Rogers LG G5 and Xperia X Performance Nougat release dates revealed

Rogers recently updated their upgrade schedule to reveal that their LG G5 and the Sony Xperia X Performance will be getting the Android 7.0 update soon. There’s no exact date for the LG G5 Nougat update release and just says ‘Coming Soon.’

However, the Sony Xperia X Performance Nougat update is slated for a February 2017 release date. And it includes VoLTE support on Rogers. Sony has already released the Android 7.0 update for X Performance in various regions.

We don’t know when the LG G5 will receive the update, but since several U.S carriers have already released the update, Rogers Canada should release it soon.

Today, the HTC One M9 Nougat update was also released, while the Rogers variant should have the 7.0 upgrade soon too. The unlocked One M9 is currently being upgraded to Android 7.0 in Europe and Asia while HTC mentioned that the carrier locked variants will get the update in early 2017.

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