Premium Samsung foldable phone release set for Q4 2017

Report from Hyundai securities yesterday revealed that both LG and Samsung are set to launch foldable phones in year 2017, with Google and Apple following the Korean tech giants in 2018 with release of their own flexible devices.

Today, a source close to Korea Herald told them that Samsung already has the ability to produce the foldable devices on marge scale, but its higher price is what is seen as setback, as they think users won’t think the concept warrants such high price.

The company seems more inclined on market for foldable tablets than phones, where, larger tablets could be folded to shrink the space (okay, width only).

Also read: Galaxy S8 Plus release

In its October conference call too, Samsung maintained the less-optimistic approach for the foldable phones, while also highlighting some issues with the technical components of the flexible devices.

While foldable phones look good to us on paper, only manufacturer knows the technical components requirement, their costs and such stuff. Even with Samsung’s sentiment given above, the company hasn’t declined to produce such phones, as they maintain that next year they could bring the premium foldable smartphone in late next year.

Although, we’re all set to see Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus in action by the March 2017, and that’s where the excitement is more right now, given the Galaxy S8 Specs, and the hype surrounding the notion that Samsung would do everything to give Galaxy S8 its best shot.

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: