Here’s some unsurprising news for you guys. According to a study by ComScore, Android continues be the dominant and most popular mobile OS in the US, accounting for a 52.5% share, followed by iOS at 34.3%.
Also, Samsung continues to be the top manufacturer of smartphones and non-smartphones, accounting for 25% of the market, up 0.4% from the last quarter. With multiple devices in their lineup, including top of the line devices like the Galaxy S3, sales of which were helped by Samsung launching the device on every single carrier, Samsung continues to widen the gap between itself and other Android manufacturers, including LG (which sits at number 2 and is seeing Apple catch up to them at a fast rate).
So there you go. Both Android and Samsung have topped the list again, and continue to gain popularity at a rapid pace. And right now, I see no end in sight to their dominance.