Google Music Debuts This Fall. Cheers Android!

google music

Whoa.. we didn’t see it coming so early. Reportedly, CNET has learned that Google is readying its sleeves up to launch its own music store to bring more amusement to its android phone customers. Google’s acquisition of Simplify Media, a music store signaled the move but launch at this fall, was not.

Google got the android marketplace to challenge rival Apple’s appstore but needed an ace in the hole to compete with iTunes which is ruling the music industry for years. Google surely wants no card unturned in competing with Apple as the heat between two top tech companies in the world is reaching scorching levels.

Top officials from Google and Others

The search engine giant will integrate its music store with searches also, to go a step ahead of iTunes while serving as an aid to its core business, too.

If gMusic looks directly in the face of iTunes, the company is focusing hard on User Interface with its Android version 3.0, the Gingerbread, to challenge number one position of iPhone’s iOS.

Via Droid-Life Via CNET

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: