Team Codefire launches Bump! A tool to sign/unlock boot images for locked LG Optimus G series devices

Not too long ago, team Codefire released Bump! a surprising new way to flash/install custom boot images on a bootloader locked LG G3. Bump! brought life to the LG G3 development community and now the team is making it one-click simple to create Bump’d boot images.

Team Codefire has released an online tool to create Bump’d images that even the noob users could use. The process is dead simple and sort of magical, you register/create an account on the Bump! site and upload the .img file you want to bump and within a few seconds you get a bump’d image saved to your downloads folder. The magic here’s that it doesn’t really uploads your .img file, after you select a file, the bump tool only reads/analyzes the file and within seconds returns a bump’d img file of the file you selected. Guess it’s a thing of advanced web techniques. But I’m just amazed at its working. It works like a script installed locally but is an online tool.

Anyway, Bump! tool is available for everyone and is completely free to use. The tool works for all LG Optimus G series devices. For more info, head over to the about page of the tool.

→ Begin bumping!

What’s Bump!?

LG G3 Unlock / Recovery with Bump!
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Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: