HTC Holiday – Australia’s First LTE 1.5GHz Dual-Core Phone

HTC Holiday, which is touted as AT&T’s first LTE device and released as HTC Raider 4G in Korea, will be soon launched in Australia too by nation’s largest carrier, Telstra. Pricing and release date are not known but expect it a month or two.

HTC Holiday is one beast of a phone with a very impressive spec-sheet: 1.5 GHz dual-core processor, bigger 4.5 inch qHD display, Latest Android Gingerbread OS, HTC’s custom UI: Sense UI (v3.5 perhaps), 1GB RAM, 16GB storage space, 8 MP (1080p capable)and 1.3 MP cameras, LTW, WiFi, 3G, etc. Don’t expect it to be as thin as Galaxy S2, Droid RAZR, and like, but it’s your best android phone if you want LTE goodness with beastly spec-sheet in Australia.

The HTC holiday was announced by Telstra while unveiling its LTE network and choosing Holiday as the first device to use its newest service.

Presence of LTE and 1.5GHz dual-core processor makes HTC Holiday a device to watch for in Australia — and if you’re looking to buy one at Telstra, hold out till Holiday launches.

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: