Huawei Mate 10 and Mate 10 Pro were among the first devices to launch with Android 8.0 Oreo out of the box. While the pair was expected to jump to the newer Oreo 8.1 almost immediately the update was made available, it has taken the Chinese OEM up to June 20 to begin rolling out the updated version to the duo.
However, note that the current version being rolled out isn’t a stable update, rather, it’s still in beta and meant for testing purposes. Also, it’s worth noting that this update is meant for those in China and even though a disappointment, it means that the rest of the globe is not far behind.
Related: How to install updates manually on the Mate 10 and other Huawei phones
The new Android 8.1 Oreo update, as expected, is topped by the new EMUI 8.1 skin and besides the minor tweaks here and there, the update also debuts the new GPU Turbo feature on the Mate 10, although it made its debut on the Huawei Honor Play that came out earlier this month.
Although we cannot guarantee, this development means that the final version should be released in a few weeks’ time, probably in July 2018.