Google changes URL color to Bright Green for non logged-in users and Dark Green for logged-in users on Search result pages

Although this has nothing to do with Android. But we just spotted a minor change in Google search results and thought some of you might find it interesting.

Google seems to have changed URL color for search results. Previously, the URL(s) in search results on Google appeared in a dark-green color. However, starting today the URL color for search results on Google are now Bright Green (HEX: #009930) for non logged-in users and a very Darker green (HEX: #003310) for logged-in users. See the screenshots below:

Google Search result while logged-in — Dark green

Google Search result while not logged-in — Bright green

Google Search URL Bright Green

Are you seeing this change at your end as well?

Posted by
Shivam Malani

Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: