LG has unveiled the third tablet under its thin and light weight G Pad series. LG announced the successor of its mid-range tablet LG G Pad III, LG G Pad IV in South Korea. This news comes after a year when LG G Pad III was announced last year in June.
LG G Pad IV like all G Pad tablet features 8-inch screen. It has a ratio of 16:10 display and flaunts Full High Definition Display (FHD).
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LG is touting the tablet as a lightweight gadget that weighs 290 grams only. Further, LG considers the tablet as light as a can of soda.
LG G Pad IV, which features 3,000mAh battery, supports LTE network for fast data speed. In the camera segment, the tablet features 5MP front and 5MP rear camera.
About the price, LG has set the price of LG G Pad IV at 352,000 won ($308). You can purchase it from LG Uplus retail stores.
Source: Koreaherald