Sony Xperia Z5, Z5 Compact, Z5 Premium, Xperia Z3+, and Xperia Z4 Tablet start receiving Android 7.1.1 Nougat


Sony, the Japanese multinational conglomerate has started seeding the Android 7.1.1 Nougat to its Xperia Z5 line including the Xperia Z5 Compact and Z5 Premium alongside the Xperia Z3+ and Xperia Z4 tablet.

Arriving with the software version 32.4.A.0.160, the update installs the latest Android OS on these smartphones. Do make a note that once you install the update, you won’t be able to revert to a previous software version.

The update should bring a bunch of changes along with fixes for the bugs existing in the previous build, especially the ones surrounding Bluetooth and NFC.

Read: Sony to fix Xperia Z5’s ‘low in-call volume’ issue next month via an OTA update

It should also carry several system optimizations and performance improvements. Sony is currently rolling the update over the air (OTA). So, the update should hit your device anytime now.

If you want to check for it manually, you can do so from Settings > About Device > Software Update. Do make sure to backup your data before hitting that download button. A backup always comes handy!

Via: Xperia Blog

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Travel and adventure junkie. Which is why he's now one of those cliche guys with a camera around his neck at all times. When doing neither, you'll find him uber lazy and glued to Netflix. Email: