NFS Hot Pursuit for Free on Galaxy S2 [No APK]

Well, lookie here. Samsung loves you, you Galaxy S2 users — and is throwing away another free premium game to prove that. The game in ques is none other than the Electronic Art’s NFS Hot Pursuit android game, costs $7.42 in market, for free. To download, those of you who are from Italy, Germany and UK, simply open the Samsung Apps application from your apps drawer and download it from there.

Others, well, we’ve got you covered — just follow the guide below, which involves faking the android market to make it think you’re from Italy and then opening Samsung Apps (which thrives on Market’s trust only, it seems, and gets faked automatically) to download the Need For Speed Hot Pursuit for free — a la one-click installation, man!

Btw, your phone needs to be rooted for this little trick to work.

Download NFS Hot Pursuit Game from Samsung Apps

  1. Open you Samsung Apps application. If you don’t have it, then probably you’re using a custom ROM (maybe that’s super cool Android 4.0 ROM) which removed it. So, search and download it. Open it, and update it if it asks so. Search for “Hot Pursuit”. If it’s available, download and smile. Otherwise, jump to step 2.
  2. Download free app from android market called Market Enabler.
  3. Open the app, and click on Save current settings. Nothing visible will happen but that’s that — current settings have been saved.
  4. Click on Settings List tab above and scroll down and long press on [it] TIM (TIM). You’ll get a pop-up with 2 options: fake this provider now and Set for fakeOnBoot. Choose fake this provider now . Done here. Press back key several times and come back to homescreen.
  5. Open the Samsung Apps application again. You’ll soon see Italian language everywhere, meaning your deal with market enabler app went fine.
  6. After you’ve accepted and terms and conditions (again) and are through with Samsung Chat On app pop-up, look there on the main screen — the game, Need For Speed Hot Pursuit is waiting for you to download it. If you can’t find the main screen, just search for the game in the app and get it from there.
  7. Done. Thank Samsung for this! And prepare for massive 590MB of download required for this game.


Posted by
Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email:


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