HTC One M8 Android 5.1.1 update release canceled in favor of direct jump to Marshmallow update

HTC earlier confirmed its list of devices set to receive Android 6.0 Marshmallow update, and now it seems that devices which are on Android 5.0 right now, and awaiting 5.1.1, might jump to Android 6.0 directly, skipping Android 5.1.1 update altogether. HTC’s Mo Versi broke the news, btw, as you can see in the pic above too.

One such device is HTC One M8 which was yet to receive Android 5.1.1 update, and won’t now, because HTC has confirmed it’s gonna see Android 6.0 Marshmallow directly.

Whether you like it or not is another question, and something that doesn’t matter. And we’d say, let’s be happy with this, after all, right now, timely HTC One M8 Marshmallow update is more of a deal than 5.1.1 first, and 6.0 way later.

That is, timely. Yeah, right! Let’s hope it helps HTC roll out One M8 Marshmallow update sooner than before.

What do you say?

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: