Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Update for Samsung Galaxy S3 rolling out world over

Samsung Galaxy S3 Jelly Bean Update

This piece of news actually makes current owners of the Samsung Galaxy S3 groan out loud. We have confirmed news about the SIM-free and International versions of the SGS3 being empowered with the latest Android 4.1 Jelly Bean!

Android 4.1 Jelly Bean is reportedly the smoothest and fastest version of the android yet. It has been tweaked to make the android experience simple and smart. It takes the efficiency and performance of the android 4.0 and hikes it up a couple of notches to give the android users a seamless, magical experience.

Some of the features worth a mention are:

  • The speed and ease of on-screen motions. The Android 4.1 Jelly Bean makes flipping between home screens and apps smooth and effortless
  • It is more responsive than the earlier version of Android. It adapts to orientation changes much faster and is equally responsive when switching between two apps
  • Due to vsync and triple buffering it is overall more consistent
  • The CPU is powered on because of the instant response to touch and powered off when not in use, thus maximizing battery life

There is heartening news for those of you who have already bought the Galaxy S3. The OTA update notification on your Galaxy S3 should be available very soon.

You can check for the update from the Settings » About Phone » Check for updates » hammer that check for updates button till you get to own it. And, for the keenest, we suggest you update your Galaxy S3 by connecting it to your computer and use the Kies software instead of updating using the OTA method, as the update is more likely to be available via Kies earlier.


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