Samsung has today launched the Orchid Gray color variant of the Galaxy S8 and S8+ in India. Both the phones priced at Rs. 57,900 and Rs. 64,900 respectively can be pre-ordered from Flipkart or the company’s official website starting today until July 11.
In case you are waiting to see how the phone looks in Orchid Gray IRL and then purchase it, you can do so at select brick and mortar stores from July 12 onward.
The company is also bundling a free convertible Wireless Charger (priced at Rs. 4,499) alongside Rs. 3,000 cashback for folks who purchase either of the handsets with an HDFC credit card.
Read: There’s no Galaxy S8 mini in the works, says a Samsung employee
So far, the Galaxy S8 has been available in Midnight Black and Maple Gold colors while the Plus variant was available Midnight Black, Maple Gold, and Coral Blue color options. With the addition of the new Orchid Gray color, you’ll now have more options to choose from.
Apart from the new color, everything else remains the same. You still get the near bezel-less Infinity Display, Exynos 8895 chipset (in a few markets Snapdragon 835 SoC), 4GB of RAM, 12MP rear camera, and more.
Source: Samsung