Official Android 4.1 Jelly Bean coming soon for Galaxy Ace 2 and Galaxy S Advance, skipping Android 4.0 for good

There seems to be good news all around for owners of Samsung’s latest Android devices. With Samsung Sweden outing the tentative date for the Android 4.1 Jelly Bean update for the Galaxy S2, there’s great news for owners of the dual-core Galaxy Ace 2 and the Galaxy S Advance, as apparently those two devices will be directly updated to Jelly Bean without an Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) update in between.

Someone asked Samsung on their Bulgarian Facebook page whether the two devices will be getting an update to Android 4.0 and was told that the 4.0. update will be skipped in favor of Android 4.1. Both device came with Android 2.3 Gingerbread out of the box at a time when Android 4.0 had been out for quite a few months, so buyers of the two smartphones who were eagerly waiting for the update to ICS should be even happier if this turns out to be true.

There has been no public announcement by Samsung regarding the updates to these two devices, so it’s still best to take the news with a pinch of salt. But this does turn out to be true, then Samsung is surely going to get some respect from the naysayers.

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