N910W8VLU1DPE2: Galaxy Note 4 Canada receives Android 6.0 Marshmallow update

The Galaxy Note 4 is receiving the Marshmallow update in Canada today, with all carriers due for a separate build. We’re already seeing the Marshmallow firmware becoming available for Telus, Eastlink and Kodoo Mobile Galaxy Note 4 sets, while other Canadian carriers should receive the same soon. The build no. of Marshmallow update for Canadian Note 4 is N910W8VLU1DPE2.

Samsung and each of the carrier should be pushing the Android 6.0 update to their Note 4 sets by now, and you should be getting the notification in next 2-4 weeks as this is a gradual process.

For those who don’t want to wait though, we’ve the update available for download as firmware, flashable via Odin, so that you can update your Note 4 to Marshmallow right away without waiting for an OTA.

→ Download Galaxy Note 4 Marshmallow update Canada

Follow the link right above to download the Marshmallow update firmware for your Canadian Galaxy Note 4. You will also find a link to guide on how to install the Marshmallow update firmware at the above page. The firmware provided on that page belongs to Telus, but should work fine on all carriers. Though if you want other carrier’s firmware, then you are on your own.

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: kapil@theandroidsoul.com