Here’s our Galaxy S8 Giveaway!

galaxy s8 giveaway

Update [May 04, 2017]: And here’s our winner — say congrats to Naitik for winning a shiny new — well, review unit, actually — Galaxy S8.

We would be remiss to not name some of the most active participants on our blog in a recent while, who really surprised us a lot by becoming almost ubiquitous at every post we covered recently. We’re talking about Ashwin Prasad, Rishab Warrior, Vishal Giri. On a sidenote, though: guys, really, commenting on almost every article and such, it did give an impression of spam, especially when sometimes you commented only for the sake of it, something which we didn’t really like. That was the reason we didn’t rely on comments as the only basis for deciding on this. But we still have something for you, for the efforts you put in, we are giving Google Play credits of INR1500 to each one of three, which you should be receiving soon in your inbox. This text is directed towards you because we just know you are quite waiting to read all of this.

Anyway, now why we chose Naitik. Well, Naitik helped us with things we bloggers just love: breaking stories, as well as social sharing. Some of his tips were really cool — getting us extra coverage we really crave for, which also helps with social sharing and garnering new visitors. You are some guy, we’d admit, although we’d love it when you stop remaining anonymous for most of the times.

We’re yet to receive our S8, but once we have received and reviewed it, we’d send it over to Naitik quite asap-ish. Of course, for those waiting for it, we would ask Naitik guy to share with us a pic of him leaning with his S8, sure!

Update [April 29th, 2017]: The contest is over now. And we’ll announce a winner shortly. Keep your fingers crossed!

We’ve been thinking about holding a giveaway on TheAndroidSoul for quite some time, and what better time to do this than on the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S8.

The company has taken wraps off the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ at the Samsung Unpacked 2017 event today. The device is everything we expected it to be. Beautiful design, powerful hardware and larger display.

Starting today (March 29, 2017), we’re holding an international contest to let you win a Galaxy S8 from us, for free. FYI, this will be our review unit.

Our S8 giveaway will run through 30 days from today. And one lucky winner will be taking away the Samsung Galaxy S8 on April 28, 2017.

Since this is an international giveaway, the winner will be receiving the device when we’re done reviewing the device.

Update: In case you noticed, we used to use a way to kind-of force you to follow us on twitter to enter the giveaway, and follow it up on daily basis with a Retweet to increase your chances. Well, we’re doing away with all of that.

How to participate?

  • Comment on this post to enter.
  • Remain active on blog to increase your chances of winning:
    • Comment on other posts to share your thoughts.
    • Help those in need on blog.
  • Share links on social network sites.

Of the above, sharing your thoughts on other posts is what we’d like to see from you.

So, participating is easy. Just enter a comment below and you’re in. It goes without saying that the sharing our links on sites like Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, etc. help us grow, something we like very much, so please do that to increase your chances of winning it. Of course, please do not spam Reddit and like sites with our links — it would be cool if you share only breaking stories, or tips pages with those in need of help.

In deciding the winner, we will see top candidates who participated the most on sites: commenting on posts, sharing links, etc. But, the comments need to be pretty natural feedback or personal thoughts, not spam or one for-the-sake-of-it.

We would select 15 most active users at the end of the period, and go through each of the 15 users’ comments and social network pages to see who was the most positively active user on site, and award a our review unit of Galaxy S8 to him/her.

So, be active on our blog, sharing your thoughts and helping others in need of some tip to sort things out, and you get a good chance to own the Galaxy S8 for free.

Posted by

Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email:


  1. thanks for this opportunity.i hope to win because i need it so much and luckiest guy win

  2. ‘Please, please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want”, Lord knows it would be the first time…

    1. Talk about the device, do not start saying nonsense, apologize my words, this is not just for you, the above too!

  3. Never owned a smartphone,i still use a nokia 100 button phone and occasionally my mother’s phone. A phone like Samsung Galaxy S8 will be a great device to start my era of smartphone in my life. Hope that my luck will be by my side and offer me the S8. its a great phone tho.

    1. God wants you to win it, it would not be bad, but I give you down arrow, because you have to open a debate, you’re not doing anything with that, so you will not win!


  5. This new phone is going to be the bomb! (but not like the note 7, lol). Really looking forward to the release of this beautiful device.

    1. Well, I’m just entering the contest, and to this date I can tell you, that is the best phone in history until today !!

      1. Depends what you mean by “best” if you’re a travel a lot and won’t have power for a day or two then this is a let down .For everyday usage its a lovely phone but I’m a bit worried about the edge as it might break when its dropped.Camera wise its really beautiful but its the same as the s7 and by Performance I’m really amazed by the 10nm process but the 4gb was a let down as I was expecting 6gb and with all that security rooting will be a hard one on this phone and I’m sure most people will not dare try it unless they have money to pop.Sorry if I’m wrong 😀

    1. Uff, and its specs, is the best, except for the location of the finger reader

    2. A little bit of a disclaimer is that the display by default is a little over 1080p. It is qhd capable but needs to be enabled. Probably done to optimize the battery life but in all honesty, we wont notice it unless we look for it.

      1. Yeh, I was also talking about the colour reproduction of the OLED panel as much as the resolution, I’ll probably keep the display at 1080p for normal use to improve battery life, but when watching video and playing games that support QHD I will bump up the resolution. 🙂

  6. A best looking phone in the market with most of the features present in it, i really wanna win this,wish luck is on my way

  7. Thanks for the opportunity. I have had my Moto E for two years now, and I would love to replace it with the Galaxy S8.

  8. love its great deal with a free gift of choice Love its slim design and model n love its geart innovation technology love display everything is fine.

    1. 5g will be fun when I can afford it, also the new capabilities for VR with the snapdragon 835 SOC

  9. Are you fucking serious? What bullshit. You don’t change how a contest/giveaway works WHILE IT’S IN PROGRESS. That is literally cheating, no matter what kind of change you made.
    Yes, giving a Galaxy S8 away for free is generous regardless, but what the fuck. This is some low-level shit from you.

    1. Shouldn’t you just be glad their giving one away at all? they could just keep it for themselves but their letting one of us have it

  10. Great giveaway.
    Thank you for the opportunity, Wishing all success to your company and future.
    All the best to all participants

    Keeping my fingers crossed to win 🙂

    Jai Hind 🙂

  11. Excellent upgrade from the previous one. Looks amazing. Samsung is very innovative in terms of smartphone design. Display of S8 is beyond what I expected it to be. And thank you organizing giveaway

  12. I want i want i want samsung s8 because i don’t have a phone 🙁
    I hope i win a giveaway:)

  13. Man, I entered the website daily to tweet and therefore, increase my entries but suddenly this? Why?? It looks like all of it just went in vain? This is so sad, I was so excited about the competition and the giveaway.
    I love the S8. I truly do. Being a tech geek and a Samsung fan (using S7 and S7 Edge), this giveaway seemed worth a shot for getting a phone which outshines every other phone on planet we use today.
    I dont know what to do now. ALL HOPE LOST. There will be thousands of comments here and I don’t if you will get to read this or not.
    Please see to it guys. Don’t do it again next time as I will be highly obliged if my comment is counted as a helpful point to maintain a healthy relationship between your viewers and you.

    1. guy, it’s not anyone’s fault that you have not read and interpreted what thay said about how to get in, if you did things wrong, it was only your fault, if you did well, it’s only your fault, so if you want to win, Type every day until the end

        1. You love new technology, are you only following the Galaxy S8? What tech are you interested in?

          1. Zenfone AR has amazing new Tango technology. 3 camera’s on the back for area learning, depth perception and motion tracking =).

        2. You love new tech, are you only interested in the Galaxy S8? It’s an amazing device. What else do you follow?

    1. No, the gleam widget has been removed for this giveaway. Instead, the winner will be chosen on the quality and levels of activity on this site. ATB 🙂

  14. Never owned a any thing greater than 15k INR, a hope as big as a mountain to win the sexy beauty….will i win??And also gud luck to everyone!!

  15. i hope i win this giveaway because 28 april is my 21th birthday. i,’m never recive a gift in my birthday, hope it will be the first and get my gift for the first time. 😉

      1. because there is no birthday party in our tradition and in my family. but, at least i always have friend’s birthday party. 😀

          1. im from indonesian. same with me, i have birthday too but i dont have birthday party 😀

    1. guy, I’m sorry for your disappointment, I did not get a birthday present either, what I get is humiliation, but that does not fit the competition, use your weakness and turn your gun, win this contest to resist your gift, hurry No It’s worth the hurt, it’s not worth 199999 of comments, here it’s worth talking about the draw, about the draw, debating your point of view, saying what’s new and better for you, you do not know the story that I’ve had to go through, that’s why I’m fought , Because I do not want to continue losing, there is no time to resign myself, he spent this time, for you and wake up, and win if possible, despite the hour I write, I do not know you, but win if you can!

      1. thank you so much my friend for your support i really apriciate your kinds, hope we’ll win this giveaway. by the way im indonesian, and you?

  16. Samsung, my favorite brand. Currently using a J5, so the S8 would be a really big step forwards 😉 I’m in!

  17. Thanks for the opportunity to win the phone.The phone is packed to the brim with awesome tech but it is too expensive for the likes of me.

  18. Currently own both S6 and S6 Edge. Would love to be able to add S8 into my collection. I’m so stoked!

  19. Changing the rules in between the contest is not a good idea, that is not to say the new rules are bad. They should have been there from the start. But changing them in in between might give participants the wrong idea. Having said that, its your first so here’s to hoping you do better in other upcoming ones and they help you reach your objectives. Have a nice day

  20. This is an interesting device and would love to get my hands on this flagship beast from Samsung.

  21. My first time here. Bit of an android fanatic myself. And if what you need is genuine response and positive participation on an android forum for this contest, its perfect! I needn’t do this for just the S8 since I’d actually enjoy helping and responding here. After all, you are named ‘theandroidsoul’. 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity

  22. excellent design, one of the best smartphones design I have ever came accross. This is going to be a blockbuster smartphone

    1. Quite true. The S8 Pre sales are explosive, no pun intended about the Note 7, though. Ha!

    2. IKR. And imagine all of the positive effects it will have. It will push the standards in the phone world to new heights and improve overall quality altogether

  23. I never imagined a screen like this could be possible. Kudos to all the smartphone developers out there! Just one of the reasons why these folks should be paid well 😉

    1. The truth, I give you the reason, this is incredible, but you’ve seen the other specifications and the software, it’s a bomb

  24. I want to start a YouTube channel of my own. My parents don’t support me in that. I really want this phone to start my career as a YouTuber. i’m 16.

  25. thank you for us giving more stands in the giveaway. coming to phone these is the no1 display phone then anyone.

    1. And it’s strong too, I was was watching a drop test and the back broke before the front

  26. They nailed it again. Let’s be honest – looks matters. And the S8 looks stunning.

    1. Snapdragon 835 = lower power consumption, less heat and better performance. So yeah, definitely a beast of a smartphone.

      1. Yes, I think the processor justifies the battery because it obdimizes its consumption and performance, samsung step beauty efficiency

        1. Like I said earlier the processor is just one of the things that make the battery efficient.To increase your battery life out of the box samsung disables the 1440p display and gives you an option to choose it.So that the user according to his necessity can choose which one he prefers. With all that hardware the phone does do very well although by disabling a few you can increase the battery life way more

        2. @disqus_jXbVyQFHw5:disqus I definitely agree, the new processor should optimise battery consumption and performance 🙂

      2. What you stated above is true and the S8 has a really good battery life but the sad part is that the display is not 1440p by default and is 1080p and you need to manually put it to 1440p to get that feature which it was advertised with . According to a youtube video I watched the s8 held up for almost 6 hours of continuous usage [2hours of instagraming +1 hour of gaming +2 hours of youtube video streaming and after seeing that the beast still held up 1 last hour of playing asphalt 8 with the flash on]

        1. I know, but that is never an issue, right. Yeah, X paid for the high end display, but he does not need to unneccesarily drain the battery when he is simply going to use whatsapp. In my opinion, that is much better.Woah, like I already said, the battery life is very good as it should be. 🙂

        1. Yeah, I get it. It wasn’t clear back when I commented.Though, it’s for the better anyway.

        2. I don’t really get why they do he whole thing with using the different processors in different areas of the world.
          I think everyone deserves an equally great experience

          1. Ideally, they’d have used the Exynos processor globally. It’s made by them and has a consistent edge over SD. But because of CDMA support, recognizability of SD in the US they used the SD835 there and exynos for the rest of the world.

  27. best till date from the samsung. killer flagship smartphone. outcasts all other brands flagship

  28. TheAndroidSoul becoming very popular site day by day. I wish good luck to Mr. Shivam.

  29. It would be really great if I got this phone, I have had the OnePlus X for almost 2 years and you can tell. I live in Sweden and I love your posts.
    Regards, Tom.G

    1. Yes, definitely time for an upgrade. What do you use your device for? Photos, calls, VR etc?

      1. I use my phone for everything from phone calls to gaming. But I have never​ tried VR before. The only modern camera I own is my OnePlus X. I don’t know a lot about photography but I must say that the 12megapixel camera is definitely not up to todays standards in a flagship camera compared to Samsung’s and Apple’s. The lens on the rear camera has even falled of which means all of the videos and photos I take are blurry.
        I also watch a lot of Netflix and YouTube which is one of the reasons I entered this contest for the Samsung galaxy s8 with it’s magnificent display.

        I’m happy to answer any other questions.
        Have a great day and thank you for replying!
        Best regards, Tom.G

        1. I know how you feel, my daily driver is the Galaxy Note 3 and it wants to die. I got sick of replacing the charging port so I have 3 batteries that cycle through. I don’t take a lot of photos anymore because my camera doesn’t focus properly (maybe I should open it up and clean it). Are you interested in any other devices ATM? I was hoping to get my GF interested in VR, so I bought the Gear VR 2 headset … That was a bad idea because she gets jealous when I VR and she takes it from me. Ha ha ha hoo no =(

        2. We all have hostorias, better, worse, same, almost all we have a life situation that we want and we have to win, there are some who do not have it but want to try their luck, but here, in this draw, No matter what we have, yes Matter because we compete, but the selectors are interested in the debate, if they want to win, give the debate please!

      1. Friend, it is acceptable s8 or s8 +, as this is the draw, the third does not enter, though, it would not be bad!

  30. The phone is really awesome and it is the best smart phone launching in 2017 hope I win this contest

  31. S8 is a sexy beast with the SD 835 = 5G and new VR head tilt. I’ll need to buy the new VR controller for my Gear VR 2 headset =¶

    1. The truth is that if it is the bear, and you know the new version of s8 that could leave, if you know leave me your comment!

  32. just lost my 2 years old s4 mini few days ago while coming back from my university. I bought that phone with my almost 1 years of savings. now after losing it, i’m facing many problems. i can’t contact with my friends and family. I can’t ask for money from my family either. plz choose me! It would be a great help! i have nothing to say! Thank you for the giveaway.. May the best person win… …

    1. Its interesting to see the world with out a smartphone/ realize you’re/we’re addicted. It’s terrible to live in the real world again. Ha ha ha

    2. guy, but what are you thinking, there are many problems, that’s why we are here !, There are no attempts to take advantage of your situation, it is likely to be taken as an excuse, if you have nothing to say, it is because it does not belong here, this is a Debate, If there are no comments, go to another site that accepts your testimony, I do not choose anyone, but I am aware of what is done, so go to the menu, find the video and find out About the phone Then come back if you want and Has its discussion.
      Sorry if sone rude, but it’s reality!

  33. What a nice designed phone is! I really love the design and everything about Samsung S8. Hopefully win this phone.

  34. There is no single letdown in this phone, Samsung galaxy s8 is just PERFECT. Would so love to get one.. 🙂

    1. People complain about the fingerprint scanner, but I think they’re just looking for something to complain about. Ha ha ha

      1. Yeah, the only thing they complain about but the best part is, they packed a HUGE 5.8″ display, but it still is bearable. Personally, I have no qualms with using two hands :D. The super amoled screen is Stunning.

      2. Samsung, I think it was upside down to take momentum, I know that samsung surprising with its next printing dacillar, is svio of samsug

      3. Actually, the criticism is justified though I can empathize with Samsung. Samsung intended to include the scanner in the front with the home button with haptic feedback but they ran into obstacles and the back placement was the alternative solution. So its probably something Samsung isn’t happy about either.

      1. True to some extent. Well, atleast the battery is better than what Pixel offers. Also, point to note here is, the Pixel has Snapdragon 821 and compared to that, the Snapdragon 835 based on the 10nm node consumes about 40% less battery. But again, with a display like on the S8, you might need to charge it more than once, anyway.

        1. In that sense, if the battery is adjusted to its range, you have heard that a 6GB version can come out? If you know something about it, please comment it to the whole public.

          1. I don’t see why not, the Xiaomi Mi6 launched with SD 835 and 6 GB RAM, and we can expect the OnePlus 5 to follow along, with say 8 GB RAM on-board. These Chinese OEMs are known to make really good Smartphones at really low prices, but I can’t really see that happening with Samsung, google or Apple devices.

          2. 8gb of RAM 😐 thats double the RAM of my pc RIP .Samsung will most likely follow the trend next year with the S9 most likely but still not an 8Gb but a 6GB

          3. I don’t see why Samsung will need 6 GB of RAM in the next 1-2 years because with the recent changes, the DDR4 and dual channel RAMs, they are very fast, the OnePlus 3 reportedly had RAM copying speeds of 16,000Mb/s. I could say about, Apple with 2 GB of RAM outperforms all other devices mostly because their processors are too good.

          4. Just to keep the things spicey on the Specification side of things. and Apple outperforms them Because the A10 is a very good and efficient processor and moreover IOS is very well optimized and is also very light so there’s not much stress on the cpu

          5. The reason IOS is well optimised is, it does not need garbage collection, which requires large space, also the RAM in the Android devices, help in multi tasking by storing switched on going apps and storing them, by halting their processes. I was just trying to say that, Android RAM management is a little aggressive, so if their is not enough space, the lesser used apps are closed. So, they boot up again, when opened. And, this is where flagship processors help. For OEMs like Google, LG and Samsung, adding 6gb RAM is not a big deal now, but their was no point as they don’t have to battle to become a “flagship killer”.

          6. We’re just half way into the year and God knows whats coming,You are right in every way but maybe if said competition arises they upgrade to 6gb ?

          7. That, or when some new technology arises. With how soon we are seeing changes, it’s not that surprising really. 🙂

          8. Yes, no doubt about it, but it has an year old SD 821 which will consume more battery compared to this year’s chipset. Lg g6 is pretty durable too, and costs less than the S8, so by no means, is it a slouch. 🙂

          9. Carlos, some select countries are getting the 6gb S8+.
            Hong Kong, China and South Korea are the ones so far, I believe.
            They might expand this to the rest of the world eventually or they might not also. (:

        2. Yes since a larger display is being packed into a smaller form factor, it works counter productive to the battery capacity. A smaller battery will have to handle a larger screen and all its pixels. But Samsung has done a pretty good job at keeping it pretty optimized so we can sigh with relief.

  35. I wonder how many entries are… The odds of winning an international contest is very slim since it’s only 1 giveaway. I never won a contest since the early days of internet.

  36. I watched and listened about this phone for 4 month. I have this phone that speaks spanish and the screen wont work sometimes and i dont have money to buy this.

  37. I love to make the switch from Apple to Samsung but my parents won’t let me buy anything that’s not Apple!!! Sick of an iPhone 5S!

  38. I Always Loved The Curved Designs. This is Something New and Attractive. Plus i was Excited for S8 Release, Now that It Has Released, i Wish to Possess it. #RememberMeAsLongHashtagGuy 🙂

    1. I like how the devices resolution comes in full HD with the option for WQHD for gear VR. I was worried it would be unnecessary resolution all the time.

    2. Ho yes, samsung deep beauty, anyone falls in love, but this last terminal, is passed

    3. Even I remember thinking about the s8 almost a year ago after reading a post about galaxy s8 predictions and I was wondering what it will be like. It didn’t disappoint.

  39. How can you change the rules of your giveaway mid competition? I’ve been promoting you via Twitter every day since it began and now it all counts for naught. You’ve lost your credibility as far as I’m concerned

    1. I normally buy galaxy Notes for the bigger screen but I think I’d prefer the smaller S8 this time around. 5.8 is enough …. For now.

  40. I want this i want this i want this… i want new cellphone.. plsss.. maawa kayo sakin.. de jwk.. haha

  41. I would love to win the new S8 + from TheAndroidSoul, & thank you for the giveaway and hope to see you guys keep up the great work you do with all your Updates and news! Thanks. Jake.

  42. Really looking forward to this phone, looks brilliant – Samsung continues to innovate!

  43. I really love this kickass phone! It has killer specs and new features that could really maximize what a phone can do. I’m really hoping and wishing to win this phone coz it’s not just a stereotypical smartphone out there. 😊👌🤞

    1. You said exactly what was on my mind 😀 I love the iris scanner .Haven’t seen it much on any other phones and its far away from the normal phones

  44. Personally, I’m loving the new look of this phone. I’ve always been a fan of their curved screen since s6 edge came out. To be really honest, Samsung have been stepping their phone design really well and it came out very sleek and futuristic looking that no other phone can top them. I would LOVE to win this and play with the phone myself. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win this. Much love xx

    1. I agree with you so much! This phone looks nothing like other phones on the market. It’s so clean, rounded and sophisticated, that you’d buy it only for its looks as a figure of speech.

      1. Exactly! It’s like a whole new phone from a utopian future! Not to mention about the features and the specs, totally makes the phone a lot more promising than ever. They really did a good job with this one.

  45. really want to have a phone like this in my life. but i can’t afford because of expensive to me. i am a huge fan for samsung phones. so i want to try this one.

  46. Wow, I cant believe I have the chance to win a Samsung galaxy S8. I do hope I receive one; I have never won a giveaway before. I have just found the chance to.


  47. I was a user from Samsung a while ago, now i have a Meizu M2Note, but a S8 is a lot better than my Meizu

  48. They learned of the possible new thicknesses of samsung for a new version s8?

  49. The new super samsung device, you know that although it has little battery for its range, the processor helps you to economize and get less heating, that makes the 3000 battery is like 3500, and the battery of 3500 is like 4000 !!!

    1. You might not see that much of a boost but yes the cpu will be efficient in its usage and moreover samsung doesnt give WQHD+ by default as you have to enable it in the settings under [performance mode] something which everyone thought it’ll come out of the box .Right out we simply get the 1080p instead of the 1440p so that should also reduce power draw other than that there happen to be many other factors which contribute to power saving but still there might not be that big a boost

  50. Owned a Samsung Galaxy Ace plus 4-5 years back! That phone was a nightmare and it was the reason why I never liked phones from Samsung, except the Galaxy S series! And this time Samsung has definitely surprised me and I’m in love with the Galaxy S8!

    1. Because if you want to win, you must come every day to contribute in the subject of the draw, it is more, the people, very few are fulfilling

  51. Boys and girls, I know they are anxious to win, but please, let’s talk seriously about the draw, they just say they want to win, and that’s good and we’re going to open a subject of recent rumors about their resistance, Samsung and could not, we talked about real things, I read all the comments and very few talk about the subject, the others are disguised, there are others so bad I give myself to give, arrow down, ovio we all want to win, it is not for Be underlined, but if they want to win, follow the rules of the game.

    My language and Spanish, if I do not write well forgive me, I’m learning, it’s worth noting that I do not want to offend anyone

  52. I don’t know why it has Bixby on it this early on, but still I’m extremely curious about Bixby. It’s not finished, but I think it will come in handy. The camera options also interest me, as I really like to photograph but don’t always like smartphone cameras. I’m worried that all the new add-ons will take its toll on the responsiveness of the software. The raw power score is amongst the highest we’ve ever seen, so that is something to get very excited about.

    1. Yes, I assure you the technology of this camera it will like you.

      About bixby, it’s a shame it’s not finished

      1. I think so too! However, I do think that the camera feautures look a lot like the features seen on the last phone. So I’m excited, but also really curious as to what the differences might be. The over saturation is something that Samsung should really look into. But then again, Samsung’s smartphone cameras are amongst the best ones on the market.

        1. The oversaturation issue is pretty much fixed except for a little bit here and there.When compared to the G6 thought the oversaturation on that is a huge issue.Yes the camera is pretty much the same except for the sensor and a few other things I guess

          1. I think it is a shame that it is still an issue. Call me to critical, but it really lowers the quality of the picture.

          2. To most users it doesn’t seem to be that big a problem as of now the issue doesn’t occur that much but still if its a software related issue ,I’m sure Samsung will release an update ASAP.I’m more concerned about the pink screen issue which prevents using the phone at maximum brightness and its not a safety hazard as Samsung has upped its testing level for each phone and this can be fixed by meddling with the colour settings a bit

    2. Bixby is set to release in a little while so if it didn’t come with the button then it might have lacked a feature. Still if you want to remap the key for other functions there are pleant of software on the play store that let you use the bixby button as a home button ,camera launcher etc.

      1. Thanks! I was aware that it still lacked a few features and I know that people are currently remapping the button. But in the future Samsung will put a stop to that, because they’re not happy that people are changing the function of the button. XDA Developers reports that a new update will block the ability to remap the Bixby button and Samsung representatives have confirmed the news. So there is not much you will be able to do about it, except root the phone in order to make the button do whatever you want.

        1. Yeah unfortunately they are rolling out the update to fix the “issue” 🙁
          Moreover rooting the phone at such an early point of its release is unsafe and by the time a safe procedure has been found out to root I’m pretty sure Bixby itself would be made available XD

        2. You are sure! Bixby is done, the problem they have and is developing is the voice capability, who you could talk to your assistant, you can also access the camera of this terminal, pressing twice the button -block / off, so the bixby button, I think it can not be used for anything more than bixby, unless samsung does its update, the rest is fine, although I can not say much because the news you argue I have not read and Listened, please, you could give me the link to be aware.

      2. Bixby is almost a fact, only that his voice function is developing, although one of our companions, brings the news that Bixby, officially will not come, but I see that it is already, Then I do not know how it is there, I have seen videos that on the Bixby button, it gives the function of configuring it, besides, being that way, if it does not come, it would be nice if the button serves to open a specific application, an application that We assign.

        1. Bixby will come and the rumours that state it will not come are fake.
          Samsung will not simply allocate a hardware key for a feature that they’re uncertain about.Bixby is not anywhere near completely released though as there are many more features yet to come and the voice assistant just one of them

    1. Owners are already remapping the Bixby button to various other functions like launching apps ,camera and some also mapped it to pull down the notification bar as the Samsung Galaxy S8+ is a bit too tall for them going from smaller phones

      Update: Samsung started releasing their updates to fix the Bixby remappingi ssue

      1. Like I said in a previous comment: in the future that won’t be possibility unless you root the phone in order to use the button as you wish. Samsung will be updating its software in order to block the remapping of the Bixby button.

        1. so is, she is right, but seriously it is not possible to take the update without being root?, I think, who if can

          1. You can update your phone, but that means you will lose the possibility to remap the Bixby button. In my opinion people should be patient and just wait for the full version of Bixby. By then we’ll probably be happy with the button. If you still want to remap the button, the only way to do that is to root your phone. But like Rishab Warrier said earlier on, it is unsafe.

    2. i do think that a button specifically for bixby isnt the best idea.
      i think that many will disable bixby completely and change the function of the button as extra buttons are always good

  53. guys and girls, have heard of the technology of fingerprint reader on the screen, they knew that samsung was going to implement it in this device but for reasons of time it did not ?, I hope samsung implement it in the note note, the galaxy Note 8!

    1. It is implemented. It is on the backhand side of the phone, right next to the camera. It will make it less manageable, because the phone is so long. But I still think it is a great software.

    2. I am not sure, but I think that is an Apple Patent,something called the “interactive display with IR diodes”. I might be wrong though. Yeah, that would have been great, instead of a dedicated sensor.

      1. Apple has a patent on it and also rumours state that Crucialtec a korean manufacturer is about to release a phone with the same feature
        Samsung at first did plan on releasing this feature with the S8 but even after pouring a lot of resources into the research the results weren’t simply strong enough and the placement of the scanner had to be decided at the last minute which might explain the slightly uncomfortably located biometric fingerprint scanner 😀

    3. yes, most leaks did say that and i was very excited.
      unfortunately they did put the fingerprint reader right next to the camera meaning your finger might leave fingerprints on the lens

  54. This phone looks like the phone I’ve always dreamed of. I’m in love with it and I really hope I get to win. I will definitively be checking the blog daily.

    1. Hello, I want to help you by saying that you have to bring the subject of rumors, specs or anything interesting about the device, things you want us to know, and obvious, in addition to doing it every day

  55. I’m really curious as to what everyone thinks about the colours in which you can order the Samsung Galaxy S8 & S8+. Which one do you guys prefer best: orchid gray, midnight black or arctic silver?

    Something that has also been on my mind since the release of the S8 and S8+, is if fingerprints will be an issue on the screen itself.

    Thirdly, I was really impressed by its clean interface. So far as I can see, it looks much more navigable and little distracting features.

    Lastly, how cool is the Multi-window functionality? I’ve read that it has been improved greatly. Reportedly, you can split the screen in half between two apps, use a pop-out screen mode, or select an area of an app to dock at the top of the screen! I guess that the longer display of the S8 and specially the S8+ is coming in handy for this functionality: you can fill more screen with your apps, making it more manageable.
    Would this mean you can finally use YouTube and another app simultaneously, without YouTube shutting down? If anyone knows, please let me know.

    1. Hi, I would say Orchid gray, but that’s just my personal opinion. 😀
      I would not worry about smudging the display, since the display is quite different,but I would surely be worried about accidentally dropping the device, the Infinity display, is most probably the costliest part of the phone :D. So, do get a Screen Protector once you buy it.
      Can’t really say anything about the Multi-window functionality, though.

    2. Hello 😀 The Multi-window functionality does work with Youtube without have it to crash and the smudge magnet is the back side of the phone as its glass but that should be simply fixed with a back case and obviously everyone would use a tempered glass protector on the front too or it would be risking a huge sum on repairs 😀

      The interface is pretty simple and its based mostly off the Nougat UI it looks pretty much the same

      The thing that attracts me to this is the allways awake feature too and its amazing that it consumes very less battery when compared to the LG G6

      I prefer the Orchid Gray and Midnight Black but thats just my preference 😀

      1. Samsung’s display/interface has mostly been maintained from the Galaxy S7 Nougat update, yes. But I meant the new set of always-on display options (FaceWidgets, a trio of swipeable widgets, from music controls to a tiny schedule, that can be easily accessed by tapping on the clock). I don’t know if it will be of great use/importance, but I think it is nice to have so many options without being a distracting feature on the phone.

    3. As first, I would like the color “gray orchid”, I love it.
      As second, I think that if, since the freight did not leave space for the fingerprint reader, samsung gave the option of the back, although, I think it would have been better, if I had crossed it under the camera, giving the form of the Home button, of the “S” Previous.
      As a third, I can not give you much information about this since I have not experienced it in person, although, yes, I have seen in some media, manipulating the screen interface of this computer, and it is too flashy and useful.
      As a fourth, yes, if you can and more, the first time I could try this function, it was in a galaxy note 5, and it worked very well !, and considering that its power has increased very considerably since then, as in S8 and s8 +, I think it could open and play two games to see, but who would aria that, if someone plays something would be a single thing, so I think samsung would not establish this function, but definitely, you can open two and more windows At the same time, in the bubble function, I know in previous phones that it could open has five applications, but it is this s8 and +, considering its screen and power I think they could open more, ¡although I’m not sure!

  56. It is the best phone rigth now. Not only the specs are great, the design is gorgeous, as well. I’m a student, so i can not effort this phone. It would be a honor to get one for free.

    1. Hello, to ensure your entry, you must speak constantly every day, about the device, what you are worried about, the news that you want us to know and more, in conclusion, to debate about this, what you like about it, but, La Idea is that we can comment, so, come on!

  57. I’ve been using the same BB 9900 for the last 6 years, this phone would be fantastic! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway, good luck everyone!

  58. yes please, great birthday present for my daughter, she’s been saving for a phone for ages

  59. Best of luck to all. This Samsung S8 would be a perfect dream upgrade from my old S2 from 5 years ago.

    1. Give hard to the competition by following the rules, and you will win, but, I think luck is on the way, so, good luck!

  60. Guys, we need them to contribute to the debate, we all know that we want to win, but please, to win must make constant participation in the controversy generated about this device, who does not know something, investigate, any doubts, we are here to give our opinion about Of that, state your point of view, and the others the ours, thank you,

  61. Hey just saw this giveaway and am definitely very excited!! I’m definitely the most keen towards the bluetooth 5.0 that’s going to be integrated in this phone!!

    1. Amen! That is the least marketed awesome feature of this phone. Bluetooth 5 is a huge leap from the previous iterations. The range is more than doubled and the bandwidth is a lot more too which can be used for “dual audio”. Giving audio output to two different speakers for instance

      1. No, I do not like iphones, but you have to recognize that they are good, not any is better than one of them, the ios system is lighter than android, I do not want to leave badly the s8, but the iphone 7+ is capable of Beat him up for a bit

      2. Iphone had it flourishing years… It’s just been about time samsung took over.
        But if you saying you hate iphone well i think it’s all preferential

  62. Hi! My name is Trimanpreet Singh Chawla. I am entering in a giveaway first time. I hope of winning this.

  63. Hope to win… was wondering what happened to the gleem giveaway page! It said giveaway ended

    1. What happened is that “android soul” has decided to change the cards of the draw, will not be done with the gleem, Now it’s going to be you contributing to the subject of s8 or s8 +, ie giving your opinion about this device, What news is there about him, that he want us to know that you think we do not know, that you have doubts, discusses, discusses with us, but first, please read the comments at least 2 days ago, so that you are aware of what this Passing and do not repeat what has already been said, is more, if you have a doubt of what has been said, leave it, so we can help you.
      These actions must be done during the time of competition, bone, every day until the end of the draw, among more enriching participation to the topic you do, the more chances you have to win, if you do many and do not contribute anything, you are doing nothing, those are The rules, knowing all this, do it, and come on!

  64. I hope I win.. after a year and a half of having my s6 edge plus It is starting to break 🙁

    1. Give it to me if you win porfa xd.
      Do you really know the conditions to participate and win?

  65. Really do hope I have a chance at this ! Be more active on the page,eh! I can do that 🙂

    *fingers crossed*

    High time I upgraded from the Oneplus One and stop settling 😉

    1. claro amigo, si que se puede, aunque ya es un poco tarde para yo contestarte, debido a la fecha que lo publicastes

      1. Gracias y la mejor de las suertes a usted también!

        Pardon me if the spanish is wrong!

  66. If somebody has any technical question about Android or iOS, I would do anything to answer them.

    1. así es, ademas de eso, su procesador también es el mejor hasta la fecha, y su numero de opciones de seguridad es el numero 1, aunque es una pena que el desbloqueo facial tenga errores. 🙁

  67. Please, guys, contribute to the debate, there are very few who do it taking into account the number of participants, ask questions, give news, please, I am anxious for a well-armed debate and have not yet given it, they want, i put a lot of Questions even though they have already been answered?

  68. Hey . Many participants but only one winner. Hope that the lady luck is with me . I need this phone badly. And hope one of the best android websites , the android soul gives it to me!!!

  69. Just wondering but what’s the best battery case for Samsung phones? I know that the s8 only has 3,000mAh, and I get so much anxiety over battery life so please give some suggestions!!

      1. I’ve looked at lots of reviews on the brand and they’re all very good. The only concern I have is that it looks so bulky in pictures!! 🙁

    1. I think the new galaxy would really improve upon every bit of the specs ……following having issues with their battery from last year…where i heard they had to hault sales ….so from my point of view i think it would well be far better from s7

    2. I agree with @disqus_gE6HGDm7mA:disqus Vproof has a range of battery cases and they look really neat and also not a Wallet killer either 😀 The S8 version according to the amazon dates will be available by may 10th. You get a 5000mAh case for about 30$ which is actually not that bad

    3. I simply recommend the s8 + since it has 3500 mAh, but keep in mind that its processor is very good, because of this, the battery power is well restricted, ie it is like having an s7 of 3500 or 3600 mAh, and The s8 It’s like saying that actually 3500 and the s8 + is 4000mAh.

    4. Try out the device and check if its performance can last a whole day for your usage. If it can, then you can avoid a battery pack altogether. Besides, the quick charging is a boon

  70. The s7 edge had battery issues… How, comparing it to the new phone has there been massive improvement.?

    1. You can definitely see a battery improvement of 30-40% in here, compared to the s7 edge, with the different processor and all. But, it really depends on how you use your phone and the default display resolution you set it at, mediocre use should last you a day.

      1. Yeah you right.
        If you aint going the whole day without an internet connection which is seemingly impossible….well the battery would last even much longer than a day.

        1. Agreed. That would last you a hefty 12 hours more, but these days I don’t even bother to turn my data off, so that is off limits for me. Haha!

        1. Snapdragon is the Processor line of SOCs for smartphones by Qualcomm, quite similar to your PC cpu actually, but for the smartphones.

      2. The truth is, since the s8 has a large (potential) processor, which helps to average the energy in the device, but, the s8 consists of many functions apart from applications in sync, which eliminate the faster the energy of the device.

  71. Is it better than thr iphone 7plus.?
    Read an article saying something about the snapdragon … What is that?

    1. The Snapdragon 835. Only people in the US will be getting a Snapdragon, rest of the world i.e. Europe and Asia will have an Exynos 8895 chipset. The SD 835 is really good, probably the best Android processor in the market right now. But, when you compare an Android device with an iPhone, it’s like comparing a Cheetah with a Lion. iPhones will always perform better, because iOS is quite light on the memory management and no garbage collection and better UI rendering. S8 right now is the best Android phone in the market. Both have their own strengths. 🙂

      1. No doubt about it being the best android phone…but its still well a match for the iOS phones .
        Read through some pretty interesting specs on both the iOS and the galaxy ….it well had some advantages. Android is more user friendly…..from how i see it.

        1. Right. Apart from that, you get lots of freedom in the Android. Customizability of Android phones is unbeatable, in Smartphones. There are lots of things I could go on about why Android is better, but the most important factor, that everyone ignores is the MicroSD card. Apple i don’t think will ever come with one. Haha. Apple was selling 16gb devices, till last year. I mean 16gb, seriously? 😀

          1. Galaxy being in the market has really made them….up their game in the bizz…. First it was all apple here apple there….but now there is some sought of competition. Very big competition… I can’t even wait to hear about the galaxy s9 and the iphone 8. 😊 they both will be huge.

          2. True. But, I don’t see iPhones getting any cheaper, this year they are rumoured to come out with OLED displays, and Apple won’t ever reduce their profit share as Samsung did on the S8. Android is only going to go up 😉

          3. The iPhone 8 is (according to most websites and Speculators) expected to have the biggest release this year and increase their share in the phone market .I have a feeling that Apple might try tweaking the profits here and there to get there as if the phone is as good as people seem to be saying there might have been huge R&D expenses

          4. The iPhone 8 or X, whatever they are gonna call it, is rumored to come with some interesting upgrades and may well cost over a 1000$. Although, I don’t agree with you when you say tweaking profits, because Apple R&D expenses are considerably more than any android, as they are the ones, who often come with the big changes and there’s no such a thing as a cheap iPhone :D.

          5. According to rumours iPhone is going all out with a Glass sandwich with stainless steel in the middle and doing away with the button and Using a part of the screen as a sensor as Carlos enquired about earlier.Moreover its the iPhone’s 10th anniversary so I guess there’s a lot more to come I ever heard something about extremely fast charging but rumours are rumours and not all of them can be trusted .The speculated price of the iPhone 8 is 70K which is way higher than the previous ones.According to BusinessInsider their profit margin has dropped to 49% in 2016 and expected to drop to 34% and they also quoted Sacconaghi and he says”We believe that GMs [gross margins] will potentially become a larger issue as we approach the iPhone 8’s release, as the devices’ new form factor, OLED screen and increased functionality (wireless charging) will invariably drive up iPhone’s BOM [bill of materials], either necessitating a further price increase in the device, or potentially pressuring gross margins in FY 18.”

          6. I get what you mean, but Apple has what you can say, a fan following, they upgrade from a 6s to a 7, just because it’s the latest version. Look at the bigger picture here, Apple is still raking way more profits than Samsung and with materials like what you said, the on-screen fingerprint reader and all, with the way it will be designed, that you can’t fix them up at anywhere else but Apple care, and after selling it for 70k, people will shell out more bucks to get that fixed. Also, with so many new technology that Apple will hopefully introduce in their next iPhone, their shares are only expected to go up.

          7. You’re right about that.The shares might skyrocket as after many years this will be the first Apple with quite some upgrades unlike the previous one which was more of a downgrade with that 3.5mm jack (No hate ,Just saying).As I said in an earlier post the iPhones are more of a status symbol than a phone some people simply need to have its latest version even if doesn’t have any significant upgrade.After the iPhone 8 releases they’ll be pulling in huge profits and maybe it could be higher than 70k,they might bring in an 8+ variant which people will simply go Gaga for

      2. In conclusion, it can not be compared in depth with each other, since they are different systems, but in Christian, s8 is better, by its specifications, I hope you understand me.

        1. Yes, I have no doubts about that. The S8 is way too good. I was just trying to answer the question about iOS vs Android to @bossmanghostrigzburner:disqus here. Android has far more advantages as compared to the iOS too :).

    2. Well,its more of a preference really, iOS vs android.
      iOS does give a streamlined UI, but lacks in terms of any available tinkering.
      Android on the other hand does let users decide on their icons,launchers etc. Power users can go deeper and flash custom ROM’s and all that.
      And in terms of looks, the S8 does take the cake this time around. Kudos to samsung for that! The S8 also has a more vivid screen and technical superiority in the screen area!
      So as of now,yeah the s8 does seem to be ahead!

    3. Who is better, iphone 7 or s8, the truth, both have great match in their category, have great specifications, but say who is better, that depends on each one, the iphone is lighter, since their system is very difficult to Is fragmented, but the s8 has better processor. As I said, it depends on each one, for me the s8 is better, because of its hardware and software, they are quite flashy.
      Who is snapdragon ?, I’ll tell you the simplest and simplest, snapdragon is the processor of the device, which is responsible for running all its functions, from the simplest, to the most complex.

    4. Its just a matter of preference really.Both phones are really good and if you prefer a light and more stream lined UI go with the Apple and if you want more customizability and flexibility go with the S8.Also iPhones are known for their longevity.I know many people who still have and use their iPhone 4s but thats a different case most likely. An Android phone will rum you atleast 2-3 years while an iPhone will run you a good 4-5 years if you don’t care about the updates and the OS.
      Snapdragon is Qualcomms line of Processors [System on a chip]. The S8 not only comes with Snapdragon processors but there are variants in EU and Asia with the Exynos processor which is Samsungs line of processors

  72. Quoting Aju Business Daily, The Investor says that Samsung and Qualcomm has already started work on a new mobile chip for the Galaxy S9. The chip is likely to be called Snapdragon 845 and should be manufactured by Samsung or TSMC when development is complete.

    A report a few weeks ago claimed the Galaxy S9 is already in development at Samsung. At the time, the Galaxy S8 wasn’t even available in stores.

    Samsung uses the Snapdragon 835 and the Exynos 8895 chips in its Galaxy S8 phone, both 10nm chips that are faster and more energy-efficient than their predecessors. The company employed the same tactic for years, which means it’s likely a version of the Galaxy S9 will also be powered by a Samsung-made chip.

    The report, however, doesn’t mention anything about Samsung’s future Exynos chips, or the tech specs of the Galaxy S9’s processors.

    The Galaxy S8 currently has the best mobile processor pair you can find on an Android device, and it’s the only phone to have a Snapdragon 835 chip inside. However, tests have shown that the iPhone 7’s performance is still no match for the Galaxy S8.

    1. Well Samsung will not stop producing the phones with their Exynos simply as the Exynos is beating all benchmarks and hands down the better processor than Snapdragon.The only reason Samsung is still selling variants with Snapdragon in the US is because Exynos doesn’t support CDMA which some carriers in the US still use.If that was not the situation Samsung would have done away with it as Exynos is also a more profitable choice for them.Thanks for sharing that information with us.Be nice if you gave the source from where you extracted that 😀

    2. Because when you talk about the specs of s9, it is logical to say that you will not find them for now that the s8 has not even been released completely, although this has nothing to do with it, I mean, it is too early for samsung to reveal information that Can change a future

      1. What he stated is an extract from an article at BGR.The S9 is under development and the Rumours about the new processor are also true although the name is uncertain as its too early to tell .

      2. They actually started work on the s9! Pretty sure they must already have decided a lot of the specs as well! Bossman sure has a lot of queries 😛

  73. Was reading through some comparison with the iphone s7 protection wise.. Which one is them is the best.?
    Galaxy s8-Corning Gorilla Glass 5 iphone 7s-Ion-strengthened glass, oleophobic coating

    1. Of some of the Youtube videos I checked the iPhone 7 plus didn’t start breaking at the 11 feet mark in most tests while the back of the S8 was shattered completely a,but that can be a cheap replacement.The screen of the S8 although was not a huge crack but did have a slight crack at the top corner which made the iPhone the clear winner.Although in everyday usage both are really good phones and the S8 does take a lot of throwing around to show some damage on the screen I would suggest the S8 simply because of its great specs and also as Samsung is really responsive to user complaints and fixing every issue ASAP.If you prefer IOS and its simplicity you can choose the Apple.

    2. The Corning Gorilla Glass 5, is the most reinforced glass in a smartphone to date, but, iphone, has an aluminum protection a rear, and its front has a more collected screen and more bevels, which gives more Protection, it is this aspect of resistance, Is more likely to win the iphone 7

    3. Check out jerryrigeverything’s tests on the s8 and iphones. TLDR version is, s8 isn’t very durable with drops and bumps but is very resilient to scratches. Even the caera glass is very tough

  74. Last i checked ….. The google pixel…was the best phone price …oops galaxy rules.

    1. Pixel although was really good ,people simply didn’t have that big of a preference towards it .Most people would simply choose the 1+3t over it just because it was much cheaper and had decent specs

    2. Pixel is a great device for android purists but what I was disappointed about was how incomplete it felt. The software is smooth and snappy and has an awesome camera, yes. but it wasn’t water resistant, the build felt so incomplete. All of that really pulled it down. s8 seems to have little to no compromises

      1. The Pixel IMO isn’t simply good enough to grow out of the Nexus’ shadow :/ And I don’t mean that by specs but just by overall build. The Nexus had that little something that makes me, even after its discontinued, like it a lot 😀

        1. Nexus was the best. I know exactly what you mean. I feel it. Nexus had element to it. Something impeccable and perfect. That purity. I have heard this a lot and know it to be true. Once you use a nexus, Its hard to go back to anything else. And though the era ended, it ended with an awesome phone like the Nexus 6P. Was very sad to learn it would be the last of its kind. Gone but never forgotten. :/

          1. I did read somewhere that they might relaunch it as the Pixel doesn’t seem to be doing so well but there’s a very small chance of that being true

          2. Yes. 🙁
            Nexus wasn’t for profits by google. It was to show the other android OEMs where android phones, in which direction they should go and what they should aspire to be. That was pure awesomeness.
            With pixel it was all about success and profits and competing with iPhone. They even copied so much. It lost that nexus element

          3. What was so nice about the Nexus was whenever I went to XDA I see so much support for it and so much news about it in the front page.I barely see anything about the Pixel and tbh not sure if many people tweak their phones too.Really wish they brought the Nexus back :/ and what you said about the profits is something I haven’t heard 😀 thanks for sharing that 😉

          4. Yes, the people who bought nexus and people who bought pixel are completely different. Nexus phones were a lot more affordable than Pixels too. Maybe that’s also a huge factor.
            Glad to share. 🙂

          5. Yes exactly my friend. 🙂
            Nexus was for the devs and power users and the people who truly understood android for what it was.
            Pixel was for mainstream casual users. People who were using the iPhone before and felt like changing. They didn’t include any deep, expert features. Everything was plain, easy to use features. Google assistant, finger print scanner gestures, double tapping the power button to wake. It was for the conventional user.

          6. Pixel is an amazing flagship phone, no doubt but it never really appealed to me about it’s design, Nexus though was an entirely different case. Especially the Nexus 5.

          7. I completely agree. Nexus 5 is an evergreen phone. My friend is running nougat on it, rooted of course and it still works like a charm. The build and simplicity of that phone was top class.
            Even the Nexus 6P was gorgeous and amazing phone.

          8. I know right, they sold the phone for almost close to 3 years consistently without a drop in price. That goes to show how good it was, and still is. Yeah, my cousin has one, and as far as I know, he has no plans of getting that replaced anytime soon.

          9. Agreed. Nexus 5 and Moto G 1st generation both while dated, still enjoy updates from a rather dedicated developer community.

          10. Those first generation moto phones were great, the G and the X.
            I think google owned moto at that time and maybe that’s why they were that great. Speculating.

          11. That’s the beauty the Nexus with great specs and also a gigantic community .There are so many ROMs to choose from,so many performance enhancing mods and so many themes <3

          12. You can never get used to it. never get bored. When its getting too heavy for the phone, someone comes up with a better kernel and it breathes new life into the phone

  75. Even if i don’t win…would save all my salary to get one..
    Galaxy is simply ….wonderful …a dream phone worth the wait.

        1. EMI stands for equated monthly installments where you can pay small payments each month for a period of 6 months or longer with a slightly higher price due to interest.This is much easier and more preferable as people don’t have to make it a one time payment 😀
          Correction: Equated*

    1. I recommend you wait for note 8, if you talk about salary, you are talking about work, notes serve a lot for work, I recommend you wait and decide later, even if it will take a while.
      Although winning this s8 would be the gift of the decade.

        1. lmao,true! The past S series of the decade when compared to todays mid range phones seems like a joke now. Of course this is pretty much pre s6 times 😛

  76. Guys and girls, give me your opinions on the problems of s8 based on the red screen, who knows what is the cause?, Why all s8 and s8 + do not present?, It is said that configuring the calibration of the Screen can can solve, but in reality, when configuring it, on some devices, the edges still turn out to be red, who knows about that?

    1. There was an issue and the updates are about to roll out by the end of this month 😀 It was a software related issue.Some of the phone’s red tint issue could be fixed simply by adjusting the colours in the Settings but not all of them worked that way.

    2. If indeed it is a hardware issue,samsung wont leave you hanging. But for now it seems like its a software issue!

    3. It must be the software issue, with the color calibration settings that Samsung introduced in the phone, there might be some glitches that needs to be fixed. and as @rishabwarrier:disqus said, not all of it could be fixed manually as Samsung told. So, we just have to wait for the OTA update that will fix the issue, and we might get to hear more about it.

  77. I would love to win this phone, I love Samsung since I remember to listen about this brand, I love all devices and I don’t have the conditions to buy this or the S7, please if u can help me to share this post, thanks!!

    1. That ?, you must win it, do not ask it please, if you want to win it you follow the rules and compete, do not be child!

  78. One point a lot of reviewers seem to miss about the S8 is the pressure sensitive home button! Thats actually quite cool seeing they ditched their trademark home button.

      1. Sadly they couldn’t though.Definitely on the note 8 or the s9 I think 🙂

    1. Oh yeah, you risked a tradition to attract attention, it was excellent that samsung work, has made this terminal something beautiful to beautiful, but was wrong in the location of your fingerprint reader.

  79. This very much finite Infinity display is what makes the headlines, but it’s not without a consequence. The Home button is history – in its place an onscreen navigation bar, the fingerprint sensor relocated, the pressing sensation emulated (sort of) by haptic flutter,but what made samsung rid off the home button.?
    Would the next coming galaxies be the same.? Or perhaps each and every year would come with different designs.?

    1. I think it was a pretty bold move! And they did it brilliantly! The button can be pressed even when the screen is completely off !

      1. Yeah it was bold…. I mean making such a big decision about the design and it paying of so cool, it’s a plus.

        1. la verdad, es que dices las cosas tan claras que no me das oportunidad de comentarte, cunando puedo responderte algo, alguien ya lo ha hecho.

      2. It is brilliant. Everything just paid off for them.
        The phone is simply amazing …the design is just too cool

    2. It was a good move IMO.Most people (including myself) prefer on-screen navigation and no home button simply because theres more screen and less bezel.They’ve done rid of the Home button and done a really nice job at it too.The Scanner’s placement could have been put under the camera than beside it though..

      1. Samsung always give you something special..that woud just blow your mind.

          1. Fingers crossed XD This happens to be their first giveaway and the reaction seems to be huge.I’m guessing seeing the reaction they give more of the reviewers kit if they can afford to 😀

      2. If, in this case, samsung bothered a little, but his fingerprint is better than before, is faster.

    3. Samsung every year, it gives a touch to the designs of its terminals, in this s8 and s8+, gave a great and advanced touch.
      Samsung and its infinite screen, I know that samsung could remove more bevels, I mean, although samsung announce that the s8 does not have bevels, but in reality if, they are small but it has them, besides, I have hopes that the improvements that the Do in the next terminals, thickening with the fingerprint reader on the screen, a breakthrough to s5 technology!

  80. Even without the home button..i think the phone is still awesome because i see an extension of the screen compared to the galaxy s7 edge

    1. Yeah the only complaint is the poor fingerprint reader placement. Funny how they messed that up.

      1. Yeah…it would have been more cool ….with the home the s7 edge…but with the homeless button…that’s what i think has made the phone’s screen slightly bigger than before.

          1. Yeah …..yeah… Saw the idle screen screen…and it looked amazing though.

          2. And whats more interesting is that the idle screen feature doesn’t draw much power and there’s not much difference between having it on and off.That was something I was really worried about 🙂

        1. Yeah,that and the fact that they changed the aspect ratio which is why its easy to hold despite being larger than usual 🙂

        2. It’s part of the charm actually. Smartphones like the S8/S8+, the Xiaomi Mi Mix, and to some extent the LG G6, have extremely high screen to body ratio, and no doubt they leave all other smartphones miles behind when it comes to the design. The S8 will probably feel very slightly larger than a 5.5 inch normal device, though it packs a 5.8 inch display 😀

          1. Did you check out the Note 8 leaks ? Its screen seems to be huge and is expected to be a giant 6.4 inches .The leaked images screen to body ratio seems to be slightly higher than the S8 and the S8 plus.This phone is surely one of the contenders for the best phone of 2017 😀 I really don’t know what to say.The Note 8 looks simple amazing and its also doing away with the awkwardly placed scanner too.Samsung is doing a really great job !
            Correction: Note 8

          2. Do you mean the S9 or the Note 8? S8 is already out. As for that, not yet. There is still a long way to go before the release and sometimes, what the leaks claim, does not really reflect in the released phone itself. What you say though, is really nice.

          3. Oh my bad I meant the Note 8.The leaks are of a phone that looks somewhat like a larger version of the S8+ with a stylus alongside it .It’s bezels are much less compared to the S8 and again sorry for the mix up XD .I have a feeling that the renders could be true but still as you said we’re still far off from release as its expected to come out at the mid or end of Q3

          4. No worries mate ;). Yeah, Q3 end is the time when the announcements will be, probably at the end of september, but I think the complete launch will only be possible by November, we have a lot of time. I have read too many OnePlus 5 leaks 🙂

          5. The OnePlus 5 leaks are also very nice aren’t they with the dual camera and all that.I just can’t seem to stop reading rumours about the Note 8 and the iPhone 8 though.The iPhone simply seems too god to be true with the display and the scanner.Sadly all leaks are not true but its amazing how even some false rumours seem so believable I just hope that the Note 8 Fingerprint scanner placement is true 😀

          6. The fingerprint scanner, has become something that is already ahead. So hard to stop seeing

          7. Yep.Especially in India where the government plans to start payments using the scanners of the phone and also some other registration process.I remember when it all started and one of my friends told me how the scanner was useless and just a market stunt and it has no real use other than to unlock you phone fast but now its all changed and even Samsung pay lets you use your finger print to make payments

          8. Let’s see I am pretty hyped about the OnePlus 5. The 3t set the bar really high for the smartphones and the expectations are quite high. We will hear pretty soon about that, anyway 🙂

          9. I just hope they don’t raise the price along with that bar XD I have a feeling they’ll slowly start moving towards the 40-50k mark to match with other flagships but if they do make that mistake then the nickname “Flagship killer” will simply diminish and might lose some fans.I really want them to stay at the 30k mark maybe rise it to 35k just so that there’s a price difference.My friend seems to speak high about the 1+5 and is asking everyone to wait for it than buy the 3T just hope its worth the wait

          10. Haha :D. This isn’t likely to happen anytime soon, though. Chinese OEMs have got a reputation to uphold, don’t they.? 😀

          11. Well I’m not sure OnePlus started from 15k and slowly has climbed up to the 30k section pretty fast not saying thats a bad thing and not that they’re charging too much ,Trust me that phone is worth every penny (3T) Just saying what I’ve come to understand XD

          12. Correction: OnePlus X, the budget offering was 15k, the One was priced at around 20k. They have always kept the price competitive. Yes, last year, the prices went 3k higher than the Oneplus two which was launched at 24k but, they had the best on-sheet specs to boot. Even Amitabh Bachchan admits that. Lmao!

          13. Ah I must have confused it between the old price and the current price.My bad the last I remember was the 15k pricing 😀 Omg and those advertisements XD The specs are so good for that pricing obv they saved a lot of money on marketing with their old strategy which let them fit in more attractive specs for that price and The 3T’s trailer is the first one I’ve seen for that matter 😀

          14. Ah, yes the silent and cost effective FB marketing they did during the Oneplus One launch days.. Ingenious.

          15. Something around 10,000$ if i am not wrong. It’s hard to believe that a brand kickstarted themselves into the world market, with such less spending.

          16. No way! That’s it? I expected them to have put in much more 😐 They must have put in some thorough planning and incredibly good execution as that was a pretty risky move 🙂

      2. The finger print scanner was expected to be on-screen but sadly the research didn’t show stable results and they had to alter the design at the last minute and place the finger print scanner at the back and ended up with this XD

          1. Most likely on the S9 so that they can advertise and boost sales and also more time to develop it well too.The Note 8 will most likely be pretty much the same although its hard to imagine a Note series without a home button but that might just be me.

          2. Think of the note with the home button … Am just saying.
            Or perhaps without the home button…will give it a plus in the screen resolution.

          3. I just saw the leaks of the Note 8 and I’m stunned .It looks really beautiful and also comes with its trademark stylus and also for the first time dual cameras 😀

          4. The truth is that seeing a note without a start button would look good, since it would be more free to screen De biseles and wide content visibility. That’s just my opinion.

          5. Well the Note 8 according to the leaked media does look really good ,I mean its a real beaut but then it’ll take a while for me to register that as the note and replace the old ones in my head XD.

        1. Wow….that must have escaped them somehow…but the phone is still awesome.

        2. You are right, is that the technology of the reader on the screen is already, but they should have thought a little, but since, note 8, will break minds with the reader on screen !!

          1. Actually that is not true the Note 8 will also have the reader at the back only now it’ll be placed at a much more comfortable position below the camera according to the leaks,renders and rumours

          2. You are sure, I can almost assure you, note 8 will come with the fingerprint reader on the screen, remember why samsung could not implement it in this terminal (s8).

          3. Nah the leaks don’t show a fingerprint scanner on the Note 8.Moreover it only makes sense that Samsung will implement that bug a feature only on the next years S9 followed by the Note 9 just so that its an additional feature to use as marketing and so they have more time to develop the feature well too .So sadly no fingerprint scanner on the screen on the Note 8.

          4. The first device where we will see the on-screen reader will be an iPhone because they have a patent on it, and the next iPhone is rumored to come with it. @rishabwarrier:disqus’s answer has further cemented my belief. So, not in the Note 8, but hopefully next year, we will be seeing that in Android devices as well !!

          5. We make bets?, I assure you that in note 8, we will see the reader on screen, of course, the reader technology on screen is already done, but there was no time to implement it in s8, that is to say, it will certainly be implemented in the note 8, well, the device that comes out first will bring it, since it is true what you say about iphone,

          6. Umm you seem extremely confident about the on-screen scanner but sadly what you stated is most likely false .I know its too early to talk about the S9 but thats the phone that has more chances of coming with the scanner on screen simple because its a sales tactic.If they include the feature on the Note 8 then it would show a huge difference from the S8 and end up toning down the S8 series’ sales.So if they release the feature with the S9 it would not only not disturb the market of any recently released phone but also they get to say that they have more features on the newest phone and also in all these years there never has been that huge a difference between the galaxy s series and note series released in the same year design-wise and also specification-wise.So these are some reasons why I’m lead to believe that the Note 8 will not come with the scanner on screen

          7. I would be very happy if I am wrong. I really hope Samsung does bring it in the Note 8.

          1. The facial recognition is not really good as most of the times it doesn’t recognize your face properly.The Iris scanner too isn’t that good as it doesn’t work properly for people with glasses and if there is bad lighting or also too much lighting.Both those features are also not means to use Samsung pay.Not that I hate them ,I really like the retinal scanner but the thought of having to point the phone at my face for a few seconds to unlock it seems a bit awkward when compared to placing my finger at the back.

          2. Yep only that the Retinal Scanner and Facial recognition isn’t that good under improper lighting and for that matter Facial recog isn’t that safe as it can be fooled with a simple picture but that won’t be for long 😀 The retinal scanner also isn’t that good for people with glasses :/ and also isn’t a way of using Samsung pay … Sorry about the late reply BTW 🙂

      3. Maybe they would come up with a solution..or it might not be the fact that every galaxy s8 user having that same problem…not really sure but just saying.

        1. They cannot possibly fix the fingerprint reader, because it is already present at the back next to the camera, and some users complain about the awkward placement, since the phone is larger than normal at 5.8″(for the S8, S8+ is even larger), and as such, in general, it is tough to unlock the phone with one hand because of it. I might just be able to access that with one hand, I have got really long fingers :D. Haha!

        2. Adaptability comes with time. Once, people use it for a few days, I am sure they will be fine with it.

        3. It will not be fixed, as Aditya said. Either way, there is still passcode/pattern, retina scanning and facial recognition, so you can just use that.

          1. Agreed @jeremyjoji:disqus, as you said there are a lot of alternate ways to unlock the phone. SInce, the front is the complete display, they had to go with the back anyway, we need to move past the fingerprint reader, and appreciate the true masterpiece that Samsung has created.

        1. As I’ve said earlier it was a rushed up decision and they had to place the scanner there as there was no other position to place the scanner as the battery and other components were are already placed in all preferable positions 😐 This they seemed to have corrected with the Note 8 if the rumours and the renders I’ve seen are right

        2. It was a last minute thing I guess,when they couldnt incorporate it into the screen itself.

      4. They wanted the fingerprint scanner to be on the home button but they ran into problems with that design and the back placement was the alternative they were left with. So I guess its justified though even I don’t like the placement.

        1. Not on the home button but on the screen itself like how the iPhone is expected to be.Sadly there weren’t proper results and they had to find a different place

  81. When the s7 edge is placed on the front, the edges changes colour when there’s a call…i hope samsung still maintain that feature it is so cool

    1. The edge is still there but this time there is no normal and edge variant but simple the S8 and S8+,both with infinity displays.The two show only slight differences like battery capacity and screen size and in Asia and Europe the S8+ also has a 6gb variant

    2. That feature is something that has become samsung itself, has been maintained from the s6 edge, would not be an exception in the s8

  82. Last year a friend of mine won… The galaxy s7 edge… It came with the gear VR from some quiz on twitter… Just asking the androud soul if… this would also come with all the gears in case anybody is to win.
    Or probably it would just be the phone.

    1. Well its the reviewers edition which they receive so that they can review the phone and post on the website so it most likely will only have the things the retail phone comes with and no additional prizes 😀

    2. Because this contest speaks only the phone (complete and in its box), it would be great to come with something extra. Enjoy it, the winner!

    1. Friend, you have been saying the same thing for a long time, but, do not hesitate to follow the rules, please, this advice serves you to win, the rules are up, participate to win.

    1. Simple mate 😀 You just have to be active in the website,express your opinion on the posts , help the people who are confused about certain subjects and also share and help make the website popular 😀

  83. Boys, you from”amine khanfoudi” to this message, you need to contribute to the debate, express your opinions, concerns or doubts, the messages you are leaving will not serve as probabilities to win, must be enriching participation to the topic of the phone, Please, dedicate yourself to investigate and contribute, even a question serves.
    Congratulations to “Bossman Ghostrigz Burner “, because it shows that he has been investigating and contributing to the subject of the device, what he does are more questions and are satisfactory for others’ active participation, thanks” Bossman Ghostrigz Burner “, but not I’ve been able to answer most of your questions, others are ahead of me, but since, I congratulate you!

  84. I really would love a Galaxy S8+. All my life I always had a low end phone… right now I am still using a Galaxy S4. I want to get more into android and start developing, but I cannot do that when I do not even understand the new interface. If I received the Galaxy S8+, I would be familiar with the new OS and start developing. It would mean the world to me if I received this phone. I beg of you, to please pick me. I really need this phone. I am looked down upon by my fellow students because I have a Galaxy S4, and not a high-end phone.

  85. The enhanced security offered by Samsung Knox has been approved by 29 governments worldwide.
    Seriously …i mean guys samsung is the real deal.
    Unbreakable security…what wow!!

    1. IKR Samsung is really building up its security and it also has Samsung pay which I like,one can pay using their phone and the finger print works with it too 😀 although the Iris scanner and the Face scanner do not work with Samsung pay .

      1. They simply aren’t secure enough yet to be used as reliable security options. Face unlock can sometimes even be fooled with a picture. As their algorithms get better and better, maybe they will include them in pay.

      2. That’s because, Samsung has determined that the facial scanner and iris, are not as safe as the rest, well, can be infringed with images!

        1. The Iris can’t be faked btw just the facial recognition 🙂 The Iris I guess needs to develop more so that it gets more handy and fast ,as of now its a bit slow and doesn’t work under bad lighting condiotions

  86. games are taken to a new level when played on Galaxy S8 and S8+’s boundless screen. And with Vulkan capabilities, hours of immersive fun are at your fingertips with even the most graphic-intensive games.

    1. Well the S8 series’ hardware is top of the line especially the processors.As of now only the S8 has the Snapdragon 835 although the Exynos variant beats the Snapdragon version hands down.With all that specification games should run beautifully especially on that screen and that resolution 😀

  87. Didn’t really get to hear the “hybrid sim” in the previous edged samsungs
    What is it?

    1. Hybrid sim slot means that in phones that support dual sims you have the choice to either have 2 sims in the phone and sacrifice the ability to use an SD card and increase you storage or use one sim and use an SD card instead of using a second sim.Its simply based on sacrificing a sim for an Sd card or an SD card for an additional sim

      1. Oh okay sure… So, double sim forget the memory card… Or single sim with a memory card right.
        Well the phone has a sizable amount of the storage 64 gig if am right…..
        Well the storage looks okay to take basic android apps.

        1. Yeah but for the people who don’t need a second sim they can extend the storage to a bulky 256gb although most people don’t use that much and 64gb is ample storage for basic usage unless you’re storing a lot of data and can’t afford to delete a few gbs of jank 😉

        2. But you have to keep in mind that the phone has a high range, its images, videos, all its multimedia content will be heavier, so its space is exhausted faster, but 64gb, it backs it up,

  88. “Dual Pixel 12MP AF”
    Correct me if am wrong …so in actual sense the camera is 24MP right? I mean the back cam.

    1. Dual Pixel AutoFocus doesn’t mean that that its 12mpX2.According to what I’ve read its Samsung’s AutoFocus feature that is supposed to be much better than the phones on the market.It’s not something new as it is present in more mirrorless camera sensors and high-end DSLRs.According to Samsung “The Dual Pixel image sensor employed in the camera of the Galaxy S7 splits every single pixel into two photodiodes for on-chip phase detection, promising vastly improved autofocus performance,”The feature can be seen most useful when you’re taking low light pictures.The old Autofocus [PDAF] uses only 5-10 percent of the pixels for focusing but the Dual Pixel AF uses 100% of the pixels to focus images.The dual pixel AF feature was introduced in the Galaxy S7 😀

      1. So apparently it’s the same feature in the s7 edge just that the dual pixel af uses 100‰ of the pixel focus on images.
        The s7 has an amazing camera.
        My concern was even about the selective focus …i don’t know i didnt really see this in the s7edge or i might have missed it.

        1. The camera is pretty much the same as s7 edge added with better post image processing. This will help especially in the case of moving subjects, HDR processing and greatly reduces noise especially in low light

    2. In layman terms, it is just enabling a much faster, better autofocus.
      When you open the camera and point it to the subject you wish to clock pictures of, the subject will fall into focus a lot faster.

    3. Megapixels count is really not a deciding factor. Yeah it would be nice to have a higher one,but lots of other factors affect the quality of the camera 🙂

      Like the focal length,the size of the sensor,its sharpness etc.

    4. No, af, refers to sensors that help you improve the focus of the camera, they also increase the sharpness and resolution of the camera, so with only 12MP, samsung occupies one of the first logarithms in the field of camera, I speak in Christian, I do not give too much explanation for you to understand me

  89. The selective focus (Bokeh Effect ) would be amazing.
    I am not sure but the iPhone has this effect right.?
    Ever seen this in the iphone 7

    1. Umm Selective focus and Bokeh effect are two completely different things.The Bokeh effect can be achieved by using selective focusing and so far only the iPhone 7,Huawei P9 and the Mi6 is able to get the “Bokeh effect”.I’m not exactly sure if what I’ve written is completely accurate,sorry if I’m wrong 🙂

      1. From the samsung page it did mention the two… I hapoen to believe that the selective focus generates the bokeh effect.
        I have seen the selective focus in the iphone 7 but i wasnt really sure .

        1. Like I said earlier the Bokeh effect can be achieved through the Selective focusing but to what I’ve read just now in a few sites it doesn’t mention having the ability to achieve the Bokeh effect and it would’ve been mentioned atleast a few times as only very few phones have the ability to take photos in that way.The people went crazy when the iPhone had it.The Bokeh shots can be taken only in phones with dual cameras unfortunately although some say that its possible to get some hint of the bokeh effect while doing macro shots.I’m not exactly sure if what I’ve typed is accurate you could wait for some more people to come and talk about it too

          1. Lower the aperture,greater the bokeh.
            F/1.7 is really impressive for a phone camera.

        2. It is something that is achieved using the aperture of the lens in the camera. Low aperture induces the closer objects being in focus while the background is completely off focus creating that blurred background effect. Higher aperture for instance is used to shoot landscapes where everything needs to be clearly visible without blur. So technically, lower the aperture of the lens, better will the effect be. Though the camera lenses are capable enough like DSLRs to do this, they fake the effect in principle

      2. Calm, no matter if you are wrong, it is clear what you want to say, but, what you have to accept is that samsung, incorporating it, is legal and has it. Thank you very much for your comment, it helped me

    2. The iPhone was the first one to introduce that effect in portrait photos where the subject is in sharp focus while the background in blurred giving a nice depth of field and making the picture very attractive by prioritizing the subject alone.

        1. It was called the aperture mode in P9 so.. Though it essentially did the same thing, its the iPhone that made it a mainstream feature by talking about it and marketing it during iPhone 7 launch.

          1. That’s true but what’s in a name right? iPhone being iPhone made it a huge thing and all the fans went crazy and it was made known to everyone and very few knew that Huawei had already come with it .

          2. Is true, Huawei already had it, but did not release it as iphone, but since, the focus is samsumg at this time

  90. Although, when you consider that Samsung has demonstrated the best screen tech for a number of years, this isn’t really a surprise.
    Lets all be honest samsung has the perfect screen tech wise.

    1. I think its the infinity display that attracts most people.The aspect ratio is the only con here , its a bit awkward and most videos won’t utilize the full screen and will end up leaving a black space on both sides of the screen.The S8’s screen is much more sharper than the G6’s screen and a bit big too as the aspect ratio of the G6 is 18:9 while the S8 is 18.5:9.The resolution of the S8 is also slightly higher.

      1. Yeah it is ….as i already stated, samsung taking the home button off…has given it that extra lead resolution wise …. Becaude the screen extends from almost thr bottom to the top.

      2. Exactly! To be honest ,the thing that made me love the phone the most was the infinity display! It looks bloody gorgeous. The aspect ratio is not a problem when browsing and games get optimized(some of them) to make use of the extra space. The black spaces like you said are kinda awkward. But kudos to them for making it bigger while not making it uncomfortable for one hand use.

        1. IKR one hand usage although on the S8+ is a bit painful they nailed it with the S8 😀 and as @AshwinPras:disqus said it would lead to us twisting and turning to adapt to the screen and end up in a comfortable position XD

  91. Colours are gloriously vivid, but it manages to avoid oversaturating brighter shades while still displaying the deepest black. Like the iPhone 7, it covers the DCI-P3 cinema-grade colour gamut for a much wider spectrum of colours, and in certain situations, the brightness can break the 1000-nit barrier. Considering most phones, including the LG G6, only go up to about 650 nits, this is seriously impressive stuff. In fact, this screen is so bright that It can keep it on 25% brightness and it’s perfectly visible indoors.

    1. Whats more surprising is that even with the brightness at max the phone lasts 6 hours of intensive usage! The display is also really good ,even at 30-40% brightness the display is completely visible and has no issue which is way better than the G6.

        1. Well its just a matter of preference.Some people actually prefer the G6 as it is slightly cheaper.Other than the price difference I don’t see why they should choose the G6 as the S8 beats it hollow in all fields 😀

    2. I remember reading this somewhere in one of the review sites. I am afraid you are copy pasting this information, my friend. Lets please be original in sharing our thoughts here. Even if it is being taken from other sites, let us give the source credits to them. What say?

      1. I was waiting for someone to say this for quite sometime but had a feeling that I would come off rude or maybe I was the only one who felt that it was wrong and that he’s trying to spread information XD Nice to see that I’m not the only one who felt that way.Most of the content are extracted from BGR and TrustedReviews btw 😀

        1. I already pasted the link for the site
          In an early post hoping maybe you will also notice some of the issues other reviewers talked about .
          I just thought it would be nice to maybe discus.

          1. I don’t mean to be offensive or rude but I did read all of your comments and didn’t see any link or any source for that matter maybe I missed something.I’m not saying that discussing is a problem but instead of copy pasting it would be nice if you shrunk it and put it down in your own words and also along with it the source and only quote important parts 😀

        2. la verdad, si, tenia la sensación de copia, pero no podia decir nada, con esto no estoy diciendo que “Bossman Ghostrigz Burner”, lo haya hecho, porque no se.
          todo lo que he dicho es lo que he visto en vídeos de reviews y saco mis conclusiones, perdonen si no les he podido ayudar mucho en el debate, pero no me queda tiempo, y no he leido mucho

          1. That’s what we all do mate 🙂 read reviews and express our views and help and notify people who are unaware of certain functions.all that we said was it would be better if instead of copying he could write it shorter and simpler in his own words and link the source which he has done after we suggested the idea;)

      2. I posted the link in an ealry post.
        Even before sharing information on it.

  92. In the AnTuTu benchmark, which tests everything from 3D performance to RAM speeds, the S8’s 173,292 score is among the best. Notably, its 70,546 score in the 3D gaming tests put it above the iPhone 7 Plus and LG G6, which both scored 60,000.

    1. Processor wise the iPhone is far ahead and the geekbench scores are much higher when compared to the G6 and the S8 series.Which version of the S8 was the benchmark of ?The Snapdragon? or the Exynos?

      1. Exynos…. But i heard there’s variation in the benchmarks…. From the article it looked like they were much speaking about the exynos….. I also read that there would be variation with the processors as some would have the snapdragon and others with exynos.
        Wasn’t really sure about it.correct me if am wrong.

        1. Ah so the Exynos variant’s benchmark results would be much higher as it performs much faster and also does really well in multitasking processes.

        2. There would be huge variations in the benchmarks as the Exynos is much faster and much more efficient and uses the RAM much more efficiently resulting in a much better overall score.The Exynos variant would be released in Asia and EU if I’m not mistaken and the Snapdragon version would be released in the US and a few other places.Its mostly because the Exynos while it does support other carriers and their features, doesn’t support CDMA so it couldn’t be released in the US.In places like India where there is not carrier lock and all phones are carrier unlocked this issue doesn’t arise 😀

      2. In this aspect iphone, you defeat s8, the answer is in the type of system that devices use, ios, it is a system and very light in relation to its processor, (appel A10 fusion), it does very fast although It is less than the s8, the s8, consists of many mergers, the processor, it should launch many features and it can slow it down that has android runs, in addition, android tends to fragment more than ios, good, a Little less than iphone 7

      1. Haha the Exynos variant is better in all tasks.PhoneBuff, a Youtuber compared the two variants of the S7 side by side by opening and closing 10 apps continuously and did 2 laps of it and the Exynos was faster by a huge 40 secs but we have to keep in mind that this was the S7 and with the new processor that gap would’ve been reduced

        1. But the exynos variant always has less developers compared to the Snapdragon variants. At least thats how it was in the past. This is really important to a lot of people.

          1. I’m not sure about that thought .Haven’t heard much about the Exynos except comparisons and also as @AshwinPras:disqus said they seemed to have already released the TWRP and a few mods and a ROM too so I don’t think community-wise there’ll be much difference 😀

          2. I hope its not. But that was not the case. Samsung released a lot of versions for the s4 and the s5. I was sadly really unlucky when it came to them both. Middle east versions. Not sure if they had the snapdragon or the Exynos variant.

          3. Lol I remember when I saw the S5 come out and was all crazy about its specs…Now its something I think about and laugh compared to todays tech.Samsung even at that time had a standard for their phones.The S3 was my favourite once upon a time and also my dream phone XD and how were you unlucky btw ? Didn’t get you there 😀

          4. Absolutely loved the s3! That phone was bloody reliable and it was the first phone to have a change in the design from the rectangles back then!

            The middle east versions of the phone was dry in terms of developers. None and you couldnt flash any roms from the other versions either.

          5. Ah that is pretty sad.I don’t find myself comfortable with messing around with Samsungs though.They seem to be kind of a pain when compared to those Nexus’ <3 Thats every developers dream phone to work with 😀 How did you manage though ? Without root and running all this while didn't the stock show any signs of wear ? I mostly change to custom after about one year of usage 😀

          6. The samsungs I passed to other family members 😀
            ODIN and all that is too much of a hassle and like I said, my versions had a scarcity of custom roms.
            I currently use the Oneplus One. Bloody brilliant developer community. Flashed a custom after a week on it. Nougat came almost a day or two after the nexus’s got it.
            and the reason I flashed after a week is because doing it doesnt void warranty for Oneplus.

          7. Lol I see …I don’t mind about warranty but just that I like to experience the stock and out of box experience for a while rooting it as soon as I get it seems pretty rude cus its like getting a brand new lamborghini and immediately modding the crap out of it without experiencing how it feels with the stock stuff .Sorry for the horrible comparison XD just went with the flow there 😀

          8. lol I can get the comparison. But the OPO came with cyanogen OS out of the box,already felt like it was modded.

          9. Its an amazing phone. The two and x were meh. But the three brought back the magic! 🙂
            Yeah they did. Oneplus cut ties with them midway . They have their own homebrew version called Oxygen OS now.

          10. Hmm the two didn’t have much hype but the 3T XD we all know how that ended 😀 Cyanogen was in fact the first ROM I flashed in my life RIP 😐

          11. The guys over at Lineage have resumed development. Its called LineageOS now.

          12. As far as I remember, s3 was the revolution at that time, I wanted the phone, I do not remember wrong, but I know the phone, took a big step in the Android world

          13. Ikr 😀 They were all into the nature thing that time 😀 pebble blue was their most popular color too 😀

          14. We have trizte stories, but with this s8, but we still can not have it, it’s a horror story !!

  93. speakers still don’t appear to be a priority for Samsung, i heard the downward-facing one here is terrible. It’s easy to block with your hand when you’re watching landscape video, and the sound itself is tinny and distorted at higher volumes. With the diminishing bezel, it’s likely that speakers will continue to get worse.
    We just hope and pray that samsung really put much effort on improving upon their speakers.
    But the phone would still be an amazing experience.

    1. The speaker quality isn’t really as bad as stated above.The placement of it is a bit sad but the audio clarity is decent .Don’t really hear much complaints from S8 users about the speakers although most review sites do.Samsung hopefully will fix the placement with the Note 8 but it would be hard as you mentioned with diminishing bezels placement will only get poor but not worse as development will only get better 😀

      1. It’s obvious the development would get better because samsung would always give improvement in every device they make. Yes you are right,users arent really complaining but i woukd be delighted if there’s improvement in the note 8

          1. Yeah …then they would really consider the placement too..
            Well we dunno … But lets just wait and see the master piece samsung unleash

          2. What I want to see more is what all the competitors bring to the table. Samsung brought their A-game this time. I hope everybody else is ready to bring theirs as well.

          3. What I’m waiting for is for the iPhone .The rumours are just too good to be true and I really want to see how it turns out 😀 I’m sure most manufacturers will copy some features off of it too on their flagships 😀

          4. Yeah,but what most peple never realise is Apple always copies something of something else but sells it off as their innovation brilliantly like the camera thing you mentioned earlier.

          5. Its funny how Apple states that it comes up with Ideas and the fanboys come in praising apple for it .I don’t hate apple or any phone manufacturer for that matter as a matter of fact I really like Apple if it wasn’t for its Os and customer support 😀

          6. I actually quite like iOS, but I always feel if I keep using it, I will get bored eventually since I cant tinker around at all!
            And their customer support is brilliant. :O Why dont you like them?

            I hate them for their overpricing and idiotic hype for simple features.

          7. I find the iOS kinda bleh its too simple although thats something most people find as a plus point.I did have an iTouch 4g though,Back then I could tinker with it to some extent and I’ve done my best with it XD we’ve been through quite some bad times and I also remember trying to bump it to iOS 7 when the max it could do was 6.1.3 ….
            the customer care my friend seems to complain that its not that satisfactory in India mostly because there aren’t any Apple showrooms but just Apple certified shops and the last time he got his phone fixed they only messed it up more and he had to go pay a visit every one or two months to get the same issue fixed again.I personally have no grudge against it but when you hear someone complain so much you end up getting a bad image yourself 😀

        1. Exactly. When water resistance first debuted with Samsung phones, the speakers were very average and people were quick to point it out. Considering that quality, it really has improved with the s8 and they will aspire to better it further as always.

      2. I am not stating point blank that the speaker is so terrible…ooh come on
        But from what i heard am just giving my share.😁

    2. When you wish to seal the insides of the phone to make it water resistant, the sound quality almost always takes a hit. Between the better sound and water resistance, I would choose the resistance anyday. :/ But atleast the speakers are loud and that’s good.

      1. What he says seems to be an exaggeration and in normal usage we wouldn’t even notice that big a difference.The placement is the only sad thing here.The quality is decent and isn’t something that cracks and distorts every now and then and ruins your enjoying the media and makes you rush to the headphones XD

          1. Simply because that’s what he has understood from a few review sites and reviewers take notice of every little aspect even if it’s not much of an issue just as they compare it to the other flagships.In daily usage you won’t notice some of the problems they mention and the speaker as mentioned earlier really isn’t that bad

        1. Water resistance is a great feature,what I find funny is most people are still scared to take their phones to the pool for a quick snap or even take it out in the rain as they’re scared it’ll damage the phone.There’s every reason for them to be as its a huge investment and it would be a shame to lose it fast but still I find it not nice as its not using one of the important feature of the phone 😀

          1. Yeah,I would be flaunting it every time I could in the rain and all 😀 😀

          2. I think they did mention some duration and stating some feet the phone could go in water
            I ever saw 1.3m .correct me if am wrong. But thr duration am not really sure

          3. It can stand for 1.5m for 30 minutes but thats just the official statement so that they don’t end up being sued 😀 according to youtube videos I’ve seen it lasted for about about 40 minutes under 6 feet of water 😀

          4. Samsung merita so because, in previous phones with those indications, they were your limit, in addition, you do not know increase the limit of your terminal, for safety and confidence!

          5. Like I said earlier they stated that limit just for legal reasons ,the phone however can stand a bit longer or deeper but not always and that would lead to issues

          6. But in all honestly, with real everyday use, we never do put our phones in such depths for so long. So as long as it can resist splashes in the sink and rain, we will be more than happy, And it does so we are covered. 🙂

          7. It is a headache to see how they are limited, if you acquired that mobile, it is to have a more normal experience

        2. He only said it because of the fact that speakers do tend to have a lower volume when they seal the phone and its a deal breaker to some people. But all that is in the past. Speakers are plenty loud even with the waterproofing these days.

  94. Read a CNET review on the s8
    Stating the wireless charging which i believe this giveaway phone wouldnt come with of course but i happen to miss it in most review sites.
    Yeah its like almost all reviewers have a problem with the placement of the finger print scanner where you have to wiggle your finger around the back.

    1. Also I did hear something about the Qi wireless chargers not fully functioning with the S8 and S8+ not really sure what thats about.Maybe its hardware incompatibility and could be fixed with their next line of wireless chargers

      1. Oh they really did state the fact that it works .. You can read more about it from the trustedreview site am sure.
        It did sure say much about it….and its compatibility

        1. Umm a quick google search will fill you in all about the Qi chargers issues and also bgr seems to report about some Wi-Fi connectivity issues but this was way back in april ,should’ve been cleared out and fixed by now

          1. Yeah CNET was also stating that same issue with wifi connectivity.

      2. To be honest,wireless chargers have never been of too much importance to me. A usb C port charger is fine 😀

        The fingerprint issue is kinda annoying especially since you end up smudging your camera every damn time it seems.

        1. I find wireless charging really cool.Like how cool would it be to keep your phone on your computer table and when you gotta go out BAM! its charged 😀 Although you’re right,with the Type-C charging you could use the phone while its getting charged but I don’t find using the phone while charging efficient as in the long term the phone would deteriorate faster 😐 and the battery would goto scraps 😐 thats what happened to my phone recently and thats the reason the serviceman gave me 😐

          1. I like the slower charging times. And since I am so good at using my phone lightly *sarcasm* ,I always run out of juice too fast.

          2. I charge my phone once a day, I don’t have any qualms whether it’s Fast, Wireless, or just a normal charger. I won’t mind it one bit in the S8, whatever charger I get. So, we both are like minded , eh? 😀

            I would much rather be busy showing it off. 😀

          3. Sadly thats all our case XD my previous phone (Yu Yureka) when I bought it was one of the best in the market XD I remember when I had just bought it and used to boast to my friends about its octa-core processor and 2gb of ram and that it has 13mp back and 5mp camera in the front at such a low price 😀 Gone are those days *sigh* Nowaday it doesn’t stand a chance :/ the battery had gone through so much torture I used to spend the whole day with the phone connected to the charger just so that when I have to go out the phone is full with charge XD that was a dumb move on my part :/ wasn’t really filled in about tech back then XD Sorry I went into nostalgia and blabbered away from the topic XD

          4. Lol If I do change my OPO soon. I am going to miss it. Been faithful for quite some while. We do get attached to our phones. They do know what you have been searching on google. So the phones truly know our Dark sides 😛

          5. XD Yeah they do know us well and moreover the way we look at the iPhones and Samsungs XD and take revenge by lagging when we open too many chrome tabs XD

          6. lol tbh my OPO still doesnt lag. It looks like it went through a bloody war though.

          7. Much damage eh ? My screen was really good actually after all that time put in there doesn’t seem to be scratches at all except one which one of my friend did with a pen just because i was bragging about my well maintained phone 😐 other than that there isn’t any wear 😀 Software wise lagging started after a few months but some might say its because I didn’t root it properly :/ Used some dumb software instead of doing it manually .

          8. Exactly 😀 The amount of reviews I have read on tech I could never afford 😀 😀

          9. Well there’s no difference XD we’re still doing that now haha with the iPhone 8 and Note 8 ,Drooling at the LG G6 and Samsung S8 😀 but all in all when the day comes when we get the phone we’ve dreamt about in hand,what a wonderful day that’ll be <3

        2. I agree. Besides, the quick charging is better for the battery compared to the wireless charging too.
          Regarding the camera, yes 😀 Though we will end up touching the camera often to reach the sensor, the camera glass is apparently very slick and doesn’t always catch a lot of fingerprints and smudges. That’s a relief.

          1. A relief indeed. I dont think I would use the fingerprint except as a few applocks 🙂

    2. And besides, wired charging is better for the battery than wireless charging. Wireless charging is just a small matter of convenience and looks.
      Yes, the scanner is located awkwardly and we will probably be touching the camera a lot while reaching for it. 😀

  95. The Bixby feature,and it speaks of a samsung account,would it be diiferent from our mail to access, or ? Read it requires a samsung account. Can’t we use a normal gmail account to log in.?

    1. TIll now, the Bixby is a Samsung S8 only feature. Later, they will expand the assistant for their other models, but still that will pretty much remain an samsung exclusive like Siri. It’s probably better that you need a samsung account for that, because for using that we need to get a Bixby compatible device first xD

        1. I concur, but still that will be pretty much a Samsung exclusive, so non Samsung users cannot use the Assistant, atleast not legally. So, If I own one such device, it would actually be benefitial to have a Samsung device, don’t you think.

          1. Exactly and moreover there are so many features that you can access if you have a few Samsung appliances using Connect (I think not exactly sure about that) like controlling your TV ,The Air conditioner ad the Lighting and such which I find really interesting 😀

    2. You probably need a samsung account! But who knows. You can actually set your apple ID to your gmail account,maybe samsung might provide us with leeway on that.

    3. You most likely would be able to create a Samsung account using your Google account While I’m not sure if thats possible that is something I’ve seen in most manufacturer accounts 😀

    4. You will need a Samsung account to use Bixby since that account acts as the cloud to store your personalized preferences, activity and settings on the web to seamlessly sync your profile across all its services. It is much like a laptop running windows 10 asking you to login with your MS ID to access Cortana. You can probably use your google account as the ID and create a password for the same much like MS

      1. In short, “if, because, you store personal information that gmail, hotmail, etc., does not have this function, you need the account.

  96. I am in. What do I need to do to stand a chance? I am way late, just two days to go.

    1. You have to participate in he site and articles. Comment, help and answers questions. Share the link so that the website gets better outreach.

  97. Well people,since we are all active.
    Lets discuss,shall we?

    What feature do you want most in the s9 or the note 8 and why?

    1. A better position for the scanner would be nice and also a nicer position for the speaker although that’s not that huge an issue and its hard to find a different place 😐
      For the S9 I would love to see the On-screen scanner and a dual camera seeing thats the standard for flagships these days
      A much better working Iris scanner and facial-recog maybe ?
      The UI as of now seems great and most importantly I would really love to see Bixby completely function and released by the time the Note 8 or S9 come out preferably the Note 8
      Maintaining the bezels would be nice if the phone is completely bezel-less as good as that would look it might easily break
      Thats pretty much it 😀

      1. Even I want to see an underglass scanner! That would be great 🙂
        And the iris scanner and facial recog are pretty great already right?

        1. Not really :/ The Iris Scanner doesn’t work properly under dim lights and also extremely sunny days and obv also for people who wear glasses …
          The Facial Recognition also is not that great as sometimes it doesn’t work properly and you end up holding your phone upto your face for quite a while ….Not that they’re really that bad just that every now and then they don’t work that well :/

          1. Hmm I only assumed so since all reviewers seem to prefer that over the fingerprint. And they told it worked quite well. Not sure which reviewers 😛

          2. Hmm I usually follow technobuffalo,android authority and cnet…They all said the same.Lemme check youtube.

    2. I would go for the dual camera and a better position for the fingerprint scanner.

    3. One thing Id like them to do is not change the aspect ratio to 18.5:9.
      Let it be at 16:9. They can make the phone wider instead of making it tall and lean.
      I agree, that does help with holding the phone but handling, not necessarily.
      If it is 16:9, all of the games and content fixed at this aspect ratio will work seamlessly and so will all the media content. The device can still be bezel free and amazing looking.
      I would also prefer a metal back to the phone instead of glass. I am willing to trade wireless charging for metal which will make it un-glossy and better feeling.
      And Samsung uses a lot of white in their interface. I think they should use more black and really utilize the amoled panel.
      And the mandatory change in the finger print position of course.

        1. And LG is releasing its own apps designed and optimized for the G6 to enable its users to use the phone to its truest capabilities which I think is awesome

          1. Yep I remember reading that somewhere 😀 Although the optimization won’t show much of a difference that’s something that LG has gone the extra-mile to provide for their users but I have a feeling some people might not know this and end up disabling the The LG app store (sorry forgot the name XD) to save space :/

          2. Gee if that happens, it will be really bad for LG. Designing so many apps exclusively for one phone and not getting the response that effort deserves is bad. :/ I hope that doesn’t happen.

      1. Hmm I like all your points!

        The aspect ratio,though i can live with it,it would be better at the usual 16:9.But they made it bearable though 🙂

        The metal definitely so it would be less fragile and the blacks,thats something they really need to focus on 🙂

          1. I wish more mid range phones used amoled :/
            Lumias and their black layouts + amoleds used to have brilliant battery backup :/

          2. Lumia interfaces were indeed brilliant, don’t you think? Minimalistic and very elegant, all in all. Making the experience feel very professional, even in lower end phones

          3. What I liked about the Lumia series was even if the specs were not that great ,even after a long time of usage ,the phone simply never hanged,of course it was never really made for the gamer or the modder but for someone who just wants a decent phone that will last him a while without a problem Nokia was the go-to phone (always :’) )

          4. Yeah But the bare windows store is what made people leave :/ Microsoft should have been more welcoming to their developers.

      2. The screen in samsung is already very long, and I like that, be bold, if I define samsung with a word, innovation serious !

      1. Ahha,The question was what did you want?

        But since you dont want it,why is it that you dont want it?

    4. In addition to the refined facial recognition, I would like to see the fingerprint reader on the screen, and see a metallic blue color in the next terminals

  98. The android 7.0 would be a fun OS to use.
    I am looking forward to it.

        1. Mm,Its pretty great 🙂
          Tbh,I haven’t used a lot of its features though.

    1. You mean android O that’s android 8.0? or Nougat ? If you mean O its quite a while before it comes out.If you mean Nougat going from Marshmallow there are quite some changes and its really nice to use 😀

    2. Yes indeed. While lollipop was a major visual update and marshmallow followed up on that, nougat is a functional update bringing so many new functionalities and features which once you experience, you can never go back to older OS. The multi window and the new notification handling being my favorite.

      1. Until this moment, I know that the new versions of android are better, but, in that they improve ?, I do not know ?, you could tell ?, is that, I have never had an android, less ios, if I have one, I would like Be aware of their improvements and deference in the versions

        1. Sure, I will tell you what changed with lollipop and then marshmallow and Nougat and how it differentiates from iOS in the key areas.
          Before lollipop, android phones were running KitKat which was pretty good. With Lollipop, google brought something called “material design” to all pf their apps and software. This introduced beautiful animations and amazing design. Now, all major apps have been updates by their developers to material design. So lollipop was a major looks overhaul. Completely changed how the software looks. Also, it introduced better battery life using ARM.
          Next marshmallow was a comparatively smaller update but it introduced functionalities like permissions control, doze and google now on tap. It also made the OS smoother and didn’t change a lot of looks.
          Android Nougat, the latest right now brought a lot of features like using two apps on the screen at once, replying to messages from the notification panel, etc.
          Also, more recently google introduced google assistant to marshmallow and nougat phones.
          Now, android O developer preview is out and will be released with the pixel 2’s. bringing autofill API’s, better settings menu, better notification control and so many smaller things.
          Android is wonderful.
          iOS is also great by its own right but its very restricted and offers almost no customization features and after using android’s freedom, its difficult to get used to iOS. Hope I helped, brother.

          1. The answer from notification panel came with marshmallow on some phones didn’t it ? I remember using that feature on my Yureka but that was a wrong so I’m uncertain about that

          2. Maybe that was a added feature with the yureka skin on your phone but stock marshmallow didn’t have that feature. That API was included only with android nougat. (:

          3. No problem. 🙂
            I remember that time when WhatsApp released that update. With Nougat running phones, you could hit reply in the notifications itself and the keyboard popped up right under to type and send.
            With marshmallow, what happened was as soon as you hit reply, a widget popped up on the centre of the screen and you could reply from there instead of the notification bar. They gave the marshmallow users the next best thing.

          4. Exactly thats what I’m talking about.That was a really handy feature as they let marshmallow users text on the go without having to close the app.

          5. Yes. Smart move really. I have however, more than once, replied to the wrong message with that though. 😀 It used to change to a new message that has arrived sometimes

          6. Never experienced that problem with the wrong chats as mosr of the time I don’t use it as I get multiple messages from different contacts at one point of time and end up having to open up the app although I used the notif-feature whenever I received single messages but still never faced that problem.

          7. Nice. 🙂 After experiencing Nougat however, its hard to go back to any of the older notification styles. Bundling of the messages from the same app was genius

  99. I would like to win the S8!

    I hope you have liked my tips/news/leaks.
    I think you do, as you have covered many of them 😛

    Anyways, kudos on the Giveaway!

  100. The nougat comes with a multi window feature and other awesome features. Correct me if am wrong but the galaxy S7 had a multi window feature, i am not entirely sure but i quite remember seeing something like that.

      1. But the nougat said its a new feature from one review site. I think maybe it isn’t really a new feature but perhaps an upgrade in that feature.

        1. It was a new feature for nougat technically. But samsung had provided it as one of their features long back. 🙂

    1. Actually, you are right. Nougat was the first android OS to support multi window. But the Samsung had implemented this in its touchwiz skin years ago, maybe just not this elegantly.

    2. the s7 did have multi window and so did the s6 as a matter of fact
      the thing is that many didnt see it or couldnt use it because it had to be enabled in the settings
      as far as i know,it is now enabled by default-at least that would be the logical way forward

      1. Even though it was supported by those phones there were quite some bugs and issues like the applications being run simultaneously crash and some Lag etc. Now that it comes with Android the bugs have reduced and there’s a much smoother experience 🙂

    3. Seriously !!!, in nougat there are multi windows !!, no matter that the device does not include it by default, nougat gives it?

  101. I really want to this Samsung Galaxy S8! 🙁 I lost my phone one month ago and can’t afford to buy another one 🙁 And this is my only chance to have a phone like this 🙁 really want to win. 🙂

  102. The task switcher is not like the s7,
    And with the s8 its implementation is better than the pixel and the lg g6.

      1. Yeah they did…. It has a whole lot of loaded experience interface wise

        1. Especially Bixby ,although not fully functional I kinda like the features that it offers right now.Really waiting to see how the voice assistant is though 🙂

          1. they say bixby isnt finished yet,and will have lots of voice commands to play with,but i think they should’ve started development earlier to keep up with the launch date

          2. That’s true but I’m guessing they might’ve met with some issue there .Bixby of course isn’t anywhere near completion ,rumours say that its more than just a voice assistant and do a lot more functions and its not only for Samsung’s line of phones but also the TV’s and others 😀

    1. That is a big claim to make but I think it comes down to personal preference and I love it. Touchwiz has always been annoying but since a year or two it has really grown on me and Ive begun to love it. Would be awesome to actually use it

      1. i agree that it is very preference based
        touchwiz has been steadily improving since the s6,and has become more and more like stock android:sleek and fast

  103. Comparing the s7 game launcher to the new s8, its created a more simple way of organizing games and a variety of options to tune settings.
    Its a real plus for samsung , i mean those who have been with a windows mobile is familiar with the x box app on it,even with the x box apps some games wont still show and well you can’t really have a setting interface that lets you tune stuff, but samsung s8 collects all your games in one place from the busy app interface from the launcher.

      1. The settings panel gives you a variety of options to choose. didn’t really see much of a booster but i think if its to be part it would rrally be awesome.

    1. This really suggests that Samsung has learnt to keep its interface simple and closer to stock android, which is a great move. Its the skin which has previously always caused lags and delays here and there in older S series. Samsung has begun to tone it down and make it snappy.

  104. With the GeekBench 4( multi core) the s8 was second beatibg the iPhone ..and of course the s8+ toped with the highest score

    1. Multi-core there’s a huge gap between the two with the S8 on the lead but with the single core the iPhone completely destroys the S8 and takes the crown for the best single core performance and even the 6S beats the Samsung while the 7Plus is at the top.iPhone is yet to come with their A11 10nm processors or Soc’s which will be much more efficient and faster(To come with the iPhone 8 ) Still the Samsung S8 is the fastest Android phone as of now 😀 As of now for multi-core samsung is the best so that means with apps that use multiple cores, like 3D games and others the S8 will be much more faster 😀

    2. Though S8+ is probably unbeatable in the multicore test, the apple’s a10 chip is the single most all powerful chip to date and offers unmatched processing capabilities

      1. Apple’s processors in the phones as opposed to SD in android and macbooks and PCs as opposed to intel processors, are very powerful. It is one of the primes reasons why most video editors use apple laptops and systems for video processing.

      2. No doubt the iphone is the most powerful chip,samsung also bas its flouring part when it comes to the multicore analysis . The iphone undoubtedly is a worth every penny but lets give samsung the credit for stepping up to the challenge

        1. It is indeed and I’m waiting to see exactly how much development there is as the Next-gen processors will be built using 10nm transistors.It’ll absolutely destroy its competition 😀

        2. Yes and besides the multi cores will have different clock speeds to switch between power intensive use and idle low power use which might also save battery.

      3. i dont really get how iphones have such amazing ram management!!!
        if you look at all those speed test, you see that the apps arent relaunched,but rather kept in the background to be opened later

        1. That is something that is kind of a mystery to all of us.What I know so far is apps that are set to do a short task is given slight priority and pushed back ,Apps that are downloading some file handover the process to the system and Apps that need to run in the background to support specific types of tasks can declare their support for one or more background execution modes. 😉 and iOS doesn’t collect garbage as well 😀 that’s what I understood from what I searched 😀

        2. I have noticed this. Even with lesser RAM they manage to stay quick and snappy. It is really impressive.
          I think it has to do with the perfect sync between hardware and software. Apple designs its own hardware and builds it own software for that hardware. So the hardware is made for the software and the software is made for the hardware which makes the experience of using the phone flawless even with lesser RAM.
          The same isn’t true for Android, except for maybe the nexus and pixel.
          Android is open source, made my google and all manufacturers take this software and put it in the phones made by them. They might tweak and optimize it for their hardware but they cant achieve the levels of relatability and sync that apple achieves.

          1. Wanna see something funny ? Apple used to claim that their iOS was Open Source .That’s one thing I don’t like about them, They say its Open Source but don’t let any third parties to mess around atleast without having a hard day.I’m not sure about now but when I did jailbreak my previous iPod I wasn’t able to do so without facing hell.

          2. That’s such a joke. xD On the contrary.
            They are so tight about their software and OS, they allow so little personalization. It is almost like they sold you the phone but they still feel like its theirs and don’t want you to have complete ownership over it. Almost like they are scared no user likes their software and will change into something different the first chance they get.
            The sheer number of android developers in GitHub is so much more than devs working in iOS. They surely give lesser freedom

          3. Hence the huger crowd supporting android ;P although not in the US most people prefer having the latest iPhone just so that they seem cool also might be because iOS is pretty fool proof and simple ,other than that there’s no reason to go Apple.

          4. Yes. It is perfect for adults who wouldn’t bother familiarizing a lot of the phone features like us. And yes its become a status issue, especially in India.
            In the US, under the carrier contracts, iPhones are actually very cheap and that’s another main reason for popular apple support there

          5. Haven’t heard much about the carrier contracts making it cheaper .. But in India its a status symbol anyone who has an iPhone or a top of the line Samsung is directly given respect and seen to be a wealthy individual.

          6. The carrier contracts, yes. It will be sometimes less than half the price for which it is sold in india. Surprising, I know.
            Here, as you said people buy it as a symbol to show off. What they don’t realise is while they are great as far as phones go, they aren’t nearly worth that much money.

          7. My friends mother literally fought with him to get her an iPhone and her only reason was that it was an iPhone and after getting it as she moved from android(S6) she had to be taught how to use it.TBH i really don’t know why they choose it but hey if you’ve got money to pop might as well get the “best” right ?

    3. If an year old single or dual core processor is giving the latest octa core processors a run for their money, you can imagine how good they must be.

        1. And things eould be more interesting the next year. Samsung will just blow our minds.

          1. I’m expecting quite a bit from Samsung if the Apple rumours are true then they should be definitely on their feet working hard to fill the gap between the two 😀

          2. Of they will be. An s9 wow…..lets just wait. I hope this page will still be active then to have another experience with all of you guys…its been an amazing experience

          3. IKR its been a fun one meeting all these guys and especially getting to know much about each other and sharing some humour every now and then XD I’m glad I decided to take part here 😀 Win or Lose it was a whole lot of fun and I hope the people I met still stay active 😀 .I just noticed we just went from Geekbench score to the iPhone to this XD

      1. Nice spot 😉 maybe from where he read the S8 and S8 plus might have different processors like one with Snapdragon and one with the Exynos? although that’s not likely .Could be that 😀

        1. i dont like the fact that they use snapdragon in the us and exynos in the uk:(
          i think that everyone should get an equally amazing experience!!!

          1. I’m sure everyone wants that and simply because Exynos is the better out of the two.Sadly Exynos although supports most carriers doesn’t support CDMA sothey can’t release it there :/ everywhere else like India for e.g doesn’t have carrier locks and comes unlocked so its available 😀

  105. One interesting feature about the samsung galaxy s8 is the fact that the home screen buttons move around,yes it does . This is super cool, samsung is just awesome

    1. I thought this was ingenious. Since, its not a full fledged live wallpaper which might be battery hogging but at the same time, not as still and pallid as a static wallpaper. Much like the live wallpapers released on the pixels with their launch.

      1. I think upon adding this feature gave them the thought to really do a good work on the battery ,if the home screen buttons,wallpapers will be moving then definitely they had to make a good battery to make it users enjoy the phone

        1. The battery is pretty decent.3000mAh on the S8 and 3500 on the S8+,whats really amazing is how efficient the phone is.The processor especially the Exynos is very efficient with battery and the RAM too 😀 Some of the features are really efficient even though they consume a lot more on other phones like the Always-On feature which barely takes up battery.They’ve also given the user flexibility to adjust according to the situation like how they let them change the resolution to even 720p and the tunable power saving mode and also the sleep option which puts to sleep apps that just don’t close like Whatsapp which still runs on the background to give notifications 😀

          1. They really knew what they were really going for ….by bringing to board this new features. Especially with kind of battery they made last year.

          2. It is nice to see that although seeing the red tint most people were frightened that it might be a repeat of last year 😐 After that whole issue Samsung learnt quite a bit and made their tests more intensive and also better designed the phone and the battery placement 😀

          3. Yeah of course… Last year, the comments that came with the battery problems was OMG …really terrible.
            So Samsung knew they shouldnt mess up.
            Even with that the phone was still an amzing experience

          4. But how did samsung get sloppy with the battery …i mean the phone was great the experince was super upon all the elapses

          5. They got slightly care-less with the battery if I’m not wrong.The battery ended up short-circuiting say by puncturing the thin sheet separating the positive and negatives it heats up the electrolyte which is pretty flammable :/ that’s something I read somewhere quite a while ago 😀

          6. You not wrong. it was pretty much the same thing i observed from my friend’s s7 edge.

          7. In many ways some might say that the whole issue was a good thing as it took Samsung out of its glory seat and made them work hard and make sure to raise the bars with their next release which to some extent they have 😀

          8. Very True. Even is this smartphone manages to hit the ambitious 50 million mark, like they want, they will still need a lot more money to get even. Perhaps, that is another reason they want to relaunch the Note 7 to cover up their costs along with the Note 8.

          9. i read that the whole cause was the battery casing had rounded edges,causing the sharp corners of the battery to get squashed and shorted

          10. Did a quick google search got this from wired 😀
            “In the case of batteries sourced from Amperex Technology Limited, some cells were missing insulation tape, and some batteries had sharp protrusions inside the cell that led to damage to the separator between the anode and cathode. The batteries also had thin separators in general, which increased the risks of separator damage and short circuiting.”

          11. That was certainly a bummer…but I’m sure at-least for the next few years they’ll be careful about their tests and make sure there is no design fault 😀 The old reputation they’ve gained back with the S8 and will get back their throne once the Note 8 comes out 😉

          12. Price although is a bit higher than most people prefer 😀 but you can’t say its not worth it,Its got everything that you’d expect from a flagship except that dual lens camera but TBH that’s not really necessary as we can see how even with one lens the camera is one of the best 😀 and they did retain their lost image with this phone 😀

          13. i read that the s8 plus runs a little bit longer than the s8 due to a bigger battery,im guessing they did this to suffice for the bigger screen, but there is a ratio of screen size to battery , so they put more battery for the screen size than they needed
            sorry if i confused you i didnt know how else to phrase it 🙁

          14. You haven’t 😀 The screen itself is pretty battery efficient but what you said could be true 😀 I’m not exactly sure they’d spend more just to make upto the screen as with the bigger frame they could’ve done so much more 😉 They could’ve done so just to create some differentiation between the two.What you said does make much more sense though as the S8+ runs an extra 20-30minutes longer under stress tests

        2. Yes rightly so. Samsung has made superior batteries for the s8 which will retain 95% of its charge capability even after a year of use while most phones are at 80%.

      1. The home screen along with the buttons move around slightly as you move the phone in an angle giving it a 3D effect 😀 how do I put this ,The screen is reactive to movement basically XD

        1. i love samsungs attention to detail!
          this just shows them trying to make up for the accidental damage with the note 7 by giving customers a premium experience
          way to go samsung!!!!

        1. Exactly as there are no hardware buttons and if the pixels are displaying the same image for quite a while it will result in screen burn in(permanent discoloration) the the clock on the always-on display also moves around for the same reason 😀

          1. Yup, the always on display which I have always dreamed of using. 😀
            That’s the curse and boon of an amoled panel. True blacks and amazing contrasts but on the other hand burn ins. True blacks make always on display possible while burn ins threaten it and Samsung have managed a nice simple solution.

          2. I think the Moto came up with the ambient notifications first seen in Moto X one. Whenever one moved the phone or got a notification, a small white bubble would pop up with the time and blink for a few seconds. Google later included it in the nexus 6 with lollipop too. And now its there in pixels too.

            Samsung took this to the next level by letting it be always on instead of a few seconds and made it look so much better. I love it 😀

          3. Like I said earlier if you love the always on then you’ll love the dot-matrix cases check em out .The ambient notifications is something I’ve always wanted on my phone but couldn’t get it 😐 tried to mod as much as possible but still it didn’t feel like how it did with the Moto

          4. I had an HTC desire 820 which supported dot matrix case. I used to absolutely love that and my friends were really impressed too. 😀
            Haha, I did the same thing too on the HTC. Tried so many apps, so many roms. There was an xposed module for that and even that didn’t work. Whatever did work didn’t fee good enough as the original thing.

          5. Samsung came out with something pretty much the same as dot-matrix but I’m not sure if it’ll be as energy efficient as having the always-on display.Its called the LED case if I’m not mistaken

        2. ohh okay,I didnt know this ! 🙂
          Good to know . 😀
          Googled about it now 😉

      2. just slightly to avoid screen burn
        a few pixels to the left and right so it won’t have the same pixels constantly lit up

      3. just a few pixels to the left and right so the same ones don’t stay constantly lit up(otherwise it would cause the image to be permanently burned into the amoled panel)

      1. By default, the recent apps is to the left hand side, home at the middle and back on the right hand side. It has been like this in all previous S phones and notes. Which is the opposite of stock android and mostly all other phones.
        Now, with s8 they have allowed users to switch between the back and recent apps buttons to make them like stock android. Isnt that awesome?

        1. we used to have to root our phones to do this and risk getting the phone bricked to do this but now I’m happy that they’re offering a new level of customization

      2. Yep,as @AshwinPras:disqus said below Samsung offers the ability to switch between two layouts in the navigation bar 1.The normal android layout with the recent at the left and 2.Samsung layout with the back at the left
        This shows how Samsung is increasing flexibility for its users in many ways 😀

    2. also you can switch the position of the on screen buttons which is cool for people coming from a stock android experience where the buttons are the other way round.
      i guess this is samsungs way of attracting customers from a larger area.

      1. Exactly.Samsung could’ve just gone with their own way and forced users to follow but they haven’t done that here,with this phone they’ve provided a lot of flexibility to the user if you see carefully 😀
        Correction: You meant the home buttons and not the screen my bad 😐

        1. they’ve made the ui more user friendly AND more customizable, and i really appreciate their effort to make up for previous mistakes

      2. They have always had them reverse compared to stock android in the previous phones. Now they have finally listened to feedback and allowed switching. 😀
        these little things do add up to make a fine phone

    1. i guess it’s a matter of opinion though.
      one could say that no-one would need a curved screen or bluetooth 5.0,
      but its up to preference an what you are really aiming to get

      1. Bluetooth 5.0 headsets are not out right now but as of now one can use it to its best by connecting two headphones at the same time via bluetooth and whats even cool is that you can set your phone to play music through the headphone or speakers and also play games at the same time without losing the game audio by letting it play through the phone speakers 😀

      2. Curved screen, maybe is only an aesthetic improvement but Bluetooth 5 is a huge upgrade. As rishab has said below, you can use two devices at one because of the increased bandwidth compared to Bluetooth 4.X. Also, the range is quadrupled.
        before Bluetooth range was 50 metres without walls and lesser with walls in between. Now its over 200 metres without walls which is a big deal isn’t it?
        So if you are a Bluetooth user, you will seriously love this upgrade.

  106. My husband really wants one of these for his birthday/father’s day/anniversary in June!! This would be wonderful to win for him!

  107. I was looking for a give away. I appreciate to effort
    I think Samsung galaxy so will be a great success for Samsung. It will help them to fight in global market

          1. Either way, its not like all manufacturers can pull something like this off easily anytime soon. Samsung will have spent a fortune on R&D and design

          2. You’re not wrong ,Samsung spent a huge 13 billion dollars on R&D last year but its sad to see that one of the most important feature which was supposed to come with the S8 didn’t show much results and had to be postponed :/

          3. wow that’s a lot!
            considering the one plus 3t is super cheap for. it’s specs we can assume that they didn’t spend much on r&d which is cool because they still managed to make a beast of a device

          4. OP3T was a very conservative phone with a very conservative design. 🙂
            Most of their R&D probably went to dash charging.
            But Samsung on the other hand changed so many things about a phone.

          1. That’s a major upgrade from old phones. Screen to body ratio will go from being in the 70ish% to 90+% consistently. And I think that’s a brilliant development.

    1. We are already beginning to see that trend, after devices like the S8, G6 and Mi Mix with their awe inspiring screen to body ratio, all other devices look dated with the huge bezels. Don’t you think so?

      1. After reading all those reviews and pictures right now ,as you mentioned, when I look at another it just seems so bleh .Xiaomi started a revolution although it was popularized and taken to the top by Samsung 😉 only issue was the Mix broke pretty easy :/

      2. Yes IKR. 😀
        One analogy that keeps coming to my head is the change in trend from the box TVs to the slim LED panels.
        People gawk at box TVs when they see them today after being so used to gorgeous flat screens. They have gone bezel-less too.
        Like they say, once you see it, you cant unsee it.
        PS: We shifted recently and still have that box TV here and I see people exclaiming at it all the time xD

        1. You absolutely got that right mate :). These days, it’s all about the design and specifications, products which have got the best of both are killing the competitition, no doubt. Can’t wait to see what unfolds in the future 😀

      3. after seeing the beauty of the s8, my friend’s s7 looked huge!
        the screen to body ratio is absolutely key here in creating a smooth “infinity” experience

        1. Haha, not an infinity experience, but an “Immersive” experience for sure. All the best. 😀

    2. Yeah. Other companies will be smart about it and not call it the infinity display. 😀 They will replicate it and add their improvements and give it their own name.

    1. That is just a matter of preference really 😀 iPhone performance-wise is pretty much far ahead due to its processor.Can’t really compare the two 😀 The S8 series is actually the best Android phone in the market as of now for its price 😉

    2. Couldnt agree more..but as Rishad has always been saying ,preference is all it is

      1. He is right. Even though they are hardcore competitors, they are miles different from eachother with respect to their products and everything, so it will all come down to preference in the end

    3. Indeed. iPhone 8 will be influenced by the S8 now. Apple will keep a close eye to see what Samsung did right or wrong to incorporate and modify their own design. It is better to phrase it as iPhone 7 will be a good opponent to Samsung Galaxy S8. 🙂

  108. part of the reason why i love this website is that unlike other sites, the community is small,focused and helpful with everyone chipping in with something useful.
    pls share the site with friends!!!!!

    1. I agree. Since I have been coming here, I have met some like minded tech freaks like me and really enjoyed all the conversations. 🙂 It became really natural.
      Usually, I am pretty alone with all my tech enthusiasm. This feels great

    2. Yeah ,When I started out here I didn’t expect to end up mingling and getting to know so many people and share information I thought it’ll be just me writing what I feel about then I met people one by one and like that by now I can say I’ve made around 4-5 friends here 😀 I’ve also been filled up in some sections where I wasn’t sure about 😀 Glad I took part here .This site really needs to spread more 🙂

  109. Love being a part of this website.
    Love the giveaways. Have been a frequent visitor.
    Thank you theandriodsoul for such wonderful stuff and ideas always.
    Team is working hard and it’s visible.

        1. This guy deserves an award. My words exactly. appreciate the efforts and a ton of thanks to @TheAndroidSoul

  110. All the best to all the guys who took part in this.Its been a pleasure meeting y’all 😀 Win or No Win I’m really glad I arrived here and decided to take part and that feeling will stay and I still will contribute.Thanks for everything team 🙂 @disqus_gE6HGDm7mA:disqus @AshwinPras:disqus @vishnuvardhanprem:disqus @bossmanghostrigzburner:disqus
    and Carlos Andres 😉 Its been nice talking to you these past days and hope we stay in touch after this 🙂

    1. @Rishad its been nice talking to all of you , i mean you guys are the best out there wherever you are. I appreciate it 😍😍😍😍😍

    2. as the competition comes to a close, I’d I like to wish everyone the best of luck.
      Of course I want to win, but the great experience on the forums of the site should come first!!!!
      Good Luck!!!!!

      1. spanish – español
        yo siento que la experiencia fue el mejor premio que he tenido en muchos años, gracias a todos por contribuir en el debate y a @Theandroidsoul por abrirlo, gracias @theandroidsoul, este fue uno de los mejores regalos de cumpleaños en años!!!!!!!
        inglish – ingles
        I feel that the experience was the best prize I have had in many years, thank you all for contributing in the debate and @Theandroidsoul to open it, thank you @theandroidsoul, this was one of the best birthday gifts in years !!! !

    3. Thank you and all the best to you, too, my friend. ^^ The pleasure has been all mine. The last few weeks have really been amazing thanks to this community and the discussions, arguments and conversations we have had. Really enjoyed all the tech talk. Indeed hoping to stay in touch and have more of this like we have.

    4. It’s a shame you did not mention me !, but hey, since, you helped me a lot, really, a lot!

  111. @ Aditya Pradhan @Ashwin Prasad @Vishnuvardhan Prem
    And everyone else its been an amzing experience with all of you i hope either of you guys win.
    Its been really wonderful

    1. Thank you, my friend. 🙂 It indeed has been an amazing experience, @bossmanghostrigzburner:disqus
      Hope to continue to keep in touch and see you around in these comment sections in the days to come.

    2. Thank you, although you have also opened too much court to discuss, thanks for that!

  112. Thanks the android soul.
    I just thank you for the experience you guys have offered.

  113. So for now samsung will stick with the nougat ,i pray in the coming days we get an update that will enable us to have use the android 8.0. Nougat cane with some pretty interesting feature…and amazing experience cant wait to see the fun stuff the the android 8.0 would be bring

    1. Yes, looks like it will be nougat off the bat. 🙂
      But considering samsungs priority list, android o should be hitting the phones a month or two after its global release with the pixel 2.
      Android O seems like an incremental update rather than a major overhaul in design and interface. Some notable features so far seen in the developer preview are picture in picture mode which should let you do other stuff while watching videos, autofill APIs which will make autofill forms and all that redundant stuff a lot more convenient, better notifications control and lockscreen shortcuts. There is a ton of other features too. Many many small ones. And this is just from the google’s side. When Samsung takes O, they will add a bunch of their own features I suppose and it should be great. 🙂

      1. Android O (Hopefully Oreo) will most likely release around Q4 this year according to most article 😉 I didn’t check the developer’s preview out

      2. Is what to expect from samsung, innovation, insurance will take advantage of android O!

    2. Yes, although I do not know what the difference between android updates, I hope it can know and be good.

      1. Tomorrow? But the result will be announced today right? 28th April?

        Lol, I’m excited to see who take the S8 to home 😛

    1. just because I’m younger than most here doesn’t mean I can’t be an enthusiast
      I’m thinking android should be a universal utopian paradise for tech lovers that anyone can take part in and enjoy and bond through common interest so there shouldn’t be any age restriction to be in the commumity.
      same applies to samsung I guess
      I may be very wrong and just blind to the fact that people are just sitting in California making money off of us chatting about their operating system but I believe that we can change the. community to make it what we want Or r be to the benefit of all who take part.
      also as new updates roll out and new devices are produced we should remember our values of being humans and not becoming like robots and helping our fellow (androiders?)
      as I said I may just not understand and you can tell me so but we are an all mighty community who are capable of great things👍😊

    2. I don’t think they laid down any age bar as such so you are cool. But they might expect you to be of majority age of whichever country you are from in case you win and they want to ship it to you I suppose? I cant be sure since I don’t know how international shipping works. :/

      1. With International shipping ,they might include import duties and delivery charges maybe as they can’t simply put a value of 0 on the phone (they’d be put in for fraud XD)

  114. It has been such a pleasant and enjoyable experience throughout. Its been a smashing few days with all the discussions and tech talk I have shared with you all. Especially the regular ones like Rishab, Aditya, Vishnuvardhan, Bossman. We have talked tech non stop for days and I never grew tired of it. That reminded me how and why I love android and phones so much. And to have shared the madness with like minded folk was an absolute joy.
    Most comments below are making me feel nostalgic, as if this is all coming to an end. We all should come hang around here often. Android Soul has after all is a reliable source for tips and updates of al things tech so it would make a nice place for us to come by and hang out with one another more often in the comments. But if you are indeed not going to be visiting again, do stay in touch. Hit me up on Instagram, twitter or send me a message on disqus and I’d love to keep in touch. Take care everyone and thank you androidsoul for this. 🙂

    1. It’s been a pleasure here too 😀 I loved the long comment sections that we ended up leaving at posts every now and then 😀 Although I’ll be active here while I can I did send you a follow on Instagram 🙂

    2. agreed😊👍
      android soul is a great website with great people and we should thank the creators for that.
      I’ve had a great time hanging around here with tech geeks like me(there aren’t enough I’m my class😢😢) so I’d like to thank everyone who made the discussion so lively, informative and enjoyable🙂

    3. Ami I found this experience spectacular, where I live, I thought I was the only one who loved to talk about technology, mobile android and its system, the only one who wanted a mobile, but I meet people who are the same, and express What you have repressed is like an orgasm, I would feel good if anyone won, you really need it.

      1. I understand exactly, brother. I have also been alone with my craze for android and phones most of the times and getting the people and the place to talk and share that interest has been really amazing. 🙂

  115. it’s been a pleasant experience this whole month, I never would have thought there will be so much tech lovers out there besides me and it was fun to read their thoughts as well as give some of my own, love this site a lot and giveaway or not I’m sure gonna be active on this site coz there always a lot of tech stories to cover, thanks for this @TheAndroidSoul !!

    1. Its been a pleasure reading your comments although we haven’t talked much you seem pretty cool 😀 The giveaway has been a really nice way for all of to meet and discover new people and discuss about trending topics 😀

      1. Ha si, tu también ayudaste mucho en este debate, tenia una gran cantidad de dudas que no puede preguntar porque @bossmanghostrigzburner:disqus se me adelantaba, pero cuando le respondías, quedaba satisfecho, aunque tampoco me dejabas responder!

    2. That was the best part, isn’t it. So many people from across the country and some from the other parts of the world even, talking about android and phones. It was really nice. Hope to continue seeing you here, Vishal. 🙂

    3. You haven’t seen anything, there are more than double, or triple, but for one reason or another, we can not meet!

  116. Really like the looks of this phone. Will be a buyer when the price comes down and my contract with ATT ends in Sept.

      1. In short, this is the best phone you’ve ever seen in your life to date, except its price

        1. Price factor varies from person to person based on their earnings and how much they’re willing to spend on a phone.Take a man earning an average salary,he definitely won’t spend so much on a phone even if the specs are really good and the features are something really new ,as much as he would like to have it,he simply can’t afford it ,Now take a business magnet who earns quite some money he would get the phone simply because its top-of-the line and not care about specs but just the pride of having the latest thing out there.I have a feeling what I say is completely of topic ,Hope not XD.The S8 so far is the best Android phone you can buy in the market ,not really willing to compare it to the iPhone as that’s based on people’s liking more than the features 😀

    1. Great choice, right now this is the best Android smartphone you can buy.PERIOD. I heard sprint is providing a pretty good deal.Maybe you could even get the next Note then, which is touted for launch in October. 🙂

          1. Jio has its hands everywhere these days, sponsorship deals with so many products. 😀
            IPL, offers clubbed with most new phones, DTH. They are really aggressively marketing themselves..

          2. Jio really rocked the Indian market when it was first released remember ? The top three companies(Airtel,Idea and Rcom) lost around 13k crores on the day they announced it and have been trying to outdo Jio eversince 🙂 That itself was enough marketing and shot it to the top,now they just need to hold their end and maintain good service and innovate so that they don’t use customers fast 🙂

          3. Have they announced it?! If that happens airtel is going to lose a loooot of money.If what happened with the phone carrier happens here ,that will push airtel to offer much better services than what we have now 🙂

          4. They haven’t. It is still in development phase in Mumbai and they will roll it out to consumers once it is ready. And like jio welcome offer, it will also be free for the first 90 days I believe during its testing stage.

          5. It would be different here as they might offer or request the customers to buy a new router and that way they can ensure a much longer subscription even if the offers are not for long.Seems to be good news,I’m sure airtel right now is trying to make as much money possible now and start counter offering once its out of the testing stage ane announced 🙂

          6. I had seen a screenshot of their’s which was essentially a speedtest and it read somewhere around 500Mbps of download speeds so I am guessing the testing is going well. So sign of any dates, although they keep saying coming soon.

          7. Ah that’s great,really waiting for them to come here which might be soon as chennai is one of the main places for ISPs and people like oneplus never seem to settle XD

          8. Besides, ACT fibernet has captured over 70% of the market in Hyderabad and are the country’s third largest market leader. And Jio considers them rivals. They hope to gain market share by providing superior service

          9. Even in chennai it was one of the most preferable ISPs but after the floods and cyclones it took them forever to fix all the connections and they just kept postponing no matter how much we called.A friend of mine showed a screenshot of 1gb/s I’m not sure if that’s his or just to show the max speeds in hyderabad ,with that speed lag is a thing of the past XD so one less thing to complain about when you lose at COD lol.Superior speeds sounds good ,Hope it comes here soon.

          10. Yup ACT is at the top of its game really. They provide good service here. The response time to any complaints is really good. Maybe it was too bad after the floods there unfortunately and they just gave up. That was unfortunate.

          11. I’m not sure about now as most of my friends shifted to other ISPs and strongly recommended against it when I was about to get it .Chennai might just be one of the biggest marker for Jio fiber as people are waiting for a better connection and airtel seems to be taking forever with their fiber net in my area

          12. Then I hope they don’t run into the same problems as they did with mobile and speeds were throttled to speeds as low as 100 kbps. They should offer it after being prepared to handle the load

          13. You’re right.After a while Jio at times became really slow but that was adjusted after a while. I have a feeling that that won’t be the case here as they have a lot of capital(ambani ;D) and have enough time to set up proper services and this is a field where trust is a huge factor ans if at the beginning things go bad then their name will already be spoiled.

          14. They have held up well so far. Jio is running under huge loss right now but that is expected since they are trying to gain market share. Once they do, they will start making money. There is risk involved but they know what they are doing, so they should be fine.:)

          15. Didn’t know they’re in loss ,so that’s why they kept changing the deadlines for the introductory offer and the prime feature….hopefully all is fixed after the internet launch

          16. Yeah. That’s a part of their plan though. For example, Flipkart spends more money than it earns. Intentionally running in loss. They do that to gain market share. To get more customers under their belt. Once they have a large percentage of people, they will start charging to make profits

          17. Yes, their service has indeed gone down relative to the past. I guess their loss is beginning to show slowly. They know they cant compete with Amazon and they know that they will be acquired/bought sooner or later. They are just trying to expand and make themselves more valuable before that point.

          18. I guess you’re right….Their best option right now is to partner with other e-commerce websites like PayTM or others to offeroffer easier payments and better offers and also offers some more job offers.Talking about jobs …. Right now many people are getting layed off and once most processes get automated in the E-commerce and IT many will lose jobs and thats not really far away.

          19. They are still in the very initial testing stages. They probably have to set up the hardware required for the network and all that. Might take a while. I’d recommend looking into any other alternatives if you are in a hurry. 🙂

          20. They were originally using coaxial cables used for TVs for providing Internet Service. They made good profits and upgraded to optic fibers in no time.

          21. And finally gave all of us a taste of the high speeds we’ve been waiting for,sadly I couldnt get it in my region and by the time it arrived service had really gone down…with jio around the corner the might and hopefully will step up their service.

          22. That’s their marketing technique isn’t it ?offer cheap,attract customers and then continue slowly raising prices….this is only working out because of their high capital reserves.

          23. We haven’t seen how Jio went so far as they haven’t started charging yet and will only start pulling in profits once they do…. Quite a risk as once the free stuff is gone most people who use it as a secondary for data(about 60% maybe?) Will simply throw it off and will only continue if the prices are satisfactory and not too high.

          24. Yeah that’s the biggest problem jio faces I guess. When they offered free data and services, they did not expect users to use their sim as a throw-away that they use and exploit until the free services last and never change their primary number. More than half of the people have done exactly this.
            They don’t see jio as a reliable, primary source for this calls and messages yet.

          25. I’m sure they might have noticed that recently and will probably devise a strategy to fix that,maybe a proper pricing that’s still not too pricey but still enough to help them raise enough resources to support them till they can expand and provide better services.

          26. Or something that commits a user for longer than a few weeks. Like a bundled plan for six months. They have a lot of options at their disposal

          27. Yes, airtel will have to back down and offer better plans to everyone to retain their customers exactly as it happened in mobile network services. 🙂 It will make the market a level playing field again

          28. Besides, the data packs and calling packs were extremely expensive a year ago. Costing over 200 rupees for 1 GB a month. I used to live in a hostel back then and my phone being my only source of internet, I’ve suffered a lot.
            Now, for a little more than that, they are offering the same 1GB but it’s per day. 😀 and unlimited calling just to counter jios offers and stop their own customers from porting out.
            I don’t know how long this phase will go on, since jio will surely start costing atleast a little bit more eventually. But the Indian telecommunications industry has changed forever. For the good. Monopoly is never a good thing.

          1. In many ways not having a carrier is goodThe only thing about them which attracts people is the offers that they provide to attract customers to choose their service.Having a carrier unlocked phone is much better as we have the freedom to shift anytime we want without paying a hefty sum as the fee

      1. Yes, I read that! :O
        The carrier’s contracts in the US always help the people get even the most expensive phone for a cheaper price. But the catch is that the difference in the few hundred dollars that the customer saves is actually for the signing of the contract. It ensures that the customer sticks with that carrier for the whole period of the contract and hence will guarantee the carrier the monthly fee from the customer. Cancelling the contract will have a cancellation fee which will more or less be the same amount that the customer saved while buying the phone under contract.
        So all in all, if a person uses the phone with the carrier for the whole of the contract, he or she will have effectively saved that difference in amount from an unlocked phone. Which is a win win for everybody. The downside is that you can’t change your carrier to get better deals or service in between unless you pay the fee. :/

        1. Yeah, that just about sums it up. But, like Jason mentioned, that his contract period was getting over at September, so he is free to choose his carrier and Sprint offer is really good. It is also likely that the Samsung Note 8 will be announced pretty much around that time and that will more likely be an improvement over the S8. so, choices, choices! 😀 . It almost makes me wish we had something like that. 🙂

          1. Hopefully all these amazing offers come along with the Note 8 too.That would really boost Samsung’s profits and the people’s liking towards them 😀

          2. If that is half as good as this(which we all know, it will), then sure, offers will follow. With the amount of pre-orders that the carriers are getting for this, I would not be surprised if they lineup with better offers for the Note 8.

          3. Everyone knows that the Note series is much better than the s series but after last years problem people would have lost trust ,now I’m sure that Samsung would do their very best to regain the trust which they already have with the s8 series but will still try to attract more consumers with better offence with the Note 8 ,At least that’s what I think.

          4. No doubt, they will play it differently. Part of their game plan is re introducing the Note 7 into the market, and it will go a big step in gaining the trust of the consumers back. If this comes off, well, half of the battle is already own.

          5. They already launched the refurbished pieces of the note 7 in Korea I think . That was smart as in one way they got to clear off all those phones they produced just for the sake of testing but also have an option to the people who don’t like the New design and can’t wait for the note 8 all this while showing us that they can improve and learn from their mistakes 🙂

          6. Take the kind of innovation they brought with the S8, improve it further and add bleeding edge technology to it and you get the glorious Note 8. It will surely impress us all just like the S8 has. 🙂

          7. Yes, the customer reviews of the S8 will prove handy in seeing the backdraws, no doubt, as the Note 8 is going to be launched this year. 🙂

          8. Yeah, the feedback will be key to Samsung because they have tried something totally new with the S8 and they will be listening to what the users think to see what they did right and what they didn’t. But definitely seems like they did a lot of it right.

          9. By default, or that I believe, the notes, are an improved or advanced version of the s

          10. I agree. While Samsung is for the mainstream consumers, the Note is for the power-hungry super users that make the most of the phones internals and use it to its better capacity. Notes are packed with so many features and tweaks that a normal, non-tech enthusiast wouldn’t even know all of them while using. Although it is a great phone no matter who uses it.

          11. Very good timing, no? 😀
            Yes, would be a major difference as phones become a lot more affordable. But then if that had happened, no one could have switched to jio easily in India. That kind of freedom is lost and comes at a cost, I suppose. 🙂

          12. His timing couldn’t be better 😀 like you said by then all the major flagship phones would be out and he can pick his choice by easily comparing them and reading reviews .If that happened in India we wouldn’t be able to switch carriers and the service might not be that great either as they know that we’re stuck with them for quite a while.We wouldn’t get these additional data packs and boosters like we do now and that would simply be replaced by cheaper prices.Moreover unlocked phones can connect to any wireless technology without being limited to either CDMA or GSM and dual sim phones would not be so common either which would really be a bummer for most people and also they come with a lot of bloatwares.On the contrary most Carrier-Locked phones come with additional warranty options too 🙂

          13. Unlocked phones can be a boon if you’re a traveler. When abroad, one can simply slap in a local SIM card temporarily and use the same phone.

          14. Exactly ,unlocked phones makes everything easier the only issue is they’re charged at a much higher price than the locked or even the market price for that matter.Some carrier offered an unlock s8 for something around an extra 100$ I think.

          15. Yeah that’s one one of the advantages but as you said the discounted price will end up being paid when you try to break the contract and they get back more than that too by ways of malware and junk that comes with the phone most of the times

          16. Malware and junk problem is real. First of all, I am betting the apps will be poorly designed as the carriers are in no means, good app developers. Secondly, they serve mainly as a means for advertisements and data mining by the carrier.

          17. One of the things I’m glad Samsung has stopped. Their malware problem was huge in the low end phones. When my mom got her J1 the internal was half way full and trust me the internal wasn’t that big on that phone

          18. Oh man, yes I can imagine. Can be really frustrating.
            They surely have learnt. So has other OEMs like HTC. They didn’t release HTC 10 with any of the apps that google already offers with stock. The shift to positive. 🙂

          19. Talking about HTC ,I’m pretty hyped for the U 11.The squeeze feature is something I’m really interested about and waiting to see how they put it to use and with those ads they seem to concentrate a lot on that particular feature.

          20. So am I. 😀
            My instincts tell me its going to be great. And of what I have seen of the phone, it seems gorgeous. Lets see how they “squeeze” it out this time

    2. Thats great! (:
      September would be a great time to buy phones. That’s around the time when a lot of highly anticipated phones release. The second generation​ pixels by Google is gaining a lot of hype. So are the iPhones which are making rounds in the news circles to outdo even the Samsung galaxy s8 with the design and looks. Besides they’ll come with the A11 chip which might be really good too. The note 8 has a lot riding on its shoulders and will surely be a powerhouse of a phone and might be a great choice too.
      All of these phones will surely be offered by AT&T in the US. Also, if you don’t mind buying an unlocked phone after your contract, you can keep an eye on the OnePlus 5 also. Which will be releasing in a couple of months before September. All in all, you’ve got some great options you can choose from. (:

      1. 2 years ago, we were able to get Note 4 as “certified new” at zero $. Only had to pay the activation charge. Seem to have a lot better leverage when your contract is up and you choose a phone that’s been out a year already. I really am tired how long Samsung takes to roll out updates. My tab S2 is still on Android 6. I think my next phone may be a pixel, but I will not pay a lot of money for the latest phone.

        1. Whoa. Isnt that a real sweet deal although the phone isn’t necessarily the latest?
          Pixel is a great idea as far as service and updates go, I agree. But wasn’t the pixel 1 exorbitantly priced. That was the only major downside of that phone. Threw the affordability that Nexus had right out the window

          1. Yeah, that is why I plan to keep an open mind until Sept. S8+ will be a big contender as well as Note 7, if it is properly redesigned. We are on a new phone every 2 year cycle so we only need a phone to last that long and then we sell them for $50-$100 and sign a new contract. Sprint service is really not that great here. ATT is about the best (IMHO)
            ATT has held my price the same for a really long time now (10years??). $70/month unlimited data on LTE network

          2. 70$ is honestly a steal for unlimited LTE, especially considering it is AT&T and the speeds and signal levels should be good.
            Nice of them honestly, to have kept it the same for a decade. Shows they appreciate customer loyalty and show some loyalty back.

          3. they have tried to trick me into other plans and once you change from the original unlimited data plan, then you can not get back on another unlimited plan without paying over $100 per month

          4. Haha, yes I guess its the same everywhere. I had a plan with Vodafone and stuck with it for 4 years. At the time it was a standard. After those many years, it was unfairly cheap compared to the existing plans. They took me for a fool and tried to offer other plans over two dozen times

      1. As of now ,yes but I’m really waiting to see the next iPhone,all those rumours really got me excited and still the Note 8 is yet to come (around October I presume) and that will most likely be crowned the best android phone of 2017

    1. Yes, this was spectacular, I loved it all while hard, I hope it will be repeated other than a contest!

      1. I agree with you. 🙂 It should be something that will happen even when there is no contest happening as you said, carlos. And I think it will since one community has been created now

      2. We all loved it 😀 I really liked the way they decided to conduct this giveaway than the usual Gleam method and decided to make us actually take part in discussions and talk with each other .I really hope they come up with more giveaways 😀

        1. Exactly! 🙂
          This lead to a lot of social interactions 😀 😀
          Hit me up on other networks if you can!

    1. It’s been great talking to you too 😀 thanks for those interesting bits of information you shared every now and then ,really had a lot of fun talking to everyone

  117. It was a pleasure to do this debate, but before I finish, I would like to know your opinion in depth of the red screen, I know there is a solution, but because it gives !!!!, and if after the solution is repeated again !!, What’s up’?

    1. It has been an issue that is getting mixed responses across the world. As far as Samsung goes, they have given it due consideration and declared that it isn’t a bug or a malfunction but simply the nature of amoled screens that sometimes have variations in colour and isn’t a defect. To an extent, that is true. They have rolled out an update none the less dealing with the colour calibration settings.

    2. Well the issue arouse when the users tried maximizing the brightness on their phones.According to Samsung there is no issue hardware wise and a Ashwin said it’s the manner of the display and it varies they said it could be fixed by adjusting the colour settings and when it was reported it couldn’t be fixed with the existing they released an update offering much more options to the users and of that didnt fix the issue they also offered to replace the phone .

  118. I knew the price of doing a s8 and s8 + is between 200 and 240 dollars, think of this bomb !!!

  119. Anyway, thanks @The Android Soul! To realize the dream of a dreamer, enjoy your winning prize, although they have not announced yet, I congratulate you in advance, because I can not be active all the time, if you won because you played well, fought and won, I do An idea of who he is, and it would not hurt that you were.
    Well, I hope to discuss again with you, that this is not the last.
    Ha !!, another thing, please, winner, when you find out, write your feelings in your new phone, which would be your final opinion of the phone, since you would have it in your hands, what pressures and experience you give, and send it To this discussion or debate, so that we can see the letters of a phone that we dream, and read the feelings of a dream come true, since that since that is something almost impossible to live, I do not say it is impossible because a dreamer You became a winner I feel very good for you, I look forward to your name, although I think I know who you are !!

    1. Hello Carlos., it was really nice interacting with you friend. Always nice to get to know brothers from other parts of the world and I love it that tech brought us all together into a community. Hope to see you often in the comments. Cheerio mate. 🙂

      1. Thank you, I wish the same, this is something that can not be left alone like this, we must continue to express what we know about the technological, wish you the best and luck in the election!

    2. Its been a pleasure talking to you and discussing tech with you brother,thanks for all hose questions and promotion people to take part in the discussion.its been nice knowing you and has been a great feeling to know there are many people out there just like me 🙂

  120. si alguien no me entendió, discúlpenme, es que en realidad hablo español, no se mucho ingles, los ayude en lo que pude

    If someone did not understand me, apologize, is that I actually speak Spanish, I do not know much English, I help them in what I could

    1. No hay problema amigo. None of us are experts by any means, we were only putting forward our own thoughts, or in spanish Pensamintos 🙂

    2. Your English was not really bad and was good enough for us to understand but had a hard time when you commented in Spanish but that was something a quick translator could fix so no problem 😀

    3. So far we have all been able to communicate with you without any problems thanks to a quick google translate. When you used English, it was very clear and easily understandable. Most of us do not speak English as our mother tongues too so we understand carlos. 🙂

    4. Judging from your previous comments, you can actually speak in a very good English. Your words choices are pretty good and clear. So I don’t see anything wrong with it. In fact, I’m glad you’re trying to speak another language beside your native one. Props to you for trying!

    5. Brothers in the passion for technology, thank you, I did not think they would think that about me, it is nice to talk to you, although this contest is over, I see that we still keep entering and finding gifts like friendship, would be nice that this It will take more time!.
      I feel this like @Theandroidoul would have planned for us to relate their followers, if so, it was well done and I love it!

  121. Ahh sorry :/
    Couldnt keep up!
    Just had the last of my semester exams! Was busy with that.

    1. Ah that’s sad.I’m yet to experience all that this year I’m just finishing up school and entering college.Hopefully it goes easy on me 😐 btw you’re out of college? Thats good to hear.What next?

        1. Just finished my 12th this march XD now it all depends on my marks…results are out in a few days and i couldn’t be more scared.Diwali comes early this year in my family XD

          1. Best of luck with college mate! Its an amazing ride! 🙂
            And best of luck with your cpt and all that since you are CA! 🙂

          2. Pretty scared about the whole thing… Hearing a lot of horror stories about CA ,chose to write the CPT im december as after this I won’t get a rest like this and listen to my teachers lies”study hard now, after this you can take rest” although that wasn’t the case for my science friends(entrances) XD

          3. I’m really not sure… Thinking of doing CA side by side with B.A economics or something (commerce student hehe …found out that the education system is messed up and if I choose computer science which I love I’ll end up hating the whole subject)

    2. Uff, it, I can understand very well, then, this situation was one of the culprits that would not let me be active, my faculty is: engineering; And my program or career is: systems engineering.

        1. Is the career that you choose in yourself, the name of the full career, example: my career is “systems engineering”, and is a pre-degree.
          The faculty, is like the common factor between several careers, example: my faculty is engineering, there are other branches like; Engineering (industrial, mechanical, agro-forestry …).
          There is what it expresses in common factor, in fact it is.
          Industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, agro-forestry engineering, and all are pre-degrees; Pre-degree, is before having the title of professional, postgraduate, is after having the title you will become a specialist in one or more areas in the career that you graduated. I am studying systems engineering (pre-degree), I finish the career and now I am a systems engineer (professional title) specialist in hardware and software design (postgraduate), do you understand?

  122. i have heard rhumours that there is an issue where the screen randomly adopts a more reddish tinge.
    as far as i know,this doesnt affect performance,but cant be removed

    after doing some research, i found out that this is a legitimate issue that some users are experiencing even now. Currently,samsung is doing their best to find the cause of the problem and will release an update that may help

    1. Lol been reported a long while ago .Samsung stated that its not an issue but simply the nature of AMOLED screens,they provided an update which helps the users adjust the colour settings much better and even offered to replace the phone if the problem persists

    2. Friend, this has already been commented before, it seems that you did not read the previous comments during the debate process, if so, you should read the Previous messages the next, it is a suggestion!

    3. Well Samsung did say that it’s due to the nature of AMOLED but they recently launched the update to fix this issue in Korea, once they see that the problem is fixed they will launch a global update soon for it, u can trust Samsung for that much, they never let their customers down!!

  123. many users have reported that they arent happy about the new placement of the fingerprint scanner. Athough they are made of diffent materials (namely plastic and glass), some mistake the cameral lens for the finger scanner,causing the lens to be dirty.i think that samsung shouldve put the scanner below the camera to make it more accessible to users’s fingers

    1. The placement was a bit rushed up as the phone was designed to come with the scanner under the screem initially.The placement isn’t that bad and is something that people will get used to thanks to our built in feature called muscle memory and it won’t end up in bad pictures as Samsung informs them to clear the screen before shooting just in case.

    2. yeah, it’s happening a lot but all it need is some time to get use to or some case or skin can make it easy to detect, it’s same as the absence of 3.5mm jack on iPhone7, people got mad at first but they got use to it by using bluetooth devices and no one is complaining right now, besides there always the IRIS scanner which is faster, easy to use and as reliable as fingerprint scanner!!

    3. The lens is sapphire so it shouldn’t get all that dirty very easily. It is odd indeed, yes. It will be a challenge for people with small hands to reach it since it is not at the high centre position like most phones. It is higher up but honestly, I think it is something we can get used to.
      Samsung has really pushed on the innovative side of this phone. Trying something new and bold all the way. And they really came this making it as they had hoped to. They have fallen short on the scanner placement for the reason rishab has stated below. So, although I am not thrilled about it, I can understand and appreciate it none the less.

      1. it is really good of them to take such large risks in the design sector of the phone, considering that the smartphone industry is so fragile these days

        1. Exactly my point. It is very brave of them. This also pushes the bar for other manufacturers and forces them to keep up with these high standards which is also great

  124. i read on the internet that that users are having problems with”Device Quality Agent” which monitors the quality of wifi connections

    simple fix offered by Forbes:
    force stop the app,to stop it crashing and wait for a patch to be offered to users by samsung

      1. cool!
        apparently, it only affected users in north america
        after all, they do use slightly different hardware to the rest of the world

        1. Nah ,as far as I know a change in processor can’t lead to wifi connectivity issues ,this problem seemed to have started only after the first update was installed so I’m guessing there was some bug there.

        2. I agree with @rishabwarrier:disqus, the processor should not affect the wifi, unless they find something stumbled, but generally, you can not have problems because of the processor,

    1. The truth, this information did not know, actually, I think I do not know anything in depth, the situation of this terminal !.

    1. Poorly lighted environment and other aspects lile having to hold your phone up and look ar it is one of the reasons the fingerprint is a much better option as its faster and much more secure.The recognition will slowly get better with development. 🙂

    2. really? Then it will be under development process! I hope Apple will find out a way with facial recognition before Samsung 😛

      1. It is functional and it does work actually. It just hasn’t reached the levels of reliability reached by the fingerprint security. As the algorithms improve, it will eventually get there. 🙂

    3. I’ve seen in many reviews that the facial recognition feature can be overcome by a photo of urs so not that safe but the Iris scanner is way better than facial recognition and faster as well as easy to use than the fingerprint scanner on the back, which is great but require some getting use to..

      1. This is true. A selfie can sometimes be used to unlock the device using the facial recognition software. These are usually algorithms which have machine learning. So overtime, Samsung will improve on it and make it a lot better. For now, it will be as unreliable as it sounds. :/

        1. i heard google is making changes to the algorithms in an update that alleviate the “photo issue”
          apparently they will use smarter algorithms to detect whether the face is on a picture of real.

          1. I wouldn’t be surprised. The kind of data google has at its disposal to test and try something like this is immense. Have you tried google photos?
            I have and I have uploaded nearly 6,000 of all my photos to it. And it gives me a list of faces of all the people in my pictures and upon selecting them, it shows me all of that persons pictures in my collection through the years, in different lighting conditions and sometimes even aged. It is scarily accurate.

    4. It works actually but is inconsistent and also, not very secure. Mostly because its still new as far as the feature goes and needs improvement. This is the reason why face unlock and iris scanner aren’t coupled with Samsung pay yet while fingerprint scanner has. Since its used and proven and a more reliable form of biometric security. 🙂

      1. samsung has introduced the ability to use more tan one unlock method at a time
        for example, oyu could set it up so that it could be unlocked using fingerprint,iris,face recognition or a password/pattern depending on the situation

        1. They intend to give maximum choices and freedom to the users. None of that is new with the S8 though. Even the Note 7 had all of these unlock mechanisms.

  125. One of my friends bought it and it has the red screen problem , hope it get fixed

    1. They have rolled out an update regarding this but have however declared that it isn’t an issue. But should be fixed none the less. Ask him to try calibrating the screen 🙂

  126. i found that they have made the bottom part of the touch screen pressure sensitive,kinda like force touch on iphones.its nice of them to try a anew technology that few other manufacturers have used yet

    1. yes it is pressure sensitive but not that much useful as it on the iPhone, it only gives u a feel like a physical button by vibrating but what I’ve seen in many tech reviews is that they just reduce the sensitivity of the button and use it as a normal on screen navigation button..

    2. The front facing home button which doubled as a finger print scanner was popular with Samsung. It also worked as a way to turn the screen on, which was really widely used by Samsung lovers. Without bezels, they had to change to on screen buttons and this was their solution to retain that functionality of the home button. They gave it a haptic feedback too. And honestly, I loved the idea. 🙂

      1. yeah, you can still turn on the screen by pressing the non existent “home button” by pressing where the soft keys would be if the screen was on.
        i guess they did this because a small pressure sensor under a bit of the screen would be more battery efficient than if you were to use the touch screen to determine if the thing was pressed.
        im assuming that the pressure sensor can prevent the “button” being pressed by triggering the touch screen to check if its a finger or just a pocket before turning on the AMOLED display.
        if they arent doing that then i think theyve missed a very practical software function that could prevent the display being turned on by keys or change in the pocket

        1. They surely will have. The pressure sensor will be able to detect if the pressure is being exerted by a finger or something else quite accurately. 🙂

    1. yeah, and that has some cool features like large F/1.7 aperture for cool low light selfies, can take some great shots and can record upto 2K resolution!!

    2. the iPhone has a 7.0 selfie cam, so i think samsung making theirs an 8.0 is just a beginning of what competitions to come.

  127. have you heard that you will not get the full WQHD+ resolution?
    this is reserved to a performance mode. that can be activated from the settings, to decrease battery usage from normal use. that doesn’t require that step up in screen performance.

    1. Yep Samsung comes with 1080p out of the box.TBH you won’t see much difference unless you’re really looking for it.This was done simply to provide better battery out of the box and to offer the users a choice between max screen res and shorter life or low res and long life .You can also choose 720p if you want to save battery 😉 btw its not reserved to performance mode but it will be turned on by choosing said mode the resolution can be chosen even without having to do that.

      1. it’s very hard to notice the difference between two very good screens unless you know how to find it.
        performance mode is meant for pro gamers who want the best out of the device’s screen for a period of time

        1. Lol yeah perfomance mode is made to reduce lag and maximize performance with a hit on battery life but not many people use it. The resolution at 1080p is decent and one might want to boost it to max either when they want really good picture or video quality,like you said,gaming and most importantly to get to experience the most advertised feature;) With such a small screen you won’t find the difference really betweem 1080P and 1440p except every now and then when watching videos or others.Also the lower resolution imo is better for perfomance while gaming as when the resolution is lower its less taxing on the hardware and also you get higher fps 😀

        2. Yes, casually seeing, you cant notice the difference at all. 🙂
          Performance mode will take limitations off the processor and will let the cores run at a higher clock speed than they would have in non-performance mode. Everything will be faster and snappier. The battery will be used up faster as a result.

    2. Choosing 720p extends the battery life and also provides better performance.

      1. Yes, that’s the general idea of it and it does. 🙂 Even if the phone is run at WQHD+ mode, it wont make a huge decline in the battery life or performance. Samsung is just being conservative.

    3. Let me put this into perspective. With the WQHD+ mode, which is the full resolution of the screen, the total pixel density would be 4,262,400. The processor will have to handle 4 crores or nearly 42 million pixels. When you bring it down to FHD+ which is slightly more than a 1080p screen, the screen pixel density would be 2,764,800. Which is half and will take a load off the processor. As a consequence, it will improve battery life too.
      When Samsung took the bezels away and made it all screen instead, they increased the screen size without increasing the battery. This was one of the ways they hoped to reduce the load on the battery. I think its a good idea. Human eye can barely differentiate between FHD and WQHD. Only difference would be during texts as they will appear crisper in WQHD. But even if you decide to run it in WQHD+ all the time, it wont be very bad to the battery either. It will hold up. I read this battery stats review by a S8+ user and he consistently got 6-8 hours of screen on time even with the full resolution. S8 will be slightly lower but still should be decent enough

      1. The screen time was 6 hours with brightness at max,max resolution and with intensive usage and after 10% they ran asphalt 8 with the flash on just to see how fast it drains so they can name a winner in the comparison.

        1. That was probably a reviewer or a tester on YouTube or something?
          Those are great. The one I saw was just another phone user. Who had used the phone over a span of ten days and had shared the screenshots of the battery stats. No testing. No reviewing. Just plain normal usage over a week. That is more appropriate don’t you think?

          1. Hmm ..weird ….Yeah the one I mentioned was a youtuber comparing the S8 and S8+ battery life.Could you link me to the user ? Did he mention whether he charged it at 0 or left it to charge around 15-20% ?It should last longer than 6 hours maybe they Youtuber didn’t put on a sim and used Wi-Fi instead and also was the user Indian and have a dual sim setup ?I’m pretty confused now.

          2. He discharged it to 5% or less everytime.
            Not indian. American.
            He was using it with the SIM. Like I said, normal day to day use, not testing. (:
            With WiFi, he once got over 12 hours. Other WiFi days were always over 8 hours.
            Data days were the least with 6 hours minimum. I was impressed. Sure, I’ll try to find the link.

          3. Ah I see .I guess that’s more reliable as the way you mention the details he has listed out the details properly ,I guess that’s more reliable. Btw when you link it don’t give a direct link because disqus by default puts all the link included comments to pending and waits for the moderators to accept 😉

  128. I do not want to disappoint anyone, but, this is not luckily, it is for reason !.
    Please, winner, when you are revealed, do not forget to do what I asked you a few days ago, to write your experiences and the other things, please.

  129. Sorry guys I might not be able to take part in discussions as I used to before due to my being admitted in the hospital the past few days .I’m extremely sorry I’ll try my best and all the best everyone 🙂 ( hope I don’t come off seeking for attention )

  130. Is there a disqus app to respond to comments faster!

    I wish android soul had an app as well……Hope it gets developed pretty soon…

    Busy with last college stuff these days….Just don’t get time to login.

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