Samsung Galaxy S gets the Wifi Direct Certification – Becomes the First Smartphone!

WiFi Direct Samsung Galxy S

Well, Samsung has been often criticized for poor support for its phones — and rightly so since the Galaxy S lineup of devices are still waiting for Froyo — but for a change, the Sammy has emerged a winner in bringing the WiFi-Direct to its very popular Galaxy S android phone. The SGS was spotted on the Certified Devices roster at the WiFi Alliance official website and holds the undisputed crown for the time being until more devices make an easy and determinative jump, soon.

The WiFi Direct is a feature that every WiFi enabled device (or at least Smartphone) can boast of with a minor software update, unless something too bad resides in the hardware. The Wifi-direct, in plain terms, lets users easily connects devices using WiFi as a sole medium.

What remains now from the Samsung is a quick firmware update for all of its devices and it wouldn’t be foolish to expect the update very soon. But still, you can’t be too sure when its Samsung, huh!

So what do you think how much time Sammy is gonna take to take a last step before users get to use this new feature in real life? And does this improves Sammy reputation in your mind regarding software updates, even a little bit?

Via Engadget

Source WiFi Alliance

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Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: