Germany to get Samsung Bixby support in Q4 2017

The intelligent personal assistant from Samsung, Bixby, currently only supports the English and Korean languages. Samsung did announce that support for more languages would be added later on, and now we have a rough idea when that could happen.

As per a new report, the Bixby assistant will support German language in Q4 2017. A customer was given the details by a Samsung representative via the official Samsung website. Now, an exact date isn’t known, but Q4 2017 is not so bad.

Read: Here are all Bixby supported apps

Along with support for German, Bixby could also get support for Chinese and 5 other languages, as promised by Samsung. As of now, Bixby is just starting out, and even though it has few cool features, it isn’t as good as Google’s Assistant or Apple’s Siri.

Read: What Google’s Assistant and Apple’s Siri have to say about Bixby

Samsung is now concentrating on the Galaxy Note 8, which according to reports, would also be announced around Q4 2017. It is possible that Samsung will announce support for new languages during the announcement of Note 8.

via Samsung Germany

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  1. I suppose Bixby launching with only 2 languages seems like a mess up by Samsung. Somehow feels like Samsung couldn’t keep with its own timelines and had to release Bixby while it wasn’t ready to be launched in a full fledged manner.

  2. I suppose Bixby launching with only 2 languages seems like a mess up by Samsung. Somehow feels like Samsung couldn’t keep with its own timelines and had to release Bixby while it wasn’t ready to be launched in a full fledged manner.

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