it with your fella over here,

Posted by
Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: