OnePlus 6 gets Open Beta 4 update that fixes issues with touch, speed dial and call answering

The OnePlus 6 received the Android 9 Pie update a few days ago making it one of the first devices in the market to receive the update. However, the OnePlus 6 was also part of the Android 9 Pie beta program and if you are still on the beta version we’ve got some good news.

OnePlus is now rolling out a new OTA update dubbed Open Beta 4 for all OxygenOS beta users on the OnePlus 6.

If you are running the Open Beta OS on your OnePlus 6 and have not received the OTA update yet, it’s a good idea to check for an update now. If it’s elgibile, you will get the update now. Even if not, just wait out a few days and it shall reach your device automatically.

Oh BTW, you can even download Open Beta 4 update and install it manually using the guide proivded here.


Here are the issues fixed in the Open Beta 4 update for the OnePlus 6.

1. Touch latency issue

Several users devices were plagued with the delayed touch response on their OnePlus 6. This is a major concern as delayed touch response really ruins the experience while using a smartphone.

Luckily the folks over at OnePlus have now fixed the issue with the OxygenOS Open beta 4 OTA update. After installing the update users should no longer experience any kind of touch latency issues on the OnePlus 6.

2. Battery drain issue

Several users were reporting that the battery life had been affected on their devices as the battery consumption while on standby was higher than normal, therefore, the battery life wasn’t up to the mark. OnePlus has addressed the issue with the OTA update now and claims to have Optimized standby power consumption.

This is great news for those on the OxygenOS beta build, as now the battery life would be much better than before especially while the device is on standby.

3. Automatic call answering issue

OnePlus 6 users were reporting that they were experiencing issues while on calls because, if they received a second call while using the answer calls by gesture feature, the second call would automatically be answered.

OnePlus claims to have fixed the issue with the OxygenOS Open beta 4 update now. This fix is much appreciated as automatically answering calls could be annoying for everyone. OnePlus also has claimed to have optimized the speed dialing UI and calling interface in with the new update.

Note: These issues have been fixed only for users running the OxygenOS Beta build, not in the stable update which is available as OxygenOS 9.0. OnePlus may roll out an update to fix issues for the stable build in a couple of days.

Full changelog


  • Fixed touch latency issue
  • Optimized standby power consumption


  • Optimized UI for speed dial and calling interface
  • Fixed issue of accidentally answering the second call while using answer calls by gesture

Community 2.2.0

  • Community notices added as feature
  • New feed for following community members
  • Stickied comments displayed on the app
  • Added more options to share threads
  • General user interface tweaks and bug fixes

What issues have you been facing on the OnePlus 6? Let us know in the comments below.

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Used to be a Windows Phone fan until I got my first Android Phone. Never looked back since. When I'm not writing, I'm gaming. Email: