Grab Some of the Samsung Galaxy S4 Wallpapers, Icons and Contacts Images

It has only been two days since Samsung officially unveiled the Galaxy S4 to much fanfare (as well as disappointment for some for not being a “major” upgrade), and the first few batches of wallpapers and icons from the device have already made their way online.

With the latest iteration of TouchWiz running on the Galaxy S4, Samsung has added several new wallpapers and also made some changes to the icons (though the icons don’t differ that much from the Galaxy S3’s), and the good folks over at the XDA development community have made them available for everyone to download. There are also some default contact images from the Galaxy S4 that one user has replicated using Photoshop, which can be used by custom ROM developers to include in custom ROMs for other devices.


Once the Galaxy S4 officially launches in the market, we should see even more of such goodies and content from the device. For now, hit the links below to download these wallpapers, icons, and contact images, and make your Android device look a bit like the Galaxy S4.

Download: Wallpapers | Icons | Contact Images

Galaxy S4 Wallpaper

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email:


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