Looks like Sprint’s update didn’t fix LTE problem on Galaxy S10 and S10 Plus

Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus LTE Sprint issue not fixed

Earlier today, Sprint released an update for Samsung Galaxy S10 and S10+ users that brought the latest April 2019 security patch to the handset.

This same update also included desperately-awaited improvements to LTE performance, something that a ray of hope for many Sprint users of the Samsung’s new S10 sets that have had to deal with poor or no LTE signal at all. Apparently, it seems this fix hasn’t been what they thought it would be.

Some affected users of the S10 handsets who have already downloaded this new update claim otherwise. That nothing has changed since installing the new firmware, which is quite intriguing, to say the least.

“I wasn’t getting any connectivity before. [I] Decided to send a few pics via MMS for a test, they all sent. Some quick, some slow but they all sent. Weird. I will wait [un]til I get home where I was previously roaming,” one Redditor notes. When he arrived home, it turns out all this was just wishful thinking.

Some say the LTE signal is there, just like you can see in the screengrab below, but when they try sending messages and doing other data-related tasks, hell breaks loose.

Sprint Galaxy S10+ LTE issues

“Never mind, LTE lasted about 4mins then back to 3G no signal without Wi-Fi smh. This is bs….” another Redditor adds.

As if in agreement with many others that this issue has to do with Sprint’s firmware, another Redditor by the name delmecca decries that he doesn’t “know what is going on with Sprint but try flashing the unlocked firmware I get a great signal in places I used to get a horrible one but I have an unlocked S10 Plus.”

These complaints go on and on, including a couple other from our readers suggesting that the ASD5 update doesn’t do Galaxy S10+ users any favors. We do hope that Sprint is listening and that an actual fix will be released soon.

Until then, you might want to take delmecca’s advice from above and flash the unlocked firmware to your Sprint variant of the S10+, but do this at your own risk.


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Each one Reach one Teach one. Football Droid. Email: hillary@theandroidsoul.com