Top 5 Unfiltered AI Image Generator Tools

What to know

  • Unfiltered AI image generator tools are a category of AI tools that do not filter or limit what users can create on their platform.
  • Some of the top unfiltered AI image generators include the likes of Unstable Diffusion, Craiyon, Nightcafe, Mage Space, and PicSo. 

AI image generators are a godsend. For anyone who’s ever been disappointed by traditional search engines failing to find the image that fits their needs, image generators have opened up the field wide.  

But not every AI image generator lets you create whatever you want. Most of them will actively ban images that can be taken for pornographic, violent, or gory content, anything that is even remotely suggestive of unsuitable NSFW content. Nevertheless, these restrictions don’t apply to all. 

In this guide, we proffer our recommendations for the best unfiltered AI image generator tools that don’t just give you complete creative freedom but also have a slew of options that stand them head and shoulders above the rest.   

What are unfiltered AI image generators?

Though image generators have been around for a while, it wasn’t until the release of DALL-E by OpenAI that AI systems were able to make a real jump in image generation capabilities. The popularity of AI image generators has skyrocketed since then, with many other systems catching up in double-quick time. These AI tools require no more than a few prompts to generate spectacular images. But in a bid to keep a safe space, many of them filter and censor the generation of artwork that can be flagged as inappropriate or indecent.

However, this ethical policing is not administered by all such platforms. In fact, there are many AI image generators that take pride in the unfiltered, unrestricted access that they provide to artists and the common user to explore the possibilities of such AI systems. 

Top 5 unfiltered AI image generator tools

AI image-generator tools that create spectacular art without the threat of censorship are not easy to find. But there are few that check all the right boxes and find a balance between good and inclusive art. Here are our picks for the ones that give you the best of both worlds. 

1. Nightcafe

Nightcafe is built upon the same advanced framework that Stable Diffusion, a popular open-source image generator, uses. But it has no NSFW restrictions or filters in place, making it one of the few unfiltered AI image generators that let artists push their creative boundaries.  

Night Cafe has a number of advanced options for those who know their way around AI image generators. On top of that, there are a number of styles and templates that new users can also lean on to access the AI’s power without any moralizing filters.

If you choose to publish and think your image may border on the NSFW category, then you can mark it as such too.

This is a win-win situation for both the creators and the critics, and we wish other platforms learned from similar simple yet effective techniques. 


  • Advanced image generation
  • NSFW friendly
  • Daily challenges for creators


  • Ads are removed only with a Pro membership

2. Unstable Diffusion

Most people know Stable Diffusion as one of the best open-source image-generation models, hands down. Made by Stability.AI, the image generator creates hyper-realistic AI images but guardrails users from stumbling upon or purposefully creating images that could be construed as pornography. Its cousin sister, Unstable Diffusion, however, is much more forgiving.

Stable Diffusion in itself contains a fair bit of nude and salacious imagery which is no doubt because of the internet images it’s been trained, and not everything on the web is PG13. But that hasn’t stopped users from leveraging its open source to create image generator offshoots and share their creations on Unstable Diffusion’s Discord server. Unstable Diffusion has since had its own website as well, though it can sometimes be a little unresponsive on account of being so young. Expect things to get better over time. 


  • Completely free and open-source
  • One of the best image generator models
  • Available in a variety of interfaces
  • Photo-realistic images


  • The website is not always functional

3. Craiyon

Formerly known as DALL-E Mini, Craiyon was developed as an unfiltered alternative to DALL-E. Though it may not develop photo-realistic images as some others do, it does make up for it by giving you nine different image variations to choose from.

Gore galore

In our tests, a basic prompt yielded results in under a minute, which is not all that bad, considering the quality. But there are unlimited prompts for one to refine and fine-tune the images until kingdom come.

The platform is intuitive and easy to use and additional options such as faster output times and higher priority can be unlocked with a supporter or professional-level plan. But the free offerings are aplenty and include negative prompts, image style selection, and prompt suggestions – all necessary options that are enough to get you started with unfiltered art.


  • Free, simple, and intuitive to use
  • Allows negative prompts, image style selection
  • Unlimited prompts


  • Relatively lower image quality 

4. Mage Space

For those who want to dive into the deep end of the unfiltered AI art abyss, Mage Space is your friend. Its free version uses the Stable Diffusion v1.5 which may not be as sophisticated or generate photo-realistic images as other options in the list. But those who register with Mage Space will be able to choose the better Stable Diffusion v2.1 model, change seeds, add negative prompts, and create privately.

The only unfortunate hiccup is the fact that NSFW images are unlocked just for users with basic and pro plans. 

Image generation, however, is surprisingly fast, even for free users, and the interface borrows heavily from modern-day social media platforms making it an intuitive AI generator to use.


  • Access to multiple models and NSFW images with paid plans
  • Free use without registration
  • Interface is easy on the eyes


  • Uses older image generation models for unregistered users

5. PicSo

It doesn’t get any more unfiltered than PicSo. Even though there’s a big element of uncensored art, with ready-made prompts that will automatically lead to borderline (and often blatant) pornography, that isn’t all that PicSo is famous for. PicSo’s ready-made prompts and style options are helpful for days when you’re stuck in a creative block and want something going fast.

Auto-generated prompt

There is also a ‘looks like’ reference image model that lets you give it references for faces, select quick tags to add detail to your creations, and modify the looks of your creation with a click. 

However, free users currently can only create one image a day, which is a big letdown. Paid plans will bump this up to a thousand a day, which is some consolation, along with queue priority and multiple jobs. Of course, we won’t be able to share our PicSo creations for they’re definitely not SFW. 

PicSo is also available as a smartphone app for those who want to create unfiltered AI art straight from their mobile devices. 


  • Will generate completely unfiltered art
  • Ready-made prompts and styles
  • Has a mobile app


  • Only 1 free credit per day

What makes a good unfiltered AI image generator?

Good AI image generators are a dime a dozen. But many of them have strict platform guidelines that rein in the creativity of the user as well as the AI models. Those that aren’t as exclusive and allow some leeway often do not compare to the image generation prowess of mainstream AI generators like DALL-E 2 and Midjourney.  

In fact, there are tons of such unfiltered AI image generators but most of them fall short in key areas, such as image quality, prompt options, style choices, and free usage – all things that make a good image generator great. 

Sure, you don’t have to decide on one or the other, and can just as easily use multiple AI image generators, depending on what you require. But if you’re looking especially for one that doesn’t hold fast to a lot of filters, make sure that its AI modeling and image generation capabilities are on par with the more popular industry giants in the making. Anything more, be it negative prompts, image weights, free credits, a mobile app, etc., will be the icing on the cake.  


Let’s take a look at a few commonly asked queries about the top unfiltered AI image generator tools. 

Is there a free AI image generator without restrictions?

There are many free AI image generators that don’t impose a lot of restrictions, the likes of which include Craiyon, Stable Diffusion, and Dream by Wombo. To know more about such tools, refer to our guide on AI Art Generator with No Restrictions.

What AI art generator is everyone using?

Depending on whom you ask, you will get a different answer as to which AI art generator is the most popular. Some of these include Stable Diffusion 2, Midjourney, and DALL-E 2, but there are many more up-and-coming AI image generators that are leaving their mark on the industry such as BlueWillow and Bing’s Image Creator. 

Is Midjourney the best AI?

Midjourney is definitely one of the better AI image generator tools out there. But the fact that it is confined to a Discord server and has stringent filters in place doesn’t work for a big chunk of users. 

We hope this guide helped you in finding some of the best unfiltered AI generator tools that are out.  

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