Motorola Throws a Video to Excite You About its Tablet. Why, Better Watch It.

Motorola Tablet at CES

Motorola’s tablet is coming for sure — we’ve already seen it in the hands of Andy Rubin when the android chief announced the Nexus S and Gingerbread — and it has been given too many names too — Everest, Stingray, MotoPad, etc. We also know that it will feature the next evolution of android OS, called the Honeycomb, as android 2.4 or android 3.0. And on the hardware front, it will come pre-equipped with nVidia’s dual core 1 GHz Tegra 2 processor, to further spice the deal up.

Even if the combination of all these names, Honeycomb and Tegra 2 processor couldn’t excite you, Motorola has pushed a video out which spans the evolution of tablets right from Egyptian hieroglyphics tablet (3200 B.C.) to iPad to Galaxy Tab. It’s definitely worth watching. In the end, it says what you would really expect, a CES unveiling of the Droid maker’s tablet (no name in video either!). Will it or can it become a Nexus Pad/Tab or Droid Pad?

Via Android Central

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: