Kaspersky CEO bets Android to Gain 80% Market Share, while 10% each for Apple and RIM.

CEO of Kaspersky, Eugene Kaspersky has said that in the coming future, Android will own 80% of smartphone market share while RIM and Apple will split the remaining between them — 10% for each. It is not surprising that Windows Phones are nowhere to be found, blame it on whatever you want to blame to. With the Android fever spreading like a fire in jungle – fast and furious – it’s high time that Windows, Nokia and HP pull their socks up.

All of us, including the die-hard Nokia Fans, seriously want a break (seriously!) from the oh-so-average phones company’s production house keeps churning out time after time. Hope the new alliance between Microsoft and Nokia does not spell the worse for them because sadly both of them are equally stuck in the past. Time will tell whether Nokia only worsened their position by not jumping into the super cool and super speedy Android bandwagon.

This comment by Kaspersky must have ringed a warning bell into their ears. To catch up with Google all the other companies really need to think out of the box. HP is still doing its bit and now its time for this new Nokia and Microsoft alliance to blow our mind. There is still time to put up a fight but then again it has to be something better than android. Beating the best…..very difficult! And when it’s Android and Apple in the market – it’s impossible, well, let’s say almost. What do you say, let us know in comments below.

Via Phandroid

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Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: shivam@theandroidsoul.com