The Samsung Galaxy J7 on Boost and Virgin Mobile share the same hardware, but unfortunately there wasn’t any known root method for both the devices until now.
Thanks to xda user messi2050 who discovered that CF-Auto-Root for Galaxy J7 variant SM-J7008 works for the Boost Mobile and Virgin Mobile’s SM-J700P variant without any flaw.
Rooting your Galaxy J7 with CF-Auto-Root is easier. All you need is a PC and an authentic USB cable to connect the device to PC. After that a direct flash of the CF-Auto-Root file to your device via Odin would root it.
You grab the CF-Auto-Root file for your Galaxy J7 from the download link below and then follow the instructions link for a detailed guide to root Galaxy J7 using CF-Auto-Root.
[icon name=”cloud-download” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Download CF-Auto-Root for Galaxy J7 SM-J700P
[icon name=”hand-o-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] How to Root Samsung Galaxy devices using CF-Auto-Root and Odin
We hope you’re able to successfully root your Galaxy J7 J700P on Boost Mobile and Virgin Mobile.
Happy Androiding!