How to Make Cellular Data Always Active on Android M

Android M has a nifty new feature to allow cellular data to be always active in the background even when the phone is connected to a WiFi network. This is to not let internet drop even for a second when switching from WiFi to Mobile data. Pretty cool, ain’t it?

We’re not sure though if you should keep it enabled always, because keeping Mobile data always active is going to take away your battery juice. So use this feature only when you strictly need such fast switching connectivity. Let’s see how to enable it on Android M.


  1. Enable Developer Options: Open Settings on your device » select About phone » scroll to the bottom and tap on Build number seven times to enable Developer options.
  2. Now go back to Settings menu and select Developer options which should now be visible above About phone option.
  3. Inside developer options, scroll down a bit and you’ll find Cellular Data Always Active toggle under the Networking heading.
  4. Touch the toggle to enable it and you’ll have a faster network switching from WiFi to mobile data.
Posted by
Shivam Malani

Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email:


  1. Alright so if I enable this feature will wifi still take priority over my data? Like u said i only want this option so I never lose connection when switching from one to the other, I just want to know if keeping this on will user up my data.

  2. Alright so if I enable this feature will wifi still take priority over my data? Like u said i only want this option so I never lose connection when switching from one to the other, I just want to know if keeping this on will user up my data.

  3. Alright so if I enable this feature will wifi still take priority over my data? Like u said i only want this option so I never lose connection when switching from one to the other, I just want to know if keeping this on will user up my data.

  4. Alright so if I enable this feature will wifi still take priority over my data? Like u said i only want this option so I never lose connection when switching from one to the other, I just want to know if keeping this on will user up my data.

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