The Sony Xperia AX, which is a variant of the Xperia V, is set for launch in the Japanese market through cellular operator NTT Docomo. Â As per a Japanese tech blog, the official paper submitted for approval to the FCC, which contains specifications of the device seems to indicate that the AX would have an internal storage capacity of 16 GB which is double that of the Xperia V, which stands at 8 GB.
Similar to other devices in the Xperia range of smartphones, the AX adopts the Arc design that allows users to have a firm grip over the handset. It also boasts of several Japan-specific features like infrared port data exchange, mobile TV and mobile wallet and more.
The Sony XPeria AX is expected to ship with Android 4.0 or Ice Cream Sandwich.
Specifications known at this point are as below:
- 4.3 inch HD Reality display with Mobile Bravia Engine 2
- 16 GB internal memory
- 13 MP Rear Camera
- Â Android 4.0.4 – Ice Cream Sandwich
- Clear Audio+
Information on Pricing details and release date is not confirmed yet, but is expected to sometime this year itself.