[Upcoming] HTC Refining its Sense UI for Android. Bringing Online Backup Options too.

HTC Desire HD ROM n Droid Incredible

We’re hearing that HTC is working hard to improve the its HTC Sense UI software, a utility that comes laid over all of its android OS devices. The company is looking to enhance the user experience by improving the UI itself while also bringing additional features.

Not enough details are available but notable additions could be Quick Boot Mode and the HTCSense.com, where users can backup their contacts, media, texts and data online. The site’s not open for public as of now, so don’t bother visiting it right now.

Those curious to try out the latest ROM which does have some new features (with bugs, mind you!), get the leaked HTC Desire HD ROM for rooted Droid Incredible.

While HTC Sense and other custom UI from the manufacturers have been criticized wildly for decreasing phone’s performance (they eat lot of precious RAM, you know) and many people, including me, vote their minds for stock android firmware and options. Even Google opined earlier that the next version of the android 3.0, the gingerbread — which is scheduled for release sometime next month — the scope of custom ROMs will be reduced to almost NIL.

Surely, HTC’s work is appreciable but we will have to wait to see both the full update from HTC and the Gingerbread in the coming months to determine whether we still need custom UIs on android.

Via Android and Me

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: kapil@theandroidsoul.com